Seminar 1 Presentation by Indar Chavan
Seminar 1 Presentation by Indar Chavan
Seminar 1 Presentation by Indar Chavan
Seminar I
“Modernization of Fly Ash in
Building Construction Material”
Mr. Indarkumar Rajkumar chavan.
(Seat No: 11007)
Guided by
Mr. Vinayak kale
Objectives and Scope
Literature Review
Case Study / Actual work
Everyone knows about Tremendous increment in cost of cement,
Natural Sand, And Aggregates to overcome these things, how to use
raw material in building construction material.
Mainly In This Project we use Fly Ash As Raw material.
Fly Ash / Flue Ash / Coal Ash And Also Known as Pulverised Fuel
Ash in UK, or coal combustion residuals , is a coal combustion
product that is composed of the particulates that are driven out of
coal fired boilers together.
Objective And Scope
To Study The Mechanical properties of Fly ash Compare to the
To Determine The Thermal properties of Raw Fly ash.
Sr. Paper Name Author & Objective Limitation &
No Year Motivation
1 Composition and Tadeusz • In Poland Refused leachability of analysed
properties of fly ash Dziok, Aneta Derived Fuel is very metals was lower in
collected from a multifuel Magdziarz Significant, that is used in case of bag filter ash.
fluidized bed boiler co- Power Industry.
firing refuse derived fuel 2021 •By Filtering They
(RDF) and hard coal collected coal, fly ash (It
contain high proportion
of Cu, Pb, Vn)
Sustainability Saurabh N. The relative SIs of clay and fly This methodology can be
assessment of ash bricks, were 0.25 and 0.26,
brick work for
Joglekar used for different
9 respectively. Overall, bricks made locations with diverse
low-cost housing:
of industrial and agro wastes are
A comparison 2018 characteristics without
between waste found more sustainable with the
highest SI for cotton waste bricks being limited by the
based bricks and
burnt clay bricks (0.94). Sensitivity analysis also present conjuncture.
confirmed that brickwork from
waste based bricks is more
sustainable compared to
brickwork made from clay brick
or fly ash brick.
Use of Jaspreet Expansive soils are widespread in We can use raw fly
many parts of the world. Due to
secondary Pooni its low strength, high
ash as a backfill
10 additives in compressibility, and massive
fly ash based 2021 volumetric changes, these soils
soil are a potential origin of damage
to roads, buildings, foundations
stabilization and other geo-infrastructure.
for soft sub Extensive research has been
grades conducted on the utilization of fly
ash to stabilize expansive soils.
This paper describes how the
efficiency of fly ash based soil
stabilization can be improved
using secondary additives.