Rate Monotonic Scheduling

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 Rate monotonic scheduling is a priority algorithm that belongs to the static priority scheduling
category of Real Time Operating Systems.
 It is preemptive in nature.
 The priority is decided according to the cycle time of the processes that are involved.
  If the process has a small job duration, then it has the highest priority. Thus if a process with
highest priority starts execution, it will preempt the other running processes.
 The priority of a process is inversely proportional to the period it will run for.
RMS Schedulability Test
 A set of processes can be scheduled only if they satisfy the following equation :

 Where n is the number of processes in the process set, Ci is the computation time of the
process, Ti is the Time period for the process to run and U is the processor utilization.
The analysis of Rate monotonic scheduling assumes few properties that every process should
possess. They are :
 Processes involved should not share the resources with other processes.
 Deadlines must be similar to the time periods. Deadlines are deterministic.
 Process running with highest priority that needs to run, will preempt all the other processes.
 Priorities must be assigned to all the processes according to the protocol of Rate monotonic
 An example to understand the working of Rate monotonic scheduling algorithm.
Process Execution time Period
P1 1 8
P2 2 5
P3 2 10
 The utilization will be : 1/8+2/5+2/10=0.725
 The sufficient condition for 3 processes, under which we can conclude the system is schedulable is:
 U=3(2^(1/3)-1)= 0.77976 > 0.693 (0.693 is utilization bound for RMS for n = infinity)
 Since 0.77976 > 0.693 … the system may or may not be schedulable.
 It is easy to implement.
 If any static priority assignment algorithm can meet the deadlines then rate monotonic
scheduling can also do the same. It is optimal.
 It consists of calculated copy of the time periods unlike other time-sharing algorithms as Round
robin which neglects the scheduling needs of the processes.
 It is very difficult to support aperiodic and sporadic tasks under RMA.
 RMA is not optimal when tasks period and deadline differ.

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