Kinship 3

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Kinship: Definition in the Study of Sociology

* Defininition
• Kinship is a "system of social organization based on real or putative family ties," according to
Encyclopaedia Britannica. But in sociology, kinship involves more than family ties, according to
the Sociology Group:
• "Kinship is one of the most important organizing components of society. ... This social institution ties
individuals and groups together and establishes a relationship among them."
• Kinship can involve a relationship between two people unrelated by lineage or marriage, according to
David Murray Schneider, who was a professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago who was well
known in academic circles for his studies of kinship.
• In an article titled "What Is Kinship All About?" published posthumously in 2004 in "Kinship and Family:
An Anthropological Reader," Schneider said that kinship refers to:
• "the degree of sharing likelihood among individuals from different communities. For instance, if two
people have many similarities between them then both of them do have a bond of kinship."
• At its most basic, kinship refers to "the bond (of) marriage and reproduction," says the Sociology Group,
but kinship can also involve any number of groups or individuals based on their social relationships.
Types of kinship
Sociologists and anthropologist debate as what to types of kinship exist. Most social scientists agree that
kinship is based on two broad areas: birth and marriage; others say a third category of kinship involves social
ties. These three types of kinship are:

1. Consanguineal: This kinship is based on blood—or birth: the relationship between parents and children
as well as siblings, says the Sociology Group. This is the most basic and universal type of kinship. Also
known as a primary kinship, it involves people who are directly related.

2. Affinal: This kinship is based on marriage. The relationship between husband and wife is also considered
a basic form of kinship.

3. Social: Schneider argued that not all kinship derives from blood (consanguineal) or marriage (affinal).
There are also social kinships, where individuals not connected by birth or marriage may still have a bond of
kinship, he said. By this definition, two people who live in different communities may share a bond of
kinship through a religious affiliation or a social group, such as the Kiwanis or Rotary service club, or within
a rural or tribal society marked by close ties among its members. A major difference between consanguineal
or affinal and social kinship is that the latter involves "the ability to terminate absolutely the relationship"
without any legal recourse, Schneider stated in his 1984 book, "A Critique of the Study of Kinship ."
Importance of Kinship in Rural Society:

* It is important to study kinship, as it helps in sociological and anthropological theory building. Pierre
Bourdieu, Levi Strauss and Evans Pritchard are some of the theorists, who have constructed various
theories on the basis of kinship relations. However, except a few, no substantial work has been done on

* Kinship relations have been studied by the Indian sociologists or anthropologists. Most of them have
concentrated on village, caste, family and other social institutions in rural areas. Few sociologists and
anthropologists, such as, Irawati Karve, Rivers, and T. N. Madan have made certain notable contributions
to the institution of kinship.
* The importance of kinship in rural/tribal societies can be understand from the following :

a.  Kinship and its Relation to Rural Family, Property and Land:
• The prime property of any rural family is land. So, land is related to all the kin members of the family. The sons,
grandsons and other kins, who are related by blood and marriage, have their economic interests in land. Now-a-
days, women are becoming aware that they are also entitled to get an equal share from the an­cestral property.
• The emancipation movement of women demands that wom­en should not be deprived of the inheritance rights
and should get all equal share of the property. In most of the village studies, property and kinship are discussed
in relation to each other.
• The family members also gain status by the ownership of land. Even politi­cal status is determined by kinship
relations in some cases. In the case of kin relations, related by blood and marriage, many economic and political
con­cessions are given to the members of the kin. However, it does not mean that kinship relations are important
only in rural society as they are also there in urban society too. As the urban community is widespread, there is
hardly any chance for kin members to participate and meet in the social gatherings of the family.

b. Kinship and marriage:

In every society, marriage has certain rules, such as endogamy, exogamy, incest taboos and other restrictions.
These rules are ap­plicable to all the kins of the family. Usually, the rural people are more serious and strict in
observing the rules related to marriage. Exogamy is commonly followed in most of the villages of India. The
members of the villages do not prefer to marry within their own village. However, this rule can vary on the basis
of the severity of rules of marriage.
C.  Kinship and Rituals:
• The role and importance of the kin members lies in the degree of close relationships among them. Their
importance can be seen dur­ing the occasions, such as cradle ceremony, marriage and death. During a
naming ceremony, it is the father’s sister, who has to give a name to the new­born. There are certain rites
and rituals, which have to be performed by moth­er’s brother during the marriages of daughters.
• The daughter’s parents make the payment in cash or kind to the son-in-law’s sister, who occupies an impor­
tant place during a Hindu wedding, especially in South India. It is obligatory on part of the close kin
relatives to offer gifts to the newly wed couples and in the same manner, these close relatives are equally
rewarded from both sides (parents of the couple). During the occasions of death also, it is obligatory for the
kinsmen to observe mourning for about 11 to 14 days (this period varies from region to region).
• Changes in the Kinship Relations in Rural Society:
• Many changes are taking place in all the institutions of the rural society, includ­ing kinship relations. These
changes can be noted as demand for ownership titles by women, rules of marriage are being challenged
and the traditional rules regard­ing divorce are also getting weakened.
• Though some of the aspects of kinship are losing their importance, few others are gaining prominence.
Kinship is playing an important role in the field of politics, especially in rural elections to Panchayati Raj
Institutions. Favoritisms, while distributing jobs, is being observed among the kins­men. Due to the
emergence of such new forces, kinship may acquire new structure and form.

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