Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-Ofdm

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 Introduction
 OFDM Block Diagram
 Advantages of OFDM & Issues in OFDM
 Applications of OFDM
 Cyclic Prefix
 PAPR problem
 PAPR Reduction techniques

• Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a digital multi‐
carrier modulation technique extending the concept of single subcarrier 
modulation  by using multiple sub‐carriers over the channel

• Rather than transmit a high‐
rate stream of data with a single carrier, OFDM makes use of a large number of close
ly spaced orthogonal sub‐carriers that are transmitted in parallel

• Each sub‐carrier is modulated with a conventional digital modulation
 scheme (such as QPSK, 16QAM, etc.) at a lower symbol rate   

• The combination of many sub‐
carriers enables data rates similar to conventional single‐
carrier modulation schemes using equivalent bandwidths

OFDM Signal
Difference between FDM & OFDM
OFDM Block Diagram
Modulation using OFDM
Issues with OFDM
Applications of OFDM


• Guard time between adjacent symbols is inserted to eliminate ISI

• No ISI will occurs, if guard time is larger than delay spread

• Guard time is a pure system overhead, contains no information

• CP is inserted in order to preserve orthogonality

• CP provides multipath immunity & synchronization tolerance

• CP increases required transmission bandwidth, hence lowers spectral


• Transmit power associated with CP is a waste

Insertion of Cyclic Prefix
PAPR Problem

• Input symbol stream of the IFFT

should possess a uniform power

• Output of the IFFT may result in a

non-uniform or spiky power

• Transmission energy would be

allocated for a few instead of the
majority subcarriers
PAPR Problem

• The PAPR is the relation between the maximum power of a sample in a

given OFDM transmit symbol divided by the average power of that
OFDM symbol

• In simple terms, PAPR is the ratio of peak power to the average power of
a signal. It is expressed in the units of dB

Mathematically PAPR is given as:

PAPR= Max{|Xi|2}

PAPR Problem

• OFDM signal consists of lot of independent modulated sub carriers,

which are created the problem of PAPR. It is impossible to send this
high peak amplitude signals to the transmitter without reducing peaks. So
we have to reduce high peak amplitude of the signals before transmitting

• Signal scrambling techniques work with side information which minimized

the effective throughput since they commence redundancy. Signal
distortion techniques introduce band interference and system complexity
also. Signal distortion techniques minimize high peak dramatically by
distorting signal before amplification
PAPR Reduction Techniques
Block Coding

• PAPR can be minimized by block coding the data. The block coding techniques
have three stages for the development

• The first stage works with the collection of appropriate sets of code words for
any number of carriers, any M-ary phase modulation method, & any coding rate

• The second stage works with the collection of the sets of code words which
enable proficient implementation of the encoding/decoding

• The third stage offers error deduction and correction potential

• Large PAPR reduction can be achieved if the long information sequence is
separated into different sub blocks, and all sub block encoded with System
on a Programmable Chip (SOPC)
Selective Level Mapping (SLM)

• This method is used for minimization of peak to average transmit

power of multicarrier transmission system with selected mapping

• A complete set of candidate signal is generated signifying the same

information in selected mapping, and then concerning the most
favorable signal is selected as consider to PAPR and transmitted

• In the SLM, the input data structure is multiplied by random series and
resultant series with the lowest PAPR is chosen for transmission
Selective Level Mapping (SLM)

• To allow the receiver to recover the original data to the multiplying

sequence can be sent as ‘side information’

• One of the preliminary probabilistic methods is SLM method for

reducing the PAPR problem

• The good side of selected mapping method is that it doesn’t eliminate

the peaks, and can handle any number of subcarriers

• The drawback of this method is the overhead of side information that

requires to be transmitted to the receiver of the systemin order to
recover information
Partial Transmit Sequences (PTS)

• This method is based on the phase shifting of sub-blocks of data

and multiplication of data structure by random vectors. This method
is flexible and effective for OFDM system

• The main purpose behind this method is that the input data frame is
divided into non-overlapping sub blocks and each sub block is
phase shifted by a constant factor to reduce PAPR

• The main advantage of this scheme is that there is no need to send

any side information to the receiver of the system, when differential
modulation is applied in all sub blocks
Peak Windowing

• Peak windowing reduces PAPRs at the cost of increasing the BER and
out-of-band radiation

• Clipping is a one kind of simple introduces PAPR reduction

technique which is self interference

• The technique of peak windowing offers better PAPR reduction

with better spectral properties

• In peak windowing method we multiply large signal peak with a

specific window, for example; Gaussian shaped window, cosine,
Kaiser and Hamming window
Peak Windowing

• In view of the fact that the OFDM signal is multiplied with several of
these windows, consequential spectrum is a convolution of the
original OFDM spectrum with the spectrum of the applied

• Thus, the window should be as narrow band as possible,

conversely the window should not be too long in the time domain
because various signal samples are affected, which results an increase
in bit error rate (BER)
Peak Reduction Carriers (PRCs)

• Data bearing peak reduction carriers (PRCs) is used to reduce the

effective PAPR in the OFDM system

• This scheme includes the use of a higher order modulation scheme to

represent a lower order modulation symbol. This permits the
amplitude and phase of the PRC to be positioned within the
constellation region symbolizing the data symbol to be transmitted

• When the QAM modulation scheme will be implemented in the

OFDM system, the carrier envelope scaling will result in the serious
BER degradation. To limit the BER degradation, amount of the side
information would be excessive when the no. of subcarriers is large
Clipping and Filtering

• One of the simple and effective PAPR reduction techniques is

clipping, which cancels the signal components that exceed some
unchanging amplitude called clip level

• However, clipping yields distortion power, which called clipping

noise, and expands the transmitted signal spectrum, which causes

• Clipping is nonlinear process and causes in-band noise distortion,

which causes degradation in the performance of bit error rate
(BER) and out-of-band noise, which decreases the spectral efficiency
Clipping and Filtering

• Clipping and filtering technique is effective in removing

components of the expanded spectrum

• Although filtering can decrease the spectrum growth, filtering

after clipping can reduce the out-of-band radiation, but may also
cause some peak re-growth, which the peak signal exceeds in the
clip level

• The technique of iterative clipping and filtering reduces the PAPR

without spectrum expansion

• However, the iterative signal takes long time and it will increase the
computational complexity of an OFDM transmitter

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