Discrete Choice Modeling: William Greene Stern School of Business New York University
Discrete Choice Modeling: William Greene Stern School of Business New York University
Discrete Choice Modeling: William Greene Stern School of Business New York University
William Greene
Stern School of Business
New York University
Part 11
LIMB Travel
Within a branch
Identical variances (IIA applies)
Covariance (all same) = variance at higher level
Branches have different variances (scale factors)
Nested logit probabilities: Generalized Extreme Value
NLOGIT ; Lhs=mode
; Rhs=gc,ttme,invt,invc
; Rh2=one,hinc
; Choices=air,train,bus,car
; Tree=Travel[Private(Air,Car),
; Show tree
; Effects: invc(*)
; Describe
; RU1 $ Selects branch normalization
Model Structure
Tree Structure Specified for the Nested Logit Model
Sample proportions are marginal, not conditional.
Choices marked with * are excluded for the IIA test.
Trunk (prop.)|Limb (prop.)|Branch (prop.)|Choice (prop.)|Weight|IIA
Trunk{1} 1.00000|TRAVEL 1.00000|PRIVATE .55714|AIR .27619| 1.000|
| | |CAR .28095| 1.000|
| |PUBLIC .44286|TRAIN .30000| 1.000|
| | |BUS .14286| 1.000|
| Model Specification: Table entry is the attribute that |
| multiplies the indicated parameter. |
| Choice |******| Parameter |
|AIR | 1| GC TTME INVT INVC Constant |
| | 2| HINC none none none none |
|CAR | 1| GC TTME INVT INVC none |
| | 2| none none none none none |
| | 2| none Constant HINC none none |
|BUS | 1| GC TTME INVT INVC none |
| | 2| none none none Constant HINC |
MNL Starting Values
Discrete choice (multinomial logit) model
Dependent variable Choice
Log likelihood function -172.94366
Estimation based on N = 210, K = 10
R2=1-LogL/LogL* Log-L fncn R-sqrd R2Adj
Constants only -283.7588 .3905 .3787
Chi-squared[ 7] = 221.63022
Prob [ chi squared > value ] = .00000
Response data are given as ind. choices
Number of obs.= 210, skipped 0 obs
Variable| Coefficient Standard Error b/St.Er. P[|Z|>z]
GC| .07578*** .01833 4.134 .0000
TTME| -.10289*** .01109 -9.280 .0000
INVT| -.01399*** .00267 -5.240 .0000
INVC| -.08044*** .01995 -4.032 .0001
A_AIR| 4.37035*** 1.05734 4.133 .0000
AIR_HIN1| .00428 .01306 .327 .7434
A_TRAIN| 5.91407*** .68993 8.572 .0000
TRA_HIN3| -.05907*** .01471 -4.016 .0001
A_BUS| 4.46269*** .72333 6.170 .0000
BUS_HIN4| -.02295 .01592 -1.442 .1493
FIML Parameter Estimates
FIML Nested Multinomial Logit Model
Dependent variable MODE
Log likelihood function -166.64835
The model has 2 levels.
Random Utility Form 1:IVparms = LMDAb|l
Number of obs.= 210, skipped 0 obs
Variable| Coefficient Standard Error b/St.Er. P[|Z|>z]
|Attributes in the Utility Functions (beta)
GC| .06579*** .01878 3.504 .0005
TTME| -.07738*** .01217 -6.358 .0000
INVT| -.01335*** .00270 -4.948 .0000
INVC| -.07046*** .02052 -3.433 .0006
A_AIR| 2.49364** 1.01084 2.467 .0136
AIR_HIN1| .00357 .01057 .337 .7358
A_TRAIN| 3.49867*** .80634 4.339 .0000
TRA_HIN3| -.03581*** .01379 -2.597 .0094
A_BUS| 2.30142*** .81284 2.831 .0046
BUS_HIN4| -.01128 .01459 -.773 .4395
|IV parameters, lambda(b|l),gamma(l)
PRIVATE| 2.16095*** .47193 4.579 .0000
PUBLIC| 1.56295*** .34500 4.530 .0000
|Underlying standard deviation = pi/(IVparm*sqr(6)
PRIVATE| .59351*** .12962 4.579 .0000
PUBLIC| .82060*** .18114 4.530 .0000
Estimated Elasticities – Note Decomposition
| Elasticity averaged over observations. |
| Attribute is INVC in choice AIR |
| Decomposition of Effect if Nest Total Effect|
| Trunk Limb Branch Choice Mean St.Dev|
| Branch=PRIVATE |
| * Choice=AIR .000 .000 -2.456 -3.091 -5.547 3.525 |
| Choice=CAR .000 .000 -2.456 2.916 .460 3.178 |
| Branch=PUBLIC |
| Choice=TRAIN .000 .000 3.846 .000 3.846 4.865 |
| Choice=BUS .000 .000 3.846 .000 3.846 4.865 |
| Attribute is INVC in choice CAR |
| Branch=PRIVATE |
| Choice=AIR .000 .000 -.757 .650 -.107 .589 |
| * Choice=CAR .000 .000 -.757 -.830 -1.587 1.292 |
| Branch=PUBLIC |
| Choice=TRAIN .000 .000 .647 .000 .647 .605 |
| Choice=BUS .000 .000 .647 .000 .647 .605 |
| Attribute is INVC in choice TRAIN |
| Branch=PRIVATE |
| Choice=AIR .000 .000 1.340 .000 1.340 1.475 |
| Choice=CAR .000 .000 1.340 .000 1.340 1.475 |
| Branch=PUBLIC |
| * Choice=TRAIN .000 .000 -1.986 -1.490 -3.475 2.539 |
| Choice=BUS .000 .000 -1.986 2.128 .142 1.321 |
| Attribute is INVC in choice BUS |
| Branch=PRIVATE |
| Choice=AIR .000 .000 .547 .000 .547 .871 |
| Choice=CAR .000 .000 .547 .000 .547 .871 |
| Branch=PUBLIC |
| Choice=TRAIN .000 .000 -.841 .888 .047 .678 |
| * Choice=BUS .000 .000 -.841 -1.469 -2.310 1.119 |
| Effects on probabilities of all choices in the model: |
| * indicates direct Elasticity effect of the attribute. |
Testing vs. the MNL
Branch Probability
exp λ j γ'y j +IV(j)
Prob(Branch = j)=
exp λb γ'yb +IV(b)
LIMB Travel
LIMB Travel