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Seminar 1 Presentation by Indar Chavan

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Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune.

Department of Civil Engineering

ME Construction & Management

Seminar I
“Modernization of Fly Ash in
Building Construction Material”

Mr. Indarkumar Rajkumar chavan.
(Seat No: 11007)
Guided by
Mr. Vinayak kale
 Introduction
 Objectives and Scope
 Literature Review
 Case Study / Actual work
 Conclusion
 References
 Everyone knows about Tremendous increment in cost of cement,
Natural Sand, And Aggregates to overcome these things, how to use
raw material in building construction material.
 Mainly In This Project we use Fly Ash As Raw material.
 Fly Ash / Flue Ash / Coal Ash And Also Known as Pulverised Fuel
Ash in UK, or coal combustion residuals , is a coal combustion
product that is composed of the particulates that are driven out of
coal fired boilers together.
Objective And Scope
 To Study The Mechanical properties of Fly ash Compare to the
 To Determine The Thermal properties of Raw Fly ash.
Sr. Paper Name Author & Objective Limitation &
No Year Motivation
1 Composition and Tadeusz • In Poland Refused leachability of analysed
properties of fly ash Dziok, Aneta Derived Fuel is very metals was lower in
collected from a multifuel Magdziarz Significant, that is used in case of bag filter ash.
fluidized bed boiler co- Power Industry.
firing refuse derived fuel 2021 •By Filtering They
(RDF) and hard coal collected coal, fly ash (It
contain high proportion
of Cu, Pb, Vn)

2 Flexural behavior of S. Jeeva •For optimization of cost •Comparatively Load is

bamboo based Ferro Chithambara in RCC Str. They used same.
cement slab panels with m ⇑ , Sanjay Bamboo as a R/F And By •The ultimate load has
fly ash Kumar Replacing 15% of been found to be about
2017 Cement By Fly Ash. doubled the first crack
loads. All slabs
exhibited large ductility
before final failure in
An A. Fuzail •Studied the effect of The present experimental
investigation Hash low calcium fly ash and analytical study can
into age- mi ⇑ , (FA) on age-dependent be useful for practicing
3 dependent M. properties of concrete. engineers and designers in
strength, Shari • Gain in strength the design of concrete
elastic q, A. from 28 to 180 days is structures containing low
modulus and Baqi more in fly ash calcium fly ash for
deflection of B. 2021 concrete than the plain sustainable construction
low calcium concrete.
fly ash
concrete for

Possibilities of Dengwu Early structural build- Fly ash can use as

fly ash as Jiao up of fly ash–cement responsive additive in
4 responsive 2021 paste under magnetic magneto-rheology control
additive in field is studied. of cement paste.
magneto- Correlate the magneto-
rheology rheological response to
control of the magnetic properties
cementitious of fly ash.
5 Effect of curing , The hydration, The elevated
temperature on Mingzhong microstructure and ionic curing
hydration, Zhang diffusivity of blended temperature
microstructure and cement at various leads to a lower
ionic diffusivity of 2021 temperatures were capillary
fly ash blended explored. porosity and
cement paste: A The CEMHYD3D model connectivity,
modelling study was modified to simulate less diffusible
hydration and C-S-H and
microstructure of fly ash lower ionic
blended cement. diffusivity at
A lattice Boltzmann model early ages but
was employed to simulate higher ionic
ionic diffusivity in fly ash diffusivity later
blended cement paste. due to the
The microstructure-ionic denser
diffusivity relationship in hydration
fly ash blended cement products in fly
paste was estimated. ash blended
cement paste.
Mechanical Kitipong Investigate mechanical The heat
properties, shrinkage, Ruengsillap properties, shrinkage, and evolution of
6 and heat evolution of anun heat evolution of AAC. concrete was
alkali activated fly Use high-calcium fly ash found to be
ash concrete 2021 as a binder with Na2SiO3 increased with
and NaOH as alkali increasing
activators. NaOH
Present the effect of concentration
Na2SiO3/NaOH ratios and
and NaOH solution. Na2SiO3/NaO
Propose supplementary H ratio.
results of SEM for
evaluating the
7 EFFECT OF Vinayakrishn They make concrete mortar we can say that
THERMAL a D Kunthe of dry cement & aggregate the concrete
PROPERTIES ON then fly ash faded with fly ash
FLY ASH BASED 2018 continuously, they cured the more than 20 %
CONCRETE specimen for 28 says is suitable for
considering the
The Shinhyu An accurate prediction of the . This study shows that an
relationship apparent Dc is reasonable for accurate prediction of the
Kang practical applications.
between the apparent diffusion coefficient is
The resistivity test is rapid that reasonable for practical
8 2021 can give an indication of ion applications
diffusion penetration.
coefficient and The information is used to provide
surface guidance to specify resistivity from
electrical the Dic.
resistivity of Ks can be used as a specification
for resistivity to conservatively
fly ash
estimate the Dic

Sustainability Saurabh N. The relative SIs of clay and fly This methodology can be
assessment of ash bricks, were 0.25 and 0.26,
brick work for
Joglekar used for different
9 respectively. Overall, bricks made locations with diverse
low-cost housing:
of industrial and agro wastes are
A comparison 2018 characteristics without
between waste found more sustainable with the
highest SI for cotton waste bricks being limited by the
based bricks and
burnt clay bricks (0.94). Sensitivity analysis also present conjuncture.
confirmed that brickwork from
waste based bricks is more
sustainable compared to
brickwork made from clay brick
or fly ash brick.
Use of Jaspreet Expansive soils are widespread in We can use raw fly
many parts of the world. Due to
secondary Pooni its low strength, high
ash as a backfill
10 additives in compressibility, and massive
fly ash based 2021 volumetric changes, these soils
soil are a potential origin of damage
to roads, buildings, foundations
stabilization and other geo-infrastructure.
for soft sub Extensive research has been
grades conducted on the utilization of fly
ash to stabilize expansive soils.
This paper describes how the
efficiency of fly ash based soil
stabilization can be improved
using secondary additives.

Hasan in this paper, the impact We can use fly ash

Impact Yıldırım resistance of concrete aggregate 40%
11 resistance of produced with cold-bonded replacement of actual
concrete 2021 fly ash aggregates (FAAs) aggregate
produced with in partial or full
plain and replacement, by volume, of
reinforced crushed limestone coarse
cold-bonded aggregates was
fly ash investigated. (50 mpa
aggregates comp.strength)
Performance of Rajib K. This paper aims to These mixes can be
evaluate the recommended for the
structural Majhi production of structural LWC
12 lightweight performance of s
utilizing high volume of
tructural lightweight
concrete produced industrial waste and preserving
concrete (LWC) cement and natural resources,
by utilizing high 2021 produced by utilizing which, in turn, reduces the
volume of fly ash high volumes of fly ash environmental impacts and
cenosphere and cenosphere (FAC) and minimizes the solid waste
sintered fly ash sintered fly ash disposal problems to achieve
the sustainability in the
aggregate with aggregate (SFA),
concrete production
silica fume obtained from fly ash,
with silica fume

Case study on D.V.SW the effect of strength attained is greater than

replacement of cement OPC which is advantageous
manufacturing of ETHA
13 concrete from ready by fly ash (15%, 20%
and 30%) on the
mix concrete plant 2014
compressive strength to
and cost analysis on provide sound concrete
flyash blended for the purpose of
concerete utilization in various
civil engineering
constructions like
buildings, dams, bridges
From above Research Paper Fly ash it could be major part
in building construction Material, so we can overcome
the cost of Building Constructions.
They all are take different type of experimental test on fly
ash bye replacing some amount of cement from the
concrete and result was approximately good compare to
the cement.
Case study on manufacturing of concrete
from ready mix concrete plant and cost
analysis on fly ash blended concrete.


(International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume

5, Issue 11, November-2014)
 This paper summarizes the results of various physical properties
conducted on the aggregates, cement, fly ash, concrete and the
effect of replacement of cement by fly ash (15%, 20% and 30%) on
the compressive strength to provide sound concrete for the purpose
of utilization in various civil engineering constructions like
buildings, dams, bridges etc. Our study includes the mix designs of
fly ash blended concrete and compressive strength test on concrete
cubes to know the performance of the concrete.
 It is the material of choice where strength, durability,
impermeability, fire resistance and abrasion resistance are required.
 Fly ash for this study is taken from NTPC thermal plant in
Visakhapatnam. (7 day Test For compressive strength )
In this project I had studied different
research paper, there is one common thing
they replaced cement from the
concrete/mortar by 20-40% and mix it
with Fly Ash.
1. Agata Mlonka-Me˛drala* , Tadeusz Dziok, Aneta Magdziarz, Wojciech Nowak,
“Composition and properties of fly ash collected from a multifuel fluidized bed
boiler co-firing refuse derived fuel (RDF) and hard coal” ELSEVIER 2021.
2. S. Jeeva Chithambaram ⇑ , Sanjay Kumar, “Flexural behavior of bamboo based
Ferro cement slab panels with fly ash” ELSEVIER 2017.
3. Fuzail Hashmi ⇑ , M. Shariq, A. Baqi, “An investigation into age-dependent
strength, elastic modulus and deflection of low calcium fly ash concrete for
sustainable construction”, ELSEVIER 2021.
4. Dengwu Jiao, “Possibilities of fly ash as responsive additive in magneto-rheology
control of cementitious materials”, ELSEVIER 2021.
5. Mingzhong Zhang, “Effect of curing temperature on hydration, microstructure
and ionic diffusivity of fly ash blended cement paste: A modelling study”
ELSEVIER , 2021.
6. Kitipong Ruengsillapanun,” Mechanical properties, shrinkage, and heat evolution
of alkali activated fly ash concrete”, ELSEVIER 2021.
7. Vinayakrishna D Kunthe, “Effect of thermal properties on fly ash based
concrete”, IRJET2018.
8. Shinhyu Kang, “The relationship between the apparent diffusion
coefficient and surface electrical resistivity of fly ash concrete”,
9. Saurabh N. Joglekar, “Sustainability assessment of brick work for low-
cost housing: A comparison between waste based bricks and burnt clay
bricks”, ELSEVIER 2018.
10. Jaspreet Pooni, ”Use of secondary additives in fly ash based soil
stabilization for soft sub grades”, ELSEVIER 2021.
11. Hasan Yıldırım, “Impact resistance of concrete produced with plain and
reinforced cold-bonded fly ash aggregates”, ELSEVIER 2021.
12. Rajib K. Majhi, “Performance of structural lightweight concrete
produced by utilizing high volume of fly ash cenosphere and sintered
fly ash aggregate with silica fume”, ELSEVIER 2021.
13. D.V. Sweta, “Case study on manufacturing of concrete from ready mix
concrete plant and cost analysis on flyash blended concerete”, IJSER

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