Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
Higher pair 1 1
2 P12 vM1M2
2 M
2 . Theorem of Three Centers
Theorem of Three Centers——the three instant centers of any three independent
links in general plane motion must lie on a common straight line.
四、 Applications of Instant Centers
Example 3-1 For the four-bar mechanism shown in figure, the angular velocity 2
of driver 2 is given. For the position shown, locate all instant centers for the
mechanism and find the angular velocity 4 of the link 4.
Solution:Number of Instant Centers K = N(N-1)/2 = 6 P13
P12 、 P23 、 P34 、 P14
P13 、 P24 ( Theorem of Three
Centers ) P13 P34 C
1 2 3 2 P23 ω4
P12 ω2
P24 P14
A 1 D
P12 P23
Instant Center P24 v p24 2 AP24 l 4 DP24 l
2 3
vC vP 24 2 l (AP24 ) ω2
P14 ∞
P12 A
1 P34
The direction is
to the left.
Example 3-3 In the cam mechanism shown in Fig., supposing that
the angular velocity 2 of the cam is known, the velocity v3 of the
follower 3 is to be found for the position shown.
Solution: Determine the number and location of instant centers
Three instant centers P12 、 P13 、 P23
3 K
v p 23 v p 2 v p 3 v3 vP23
2 ω
v3 2 lP
P P12
12 23 P23 P13 ∞
The lengths of all the links and the angular velocity 1 of driver 1 are known
. We wish to solve for the linear velocities of points C and E(vc , vE), acceleration
s of points C and E(ac, aE) , and the angular velocities and accelerations of lin
ks 2 and 3 (2 , 3 , 2 and 3)
velocity = translation component + rotation component
1 .Velocity analysis ω2 C
vc = vB + vCB B 3
direction CD AB CB
magnitude ? A D
1lAB ? 4
procedures : m/ s b
1 ) Select a velocity scale ( mm )
2) Select a point p draw pb // vB