CSE101-Lec#1: Computer Organization

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Computer Organization

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

In this lecture we will study:
• Computer Organization
• Evolution of Operating Systems
• Machine Languages, Assembly Languages, and
High Level Languages
• Key software and hardware trends
• Procedural and Object Oriented Programming

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

What is a Computer?
• Computer
– Device capable of performing computations and making logical
decisions (hardware)
– Computers process data under the control of sets of
instructions called computer programs (software)
• Hardware
– Various devices comprising a computer, such as central
processing unit (CPU), memory, motherboard and hard disks as
well as peripheral devices (keyboard, screen, mouse CD-ROM)
• Software
– Programs that run on a computer

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

What is a Computer?

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Computer Organization



• Six logical units of Computer

o Input Unit
o Output Unit
o Memory Unit (Primary Memory)
o Arithmetic and
Logic Unit
o Secondary Storage
UnitC Programming
Computer Organization
Input unit
Quick yak:
• “Receiving” f the
Discuss some osection.
examples on in
• Obtains information
like mouth, ea
k for
and asprograms)
more such
mples… devices
Input devices are:
Keyboard, mouse,
microphone, scanner,
networks, etc

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Computer Organization
Output unit
• “Shipping”
Quick yak: section
f the
Discuss some o
• Takes
e xa m ples on output
k e v oc a l c h o rd etc.
li by
o re s
ask for m
• Places
ples… on
output devices.
• Output devices are:
– Screen, printer, speaker, etc.
• Used information to
control other devices.

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Computer Organization
Memory unit
• Rapid access, relatively low capacity
“warehouse” section
• Retains information from input unit
• Immediately available for processing
• Retains processed information
– Until placed on output devices
• Information is Volatile
• Called as memory or primary
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
• “Manufacturing” section
• Performs arithmetic calculations
and logic decisions

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Computer Organization
Central processing unit (CPU)
• “Administrative” section
• Supervises and coordinates
other sections of computer
• Multiprocessors
– Computers having multiple
• Multi-core processors
– Implements multiprocessing
on a single chip

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Computer Organization
Secondary storage unit
Quick yak:
• Long-term, high-capacity
r a ge
Secondary sto
“warehouse” ted
can be illustra
by examples o
• Storage
• Books , data , information …...
– Programs
• Note books
• Secondary storageodevices
• Telephone bo
– Disks,
. CD’s, Flash drives,….
• Information is persistent (Non-
• Longer to access than primary
• Less expensive per unit than
primary memory.

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Operating System
• Operating systems
A collection of programs that manages
resources of a computer, such as
- processors
- memory
- input/output devices
– Perform basic tasks
– Manage transitions between jobs
– Increased throughput
• Amount of work computers process
• Multiprogramming
– Many jobs or tasks sharing a computer’s resources
– “Simultaneous” operation of many jobs.
• Timesharing
– Perform a small portion of one user’s job then moves on to service the next user

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Batch Processing systems
• First computer used batch OS in which computer ran
batches of jobs without stop.
• A 'batch' is the name given to the task of doing the
same job over and over again
• Programs were punched into card that were copied to
tape for processing.
• OS runs the series of jobs sequentially without user
• When computer finished one job it would immediately
start next one on tape.

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Batch Operating Systems
•  Jobs, together with input data, are fed into the
system in a batch.
• The jobs are then run one after another.
• No job can be started until previous job is completed

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

The Advantages of batch based systems: 

• Significant savings
• Reproducibility / elimination of human error
• Transference of computer workload from
prime (expensive) daytime to cheaper
overnight off-peak times.

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

The Disadvantages of batch based systems
1. Lack of interaction between the user and job.
2. Inconvenient for users as users not interacted with machine.
Only professional operator used this for stream.
3. CPU is often idle, because the speeds of the mechanical I/O
devices is slower than CPU.

• Examples of batch operating system are as follows:

1) DOS (Disk operating system)

2) IBM OS/2

3) Windows 1,2,3 95, 98 and ME

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Time sharing Operating Systems
• In 1960’s time shared replaced batch OS.
• It allows many users to share the computer
resources simultaneously.
• Each user is given a time slice to interact with
the CPU.
• The size of the time slice will depend on the
• Each user is served in sequence.

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©LPU CSE101 C Programming

• Advantages of Timesharing operating
• Provide advantage of quick response.
• Reduces CPU idle time.

• Disadvantages of Timesharing operating

• Problem of reliability.
• Question of security and integrity of user programs
and data.
• Problem of data communication.
©LPU CSE101 C Programming
Generations of Operating System
Operating systems have evolved through a
number of distinct phases or generations :
• First Generation
• Second Generation
• Third Generation
• Fourth Generation
• Fifth Generation

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Generation Duration Memory Device Features Example
First 1942-1955 Vacuum Tubes or  used vacuum tubes as electronic circuit Mark-I, UNIVAC,
(No operating Valves  magnetic drum for primary storage ENIAC
system)  punch-card used as secondary storage etc.
 machine level programming used
 operating speed was used in terms of
Second 1955-1964 Transistor  magnet core memory used as internal IBM 701, IMB 1401,
(First operating storage ICL 2950/10
system started)  magnet tapes used as secondary etc.
 little bit faster I/O devices
 high level language used as
 processing speed measured in
 Beginning of batch processing systems
Third 1964-1975 IC(Integrated circuits)  semi-conductor memory used as IBM 360 series,
primary storage UNIVAC 9000
 magnetic discs were used as secondary etc.
 massive use of high level language
 processing speed increased to
nanosecond and even faster
 Concept of multiprogramming
 Increased CPU utilization

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Fourth 1975-1990 VLSI or • massive use of magnetic and optical IBM PC,
Microprocessor storage devices with capacity more Pentium PC,
than 100 GB Apple/Macintosh
• advancement in software and high etc.
level language
• operation speed increased beyond
picoseconds and MIPS (Millions of
Instructions Per Second)

Fifth 1990+ to Bio-Chips • Artificial intelligence will make

current state computer Intelligent and knowledge
of the art
• very high speed, PROLOG
(programming language)
• Concept of virtual machines

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Machine Languages
• Three types of computer languages
1. Machine language
• Only language computer directly understands
• “Natural language” of computer
• Defined by hardware design
– Machine-dependent
• Generally consist of strings of nos.
– Ultimately 0s and 1s
• Cumbersome for human.
• Slow, tedious and error prone

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Assembly Languages
2. Assembly language
• English-like abbreviations representing elementary computer operations
• Clearer to humans
• Program is in alphanumeric symbols
• Incomprehensible to computers
– Translator programs (assemblers).
• Convert to machine language
• Example:
• Usage of computer increases, but user had to use many instructions to
accomplish even a simple task

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

High-level Languages
3. High-level languages
• Similar to everyday English, use common mathematical notations
• Single statements accomplish substantial tasks
– Assembly language requires many instructions to accomplish
simple tasks
• Translator programs (compilers)
– Convert to machine language
• Interpreter programs
– Directly execute high-level language programs
• Example:
c = a+b

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

The Key Software Trend
• Software technology did emerge from structured
programming to object-oriented programming
• Objects
– Reusable software components that model items in the real
– Meaningful software units
• Date objects, time objects, paycheck objects, invoice objects, audio
objects, video objects, file objects, record objects, etc.
– Very reusable
– More understandable, better organized, and easier to
maintain than procedural programming

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Hardware Trends
• Every year or two the following approximately
– Amount of memory in which to execute programs
– Amount of secondary storage (such as disk
• Used to hold programs and data over the longer term
– Processor speeds
• The speeds at which computers execute their programs

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Procedural Programming
• Involves procedures which are sequence of
Quick yak:
• The design method used in procedural some
Discuss aboutprogramming
of the
is called Top Down Design. This is where
L you start
daily routines, break the
with a problem and then systematically ild
students to bu
problem down into sub problems.
• Traditional programming languages were procedural.
–C, Pascal, COBOL , etc

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Problems with Procedural
programming language
• Software maintenance can be difficult
• Time consuming
• When changes are made to the main
procedure, those changes can cascade to sub
procedures of main, and sub-sub procedures
and so on..

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Object-Oriented Programming
• Object-oriented programming is centered on
creating classes and objects rather than
procedures/ functions
• Class is a combination of state (data) and
behavior (methods)
• Data in an object are known as attributes
• Class is a data type and object is an instance of
that data type
• Examples- C++, Java,…

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Principles of OOP
1. Object-oriented programming combines data
and behavior (or method). This is called
2. Data hiding is the ability of an object to hide
data from other objects in the program.
3. Inheritance is the ability to inherit attributes
and behavior from existing classes (base

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Benefits of Object-oriented programming
• Modularity
• Information hiding
• Code re-use
Save development time (and cost) by reusing code
– once an object class is created it can be used in
other applications
• Easy debugging
– classes can be tested independently
– reused objects have already been tested

©LPU CSE101 C Programming

Procedure oriented programming Object oriented programming

It is known as linear programming It is not linear programming

Program is divided into small parts called Program is divided into number of entities
functions called objects.
In Procedural programming, Data can In OOP, objects can move and
move freely from function to function in communicate with each other through
the system. member functions.
Procedural programming follows Top OOP follows Bottom Up approach
Down approach.
To add new data and function in OOP provides an easy way to add new data
Procedural programming is not so easy. and function.
Procedural programming does not have OOP provides Data Hiding so provides
any proper way for hiding data so it is less more security.
There is no concept of reusability Reusability concept is introduced here

Example of Procedural programming are : Example of OOP are : C++, JAVA, VB.NET,
C, VB, FORTRAN, Pascal. C#.NET.

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Next Class: Programming Basics
C Program development
environment & tools

©LPU CSE101 C Programming cse101@lpu.co.in

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