Chapter 1 - Cost Management Strategy
Chapter 1 - Cost Management Strategy
Chapter 1 - Cost Management Strategy
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
Menjelaskan berbagai jenis strategi kompetisi.
Management accounting is a profession
that involves partnering in management
decision making, devising planning and
performance management systems, and
providing expertise in financial reporting and
control to assist management in the
formulation and implementation of an
organization’s strategy.
Management accounting adalah suatu
profesi yg melibatkan kemitraan dlm
pengambilan keputusan manajemen,
menyusun perencanaan dan sistem manajemen
kinerja, serta menyediakaan keahlian dalam
pelaporan keuangan dan pengendalian untuk
membantu manajemen dlm memformulasikan
dan mengimplementasikan suatu strategi
Akuntan manajemen adalah profesi akuntansi dan
keuangan yg mengembangkan dan menggunakan
informasi manajemen biaya untuk membantu
mengimplementasikan strategi organisasi.
Cost Management Information
Serves all management functions
Typical Organization Chart
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Cost Management
Financial Reporting
Financial Information Systems
Other Reporting Obligations (e.g., tax)
Cost Management vs.
Financial Reporting
Financial reporting
External users
Emphasis on accuracy and compliance
Cost management
Internal users
Emphasis on usefulness and timeliness, key
characteristics of decision-relevant information
Challenge for controller to reconcile these
potentially conflicting roles
Four Functions of Management
Management Functions
Strategic management
Most important management function
Involves identifying and implementing goals and
action plans to maintain a competitive advantage
Monitoring of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) is
Critical to a firm’s success due to global competition
and rapidly changing markets
Informasi MgtBy dibutuhkan utk membuat keputusan
strategisyg berkaitan dgn pemilihan produk, metode
produksi, tehnik &saluran pemasaran, penilaian
profitabilitas pelanggan dan masalah-2 jk panjang
Management Functions (continued)
Planning and decision-making
Information MgtBy dibutuhkan utk mendukung
keputusan-2 rutin mengenai penggantian peralatan,
pengelolaan arus kas, penganggaran pembelian bahan
baku, penjadwalan produksi dan penetapan harga.
Management and operational control
Information MgtBy dibutuhkan sebg dasar yg wajar dan
efektif utk menemukan operasi yg tidak efisien dan
memberi penghargaan serta motivasi bagi manajer yg
paling effective.
Preparation of financial statements
Information MgtBy dibutuhkan utk mendptkan
catatan akuntansi yg akurat ttg persediaan dan aset
lainnya dgn memenuhi persyaratan pelaporan dlm
rangka menyusun Lap. Keuangan & utk digunakan
dlm 3 fungsi mgt lainnya. 1-13
Types of Organizations
Service Government
Manufacturers Merchandisers
Merchandisers firms
firms Not-for-profit
Wholesalers Retailers
Changes in the Contemporary Business
1. Shift to a global business environment
Economic interdependence and increased
2. Lean Manufacturing
Just-in-time (JIT) inventory methods, inventory
reduction and quality control
Emphasis on speed-to-market (i.e., time-based
Flexible manufacturing systems
Changes in the Contemporary Business
Environment (continued)
3. Importance of information technology
Increased use of the internet has reduced
processing time and facilitated information
4. Focus on the customer
Consumers expect functionality, quality and
Shorter product life-cycles have intensified
Changes in the Contemporary Business
Environment (continued)
5. Shifts in management organization
The focus has shifted from financial measures and
hierarchal command-and-control organizations to
nonfinancial measures and flexible organizational
6. Social, political, and cultural considerations
Changes include a more diverse workforce, a
renewed sense of ethical responsibility, and
increased deregulation of business
The Strategic Focus of Cost Management: Kaplan’s
Phases for Developing Cost Management Systems
Stage One Cost-management systems are basic
transaction reporting systems
Stage Two Cost-management systems focus on
external reporting–decision-usefulness
of cost-management data is limited
Stage Three Cost-management systems track key
operating data and relevant cost
information for decision-making
Stage Four Strategically relevant cost-
management information is an integral
part of the system 1-18
The Strategic Focus of Cost Management: Kaplan’s
Phases for Developing Cost Management Systems
Tahap pertama & kedua memusatkan peran
akuntan manajemen dlm hal pelaporan &
Tahap ketiaga sudah bergeser ke arah
pengendalian operasional
Tahap ke empat, tujuan utama, akuntan
manajemen sebagai bagian integral dari
manajemen, bukan pelapor tap sebagai mitra
bisnis secara penuh, bekerja pd tim manajemen
utk mengimplementasikan strategi perusahaan.
How do the Changes in The Contemporary
Business Environment Affect Cost Management?
The management accountant’s role:
Provide strategically relevant cost management
information to help the organization keep up
with the ever-changing environment p 15
exhibit 1.7
Thirteen Contemporary Management
Techniques developed and employed by the
management accountant
1. The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map
2. The Value Chain
3. Activity Based Costing and Management
4. Business Intelligence
5. Target Costing
6. Life Cycle Costing
7. Benchmarking
8. Business Process Improvement
9. Total Quality Management
10. Lean Accounting
11. The Theory of Constraints
12. Enterprise Sustainability
13. Enterprise Risk Management
Competitive Strategies
Startegi adalah seperangkat tujuan dan rencana
spesifik yg apabila dicapai akan memberikan
keunggulan kompetitif yg diharapkan.
Strategy must have a long-term focus and adapt to
the changing environment (misi -> tujuan kinerja
Cost management information should be used to
develop and monitor strategic information
Cost Leadership—outperform competitors by
producing at the lowest cost, consistent with quality
demanded by the consumer
Differentiation—creating value for the customer
through product innovation, product features,
customer service, etc. that the customer is willing to
pay for
Cost Leadership : menghasilkan laba secara
berkesinanbungan pada tingkat harga yg lebih rendah
sehingga membatasi pertumbuhan kompetisi dlm
industri melalui kesuksesannya dlm mengurangi
harga dan merusak profitabilitas kompetitor.
Contoh perusahaan yg terkenal dlm hal ini : Wal
Mart, Dell, Texas Instruments
Kelemahan potensial dari strategi ini: kecenderungan
memotong biaya yg dpt menurunkan permintaan thd
Differentiation : kadang disebut strategi
kepemimpinan produk yg mengacu pada inovasi dan
fitur dalam produk, atau disebut customer focus /
customer solution utk menunjukkan bahwa
perusahaan telah berhasil pada beberapa dimensi
layanan pelanggan.
Contoh : Rolex, BMW, Bentley, Tiffany
Kelemahan : perlu rencana pemasaran yg terus
menerus dan agresif utk menekankan diferensiasinya.
Competitive Strategies (continued)
Aspect Cost Leadership Differentiation
Strategic Broad cross section Focused cross
Target of the market section of the market
Basis of Lowest cost in the Unique product or
competitive industry service
Product line Limited selection Wide variety
Production Lowest possible cost Innovation in
emphasis and essential differentiating
features products
Marketing Low price Premium price and
emphasis innovative features 1-33
The Five Steps of
Strategic Decision Making
1. Determine the Strategic Issues Surrounding the
2. Identify the Alternative Actions
3. Obtain Information and Conduct Analyses of
the Alternatives
4. Based on Strategy and Analysis, Choose and
Implement the Desired Alternative
5. Provide an On-going Evaluation of the
Effectiveness of implementation in Step 4.
Implementing a Strategy
There are two main competitive strategies:
cost leadership
Saat perusahaan telah menentukan strategi
kompetitif yg akan dilaksanakan, maka
implementasi dari strategi tsb salah satunya
adalah :
SWOT Analysis
Focus on execution
Value-chain analysis
Balanced scorecard (BSC)
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis merupakan prosedur sistematis utk
mengidentifikasi critical success factors (CSFs) yg
dimiliki perusahaan.
Strenght = ketrampilan dan suberdaya yg dimiliki
perusahaan yg jauh melebihi perusahaan lain.
Kompetensi utama (core competencies) merupakan
bidang keunggulan kompetitif yg dpt dijadikan dasar
utk membentuk strategi perusahaan secara
Weaknesses = kekurangan dlm ketrampilan &
kompetensi penting tertentu yg relatif dimiliki
perusahaan kompetitor.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis merupakan prosedur sistematis utk
mengidentifikasi critical success factors (CSFs) yg
dimiliki perusahaan.
Opportunities = situasi menguntungkan yg penting
dlm lingkungan perusahaan.
Threats = situasi yg paling tidak menguntungkan di
lingkungan perusahaan.
SWOT Analysis
Tahap 1 : Identification of critical success factors
(CSFs) tied to strategy—for example:
Product innovation
Skill development
Tahap 2 : Identification of quantitative measures
for the specified CSFs—for example:
Number of design changes or new patents
Number of defects or number of returns
Number of training hours or amount of skill
performance improvement
SWOT Analysis (continued)
The SWOT analysis has four areas:
CSFs yg dipilih tergantung pada strategi yg dipilih:
Cost leadership: operational performance and quality
Differentiation: customer satisfaction and innovation
Differentiated firms must pay close attention to
marketing and product development
Management accountants assist by gathering,
analyzing, and reporting on relevant information
Can be improved through benchmarking and total
quality improvement (e.g., Malcolm Baldrige Quality
Chapter Summary
Cost management information is used in all four
of the management functions and is important in
the pursuit of a firm’s mission and goals