Treaty Based Mechanisms

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Treaty Based Mechanisms

Within the UN Framework, these mechanisms are also called as

‘treaty bodies’.
Treaty Bodies- Independent experts

State party reports Complaints

One of the principal mechanisms by which the treaty bodies monitor

is through a system of state reporting.

State Party
Reporting Under each of the treaties, state parties undertake to submit reports
System to the treaty bodies explaining the progress made and problems
encountered in implementing treaty obligations.

a) Submission of initial and periodic reports by state parties:

i. measures
ii. progress
iii. factors and difficulties
b) Lists of issues
On receipt of states parties initial and periodic reports, the practice of
many (but not all) of the treaty bodies is to prepare a list of issues, which
notifies the state party of the matters of particular interest to the treaty

c) Formal consideration of the state party’s report

The state report is scheduled for examination at a meeting of the
treaty body, and the state party is invited to send representatives
to present the report and answer the treaty body’s questions.

d) Concluding observations or comments

The treaty body then adopts concluding “observations” or
“comments” on the state party’s report. The treaty body makes
recommendations for action by the state party to enable
improved implementation.
 Country rapporteurs
Important In the case of all six treaty bodies, one member of the treaty body
(called the “country rapporteur”) is appointed by the treaty body to
point take a leading role in the evaluation of a particular state party’s
report, the drafting of list of issues and concluding comments. Some
to note of the treaty bodies refuse to disclose which of their members has
been appointed as the country rapporteur.
Complaint Mechanism

At present, most of a treaty body’s time is spent on the review of

state reports. This mechanism have rarely been used or have only
recently come into effect. A complaint mechanism for these
purposes is viewed broadly as any procedure that will address
individual factual circumstances of human rights violations. Viewed
this way, there are at least 20 different types of complaint
mechanisms available in the treaty body system. These
mechanisms include individual petitions, actions against reprisals,
inquiry procedures, urgent actions, and country visits.
 Some human rights instruments allow states parties to initiate a
procedure against another state party which is thought not to be
fulfilling its obligations under the instrument. In most cases, such a
complaint may only be submitted if both the claimant and the
Inter-state defendant state have recognised the competence of the supervisory
body to receive this type of complaint.
Complaint  The possibility to lodge complaints against another state party is
contemplated in, inter alia, Article 41 ICCPR; Article 21 CAT; Article 11
Procedure CERD; Article 33 ECHR; Article 45 ACHR; and Article 54 ACHPR. Within
the framework of the ILO there are two procedures for inter-state
 In reality, however, inter-state complaint mechanisms are rarely used.
Inter-state relationships are delicate and inter-state mechanisms may
not be ideal procedures as states bringing complaints may elicit
 It seems reasonable that individuals, on whose behalf human rights
were stipulated in the first place, should be enabled to initiate
proceedings to protect their rights.
 In order for an individual to bring a case/communication/petition
under a human rights convention, the following requirements have
Individual to be met:

Complaint a) the alleged violating state must have ratified the convention,
b) the rights allegedly violated must be covered by the convention
c) proceedings before the relevant body may only be initiated after
all domestic remedies have been exhausted.
 At the UN level, individual complaint mechanisms are found under
eight conventions: in the First Optional Protocol to the ICCPR,
Article 22 CAT, Article 14 CERD, Article 77 CMW, the Optional
Protocol to CRPD and in Article 31 of the International Convention
for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
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