Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms

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Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms

§3 - 1 Tasks and Methods of Kinematic Analysis

§3 - 2 Velocity Analysis by the Method of Instant


§3 - 3 Graphical Velocity and Acceleration

§3 - 1 Tasks and Methods of Kinematic Analysis

一、 Tasks of Kinematic Analysis

The tasks of kinematic analysis are to find angular positions

, angular velocities and angular accelerations of driven links and/
or positions, linear velocities and linear accelerations of points on
driven links, according to input parameters of driving link (s) an
d the dimensions of all links.
In order to determine whether or not all links will interfere
with each other, or to determine the stroke of a driven link, or to
find the locus of a point, we must analyze positions of the links an
d/or the points of interest.
二、 Methods of Kinematic Analysis
Methods of Kinematic Analysis : method of instant centres 、

graphical method 、 analytical method.

Kinematic analysis of mechanisms can be carried out by graphic
al or analytical or experimental methods. By geometric drawing, t
he positions of all links in a grade II linkage can be determined ea
sily according to the assembly order of Assur groups, step by step
. In this chapter, we will introduce one of the graphical methods,
named the instant centers method, for velocity analysis. The anal
ytical method has many advantages over graphical methods.
§3 - 2 Velocity Analysis by the Method of Instant Centers
一、 Instant Center
Shown in Fig. are two bodies 1 and 2 having relative B2i(B
vA2A1 B (Bj)1)
planar motion. At any instant there exists a pair of
coincident points, e.g.P1 and P2, the absolute velocities vB2B1

of which are the same, in both magnitude and 2

direction.. i. e. v =V P2. At this instant, there is no 1

relative velocity between this pair of coincident points,

VP1P2= VP2P1=0. Thus, at this instant, either link will have pure rotation relative to
the other link about the point. This pair of coincident points with the same
velocities is defined as the instantaneous center of relative rotation, or more
briefly the instant center, denoted as P 12 or P 21.
二、 Number of Instant Centers of a Mechanism
K = N ( N - 1) / 2
三、 Location of the Instant Center
1 . Two Links Connected by a Kinematic Pair
1 2 P12
Revolute pair 2 1
P12 ∞
P12 ∞
Sliding pair 1
2 2

Higher pair 1 1
2 P12 vM1M2
2 M
2 . Theorem of Three Centers
Theorem of Three Centers——the three instant centers of any three independent
links in general plane motion must lie on a common straight line.
四、 Applications of Instant Centers
Example 3-1 For the four-bar mechanism shown in figure, the angular velocity 2
of driver 2 is given. For the position shown, locate all instant centers for the
mechanism and find the angular velocity 4 of the link 4.
Solution:Number of Instant Centers K = N(N-1)/2 = 6 P13
P12 、 P23 、 P34 、 P14
P13 、 P24 ( Theorem of Three
Centers ) P13 P34 C
1 2 3 2 P23 ω4
P12 ω2
P24 P14
A 1 D
P12 P23
Instant Center P24 v p24  2  AP24  l  4 DP24  l

4  2 AP24 DP24 2 4  AP24 DP24

Example 3- 2 In the slide-crank mechanism shown in Fig., the angu
lar velocity of crank 2 is known. The velocity vc of slider 4 is to be fo
und for the position shown. 。

Solution: Determine the number and location of instant center

instant center P24 vP24 B

2 3
vC  vP 24  2 l (AP24 ) ω2
P14 ∞
P12 A
1 P34
The direction is
to the left.
Example 3-3 In the cam mechanism shown in Fig., supposing that
the angular velocity 2 of the cam is known, the velocity v3 of the
follower 3 is to be found for the position shown.
Solution: Determine the number and location of instant centers
Three instant centers P12 、 P13 、 P23
3 K
v p 23  v p 2  v p 3  v3 vP23
2 ω
v3  2  lP

P P12
12 23 P23 P13 ∞

Advantages and Disadvantages of the 1

Method of Instant Centers:
1 ) To offer an excellent tool in the velocity analysis of simple mechanisms.
2 ) In a complex mechanism, some instant centres may be difficult to find. I
n some cases they will lie off the paper.
3 ) The instant center method can not be used in acceleration analysis.
§3 - 3 Graphical Velocity and Acceleration Analysis

   This chapter presents a few simple principles of rigid body

planar kinematics. These principles are useful in visualizing and
understanding the motions of interconnected rigid bodies.
 Case 1: Two points velocity and acceleration in the same body
 Case 2: Coincidence point velocity and acceleration in two bodies
一、 Two points velocity and acceleration in the same link

The lengths of all the links and the angular velocity 1 of driver 1 are known
. We wish to solve for the linear velocities of points C and E(vc , vE), acceleration
s of points C and E(ac, aE) , and the angular velocities and accelerations of lin
ks 2 and 3 (2 , 3 , 2 and 3)
velocity = translation component + rotation component
1 .Velocity analysis ω2 C
vc = vB + vCB B 3
direction CD AB CB 
magnitude ? A D
 1lAB ? 4
procedures : m/ s b
1 ) Select a velocity scale   ( mm )
2) Select a point p draw pb // vB

3) Draw the directions of vCB and vc p

pbvB bc vCB c
vc = vpc vCB = v bc
2 = vCB/ lBC (clockwise) 3 = vC/ lCD (counter clockwise)
vE = vB + vEB = vC + vEC
direction ? √ BE √ CE
magnitude ? √ ? √
Velocity polygon properties : ω2 C
1 ) The vector from zero velocity p
B 3
oint p (starting point)to point b repr  E
esents the absolute velocity VB. ( p 1
bvB ) 4
2 ) The line from point b to point c r
epresents the velocity difference (rela
tive velocity) VCB. Notice that VCB is re p
presented by the vector from point b c
to point c . ( bc vCB ) .

3) ∵ bce ∽BCE , bce is called the velocity image of BC

E. Once velocities of two points on a link are calculated, the veloci
ty of any other point can be obtained by similar triangles.
2. Acceleration analysis p’
α2 2 ω2
 e’
1 ω3 c’
A D b’
4 c’’’
 
aC  a n
C  a C  aB  a n
CB  a
magnitude ω32 lCD ? ω12 lAB ω22 lBC

Select CD CD
a acceleration
direction BA
scale , draw C BvectorCB
 
a  a  a
 a  a  a
EB  C EC a EC
magnitude  ω22 lBE ?  ω2
lCE ?
direction 
 2 aCB EB
lCB BE  a l EC CE
Acceleration polygon properties : p’
C c’’
α2 2 ω2
 e’
1 ω3 c’
4 c’’’
1 ) The vector from zero acceleration point p’ (starting point) to
point b represents the absolute acceleration ( p ’b’ aB ) .
2 ) The acceleration difference (relative acceleration) between t
wo points, say B and C, is represented by the line point b’ to poin
t c’. (b’c’ aCB )
3 )∵  b’ c’ e’ ∽BCE , b’ c’ e’ is called the acceleration
image of BCE. Once accelerations of two points on a link are
calculated, the acceleration of any other point can be obtained by
二、 Coincidence point velocity and acceleration in two bodies

Given lAC , lBC , 1(counter clockwise) ,

Find 2, 3, 2 , 3. 1 2
instantaneous absolute motion B
= frame of reference motion + relative motion
1 . Velocity analysis ω3
vB2 = vB1 + vB2B1 C
magnitude ?
 1lAB ? p
direction BC AB //AB b2
vB2B1 = vb1b2 vB3 = vB2 = vpb2

2 = 3 = vB2 / lBC (counter clockwise) b1

2 . Acceleration analysis p’
a k
B2B1 ω1
A b2 b2’’
b2’ b1’
α3 ω3 b1
aB 2  aBn 2  aB 2  aB1  aBk 2 B1  aBr 2 B1
magnitude ω22 lBC ? ω12 lAB 2vB2B1 ?
direction B C BC BA AB // AB
aB3 = aB2= ap 'b2'
 3  aB 3 lBC (counter clockwise)

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