On Becoming A Transformative Education

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On Becoming a Transformative

▷ Why Transform?

-serves as the basis to develop the government, educational
institutions, organizations, and the people pursuing the goals and
objectives of education.
In childhood, learning is formative (derived from formal sources of authority and
In adulthood, learning is transformative, as adults are more capable of seeing distortions
in their own beliefs, feelings, and attitudes

Transformative education
▷ means the individual’s development as a whole
person-the development in all aspects of human
being, including the physical, moral, creative,
emotional, intellectual, and spiritual , as well as the
expression of their potential.
The aims and goals of transformative education provide an appropriate educational framework
within which to situate the teaching and learning processes enacted. Transformative education
holds that “learning is understood as a process of using a prior interpretation to construe a new or
revised interpretation of the meaning of one’s experience in order to guide future action” (Mezirow,
1996, p. 162).
Traditional Non- Transformative
transformative Education

Goal of Education Develop the intellect Personal and social transformation

View of Learning Transmission Facilitation of learning

Behaviorist Constructivist
View of Knowledge Objective, neutral Contextual, plural, lasting application

View of teacher Source of knowledge Facilitator of learning

Object of teaching and Curriculum and disciplinal Identified problems Lived experiences
Learning content Social condition Disciplinal content is
selected based on experiences,
problems, and social condition

Traditional Non- Transformative
transformative Education
View of Learner Passive and recipient Active and co creator

Pedagogy Content-oriented Learner-centered

Power in the classroom Negotiated authority

classroom Exercised by the teacher/


▷ Learning becomes transformative when
meaning structures are revised or
reframed to include perspectives that
are more inclusive, differentiated, and
permeable in the sense that being open
to alternative viewpoints.


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