Financial Market Interdependence & Securitization
Financial Market Interdependence & Securitization
Financial Market Interdependence & Securitization
& securitization
Open & competitive world
Factors responsible for advancement of globalization
Expansio Technolo Entry in
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Market interdependence
Market interdependence is when the movement of one market
is affected by the movement of another market.
International ●
How does the tendency towards
allocation of convergence, financially open
If the security available to collalateralize the cash
Security flows is available the security can be realised by SPV
Assets should have either a distributed risk
Distributed risk feature or backing by a credit support
No wide variations in documentation,
Homogeneity product type etc..
No executory ●
Must work even if the originator goes
clauses bankrupt
Independence from ●
Independent of the existence of the
the originator originator
Parties to a securitisation transaction
1. Originator:
An entity making loans to borrowers or having receivables
from customers
2. Special Purpose Vehicle:
The entity which buys assets from Originator and packages
them into security for further sale
a. Bankruptcy remote
b. Separates the risk of assets from the credit risk of the
3. Credit Enhancer:
To reduce the overall credit risk of a security issue by
providing senior subordinate structure, over-
collateralization or a cash collateral.
4. Investors :
The party to whom securities are sold. May be in the form of
individuals/institutional investors like FI’s, MF’s,PF’s, pension
funds , insurance companies etc…
5. Credit Rating Agency:
To provide value addition to security
6. Administrator or servicer:
Collects payment due from the obligor & passes it
to the SPV.
7. Obligors:
Whose debts and collateral constitute the
underlying assets of securitization.
8. Structurer:
They bring together all the parties to a
securitization deal.
Process of Securitization
1. Pass Through Certificates:
• Sale of asset to SPV
• Investors purchase interest in the assets of SPV
• Cash flow (interest and principal) passed through as and
when occurred without any reconfiguration
• Payments made are most often on monthly basis
• Reinvestment risk carried by investor
Instruments of
2. Pay Through Certificates:
• Sale of assets to SPV
• SPV issues a debt security collateralized by asset cash
• Cash flows (interest and principal) reconfigured to suit the
requirements of the investors i.e. based on the maturity
period of the security
• Reinvestment risk carried by SPV
• Each trench is redeemed one at a time
• Payments would be at different time intervals than the
flows from the underlying assets
Types of securities