CSE101-Lec#1: Computer Organization
CSE101-Lec#1: Computer Organization
CSE101-Lec#1: Computer Organization
Computer Organization
• Significant savings
• Reproducibility / elimination of human error
• Transference of computer workload from
prime (expensive) daytime to cheaper
overnight off-peak times.
2) IBM OS/2
Program is divided into small parts called Program is divided into number of entities
functions called objects.
In Procedural programming, Data can In OOP, objects can move and
move freely from function to function in communicate with each other through
the system. member functions.
Procedural programming follows Top OOP follows Bottom Up approach
Down approach.
To add new data and function in OOP provides an easy way to add new data
Procedural programming is not so easy. and function.
Procedural programming does not have OOP provides Data Hiding so provides
any proper way for hiding data so it is less more security.
There is no concept of reusability Reusability concept is introduced here
Example of Procedural programming are : Example of OOP are : C++, JAVA, VB.NET,
C, VB, FORTRAN, Pascal. C#.NET.