Low Frequency Current
Low Frequency Current
Low Frequency Current
Low frequency currents
i. Direct current:
a) Constant direct current:
These are unidirectional flow of electrons towards the
positive pole. The therapeutic use of unidirectional
flow of currents is to introduce medication into the
body tissues called Iontophoresis.
b) Interrupted direct current:
If the continuous unidirectional current is interrupted, it
gives rise to series of pulses or phases of unidirectional
ii. Alternating current:
In alternating current the electrons are constantly
changing the direction. Electrons in the alternating
current always move from negative pole to positive
pole. This is used to reduce edema and relief of pain.
The low-frequency therapy ...
Trapezoidal surging
The impulses increases and decreases
gradually forming trapezoidal shape
Triangular surging:
The impulses increases and decreases
gradually forming triangular shape
Saw Tooth:
The impulses increases gradually but suddenly
Indications of faradic type of current:
2. MF (Fixed mono-phase):
Half-wave rectified alternating current, with a frequency of 50 Hz.
4. LP (Long periods):
It includes 10-sec phase of MF, followed by 5-sec phase of DF, in
which peak intensity is varied with a frequency to rise and then
Patient feel more pieasent sensation than SP.
5. RS (Syncopal Rhythm):
It comprises 1-sec phase of MF, followed by a 1-sec rest phase.
This type of current is used for the elecrtrical stimulus of the
* Superficial metal.