GUI Lecture4-2

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Lecture 4: ADO.NET Architecture
 ADO.NET is the data access technology, which
allows you to access data residing in various data
 ADO.NET is a part of the .NET Framework.
 ADO.NET technology allows you to connect to
database systems such as Microsoft SQL Server,
Oracle, Microsoft Access.
Data Access Architecture
ADO.NET have two components:
 Data provider are used for providing and

maintaining connection to the database.

 Datasets are extracted and maintained in the

form of table
Data Provider
 Data provider are used for providing and
maintaining connection to the database.
 The .NET Framework provides different data
providers which are listed as follows:
 .NET Framework data provider for SQL

 .NET Framework data provider for OLE DB

 .NET Framework data provider for ODBC

 .NET Framework data provider for Oracle

System.Data Namespace
 The System.Data namespace consists of classes,
interfaces, and enumerations that represent the
ADO.NET architecture.
 These data providers are located in their
namespaces, which are listed as follows:
 System.Data.SqlClient

 System.Data.OracleClient

 System.Data.OleDb

 System.Data.Odbc
Data Access Components
 ADO.Net provides two components to access and
manipulate data:
 .NET Framework data providers

 The DataSet
Data Access Components
 ADO.NET consists of objects that allows you to
establish connections and work with the database. The
objects associated with ADO.NET technology are:
 Command object

 Connection object

 DataAdpater

 DataReader

 DataSet

 DataProvider
 DataSet are used to display and update data. It can
be used for retrieving data from multiple sources.
Connection Object
 The Connection Object allows you to create a
connection between your application and the
 The connection object stores information that is
required to establish the connection.
 In ADO.NET you can establish a connection to
SQL Server and OLE DB data source
 SqlConnextion Class
 OleDbConnection Class
SqlConnection Class
 SqlConnection Class is used to connect to an SQL
Name Description
 TheConnectionString
table lists the Thiscommonly
property retrievesused properties,
the string, which is
used to open a SQL Server database
and events of the SqlConnection Class
This property retrieves the current state of
the connection
Close This method closes the connection to the
CreateCommand This method creates and returns a
SqlCommand object, which is associated
with SqlConnection
Open This method opens a connection to the
StateChange This event occurs when the state of the
connection is changed
SqlConnection Class
The Syntax:

SqlConnection <ConnectionNAme> = new

SqlConnection (<connectionString>);
<connectionString> : Contains the database
connection string.
Command object
 The command object enables you to execute a
specific command against a data source.
 For executing commands on SQL Server the
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlComand . It can be used
to execute SQL statements such as UPDATE,
Command object
 The table lists the commonly used properties and
methods of the SqlCommand class
Name Description
ComandText This property retrieves the commands to be executed at the
data source
Connection This property retrieves the SqlConnection
CommandTimeout This method retrieves the wait time before ending an
attempt to run a command and generating an error
ExcuteNonQuery this method executes SQL statements against the
connection across the data source and retrieves the number
of rows affected.
Command object
 The Syntax:
SqlCommand CommandName = new SqlCommand();
 Example:

SqlCommand sqlComName= new SqlCommand();

SqlComName.Connection = sqlComName;
sqlComName.CommadText = “CREATE TABLE TbleNAme
(CloumnName varchar(50))”;
DataAdapter object
 The DataAdapter object acts as a bridge between a
dataset and a data source. This object updates the
database to match it with the data in dataset.
 It uses the Fill() method to fill the dataset with the
data from data source.
 The update() method is used to insert, update, or
delete data from the data source as specified in the
DataAdapter object Cont
 The code demonstrates how to use the
 SqlDataAdapter sqldaSchool = new
SqlDataAdapter(“SELECT * FROM Stdudent”,
 DataSet dsetSchoolInfo = new DataSet();
 sqldaSchool.Fill(dsetSchoolInfo);
 sqldaSchool.Update(dserSchoolInfo);
DataReader object
 The DataReader object reads a stream of data from
the database it reads one row at a time and moves
forward one record at a time.
DataReader object Cont
 The code demonstrates how to create an object of
the sqlDataReader class:
SqlDataReader sqldatareader = new SqlDataReader

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