What Is "Air Quality"?

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What is “Air Quality”?

The term “Air Quality” can have

many different definitions:
- “A measure of the condition of air relative
to the requirements of one or more biotic
species and or to any human need or

- “A measurement of pollutants in the air.”

- “A description of the healthiness of the air.”

Descriptions of Air Quality can be
both quantitative and qualitative
Remember: All of the various
definitions seek to link and
describe the relationship
between various concentrations
of pollutants in the air with the
health of human beings.
Background Information
What’s Your A.Q.I.Q.? (Air Quality
Intelligence Quotient):
True or False
1. Air pollution is only a problem
in big cities. True False

2. Dirty air is costly to every

Filipino. True False

3. When the air is polluted, you

can always see and smell it.
True False
4. Clean air is the responsibility of
industry alone. True False

5. The only health effect of ozone

pollution is coughing. True

6. Cars contribute a lot to air

pollution problems. True False
7. Air pollution is now under
control and will not be a problem
in the future. True False
1. Air pollution is a problem only in big
cities. False. Everyone is affected by air
pollution. The air we breathe does not
usually stay in the same place, hovering
over us. Oftentimes the air moves. Wind
carries pollution to us from hundreds of
miles away. Also, the pollution that we
produce, no matter how small an amount
it may seem, can be significant when
combined with everyone else’s “small
2. Dirty air is costly to every Filipino. True.
We pay in health problems caused by air
pollution, and the cost of treating people
with those health problems. Also, we pay
hidden costs in the price of things we
buy, for example, the cost of new
technology to reduce air pollution. It is
frequently less expensive to prevent
pollution from occurring in the first place,
rather than cleaning it up after it pollutes
the air.
3. When air is polluted, you can
always see and smell it. False.
Some pollutants are odorless and
colorless (such as ozone). That is
why it is important to find the Air
Quality Index (AQI) in the
newspaper, on your favorite
news station, or on the Internet
(at: www.airnow.gov).
4. Clean air is the responsibility of
industry alone. False. We all have an
important role to play in improving
our air quality. Choices you can
make to improve air quality include
turning off lights, TVs, and computers
when not using them, and walking,
bicycling, or taking a train, bus, or
subway (with adult permission)
instead of driving places in a car,
when possible.
5. The only health effect of
ground-level ozone pollution is
coughing. False. Ozone pollution
can cause people to cough, but it
can also affect our lungs—it can
make it harder to breathe, and
make asthma worse.
6. Cars contribute a lot to air
pollution problems. True. The
automobile industry has made some
improvements in equipment in cars
that helps reduce pollution, and
individual cars and buses release
fewer pollutants into the air today
than before. However, more people
are driving today than ever, and
that adds up to a lot of pollution.
7. Air pollution is now under control
and will not be a problem in the
future. False. Ozone and particle
pollution are still serious problems
in many locations in the world. We
all need to be aware of how our
activities contribute to pollution
and find ways to reduce air
pollution and protect our health
from the effects of air pollution.

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