Foreign Language Teaching Journal: Evaluation of Vision 1, The New High School English Textbook
Foreign Language Teaching Journal: Evaluation of Vision 1, The New High School English Textbook
Foreign Language Teaching Journal: Evaluation of Vision 1, The New High School English Textbook
Foreign Language Teaching Journal
V o l . 3 4 No . 1 Fa l l 2019 w w w . r o s h L a n g u a g e Ed u c a t i o n Q u a r t e r l y
of Vision 1,
the New High
Teacher and
Foreign Language Teaching Journal
Foreign Languages Open Doors
to New Horizons
Les langues étrangères vous
ouvrent e nouveaux horizon
Fremdsprachen öffnen das
Tor zu neuen Horizonten
The Characteristics of
Reflective Teacher and
Reflective Teaching
Mahboobeh Joze Tajareh
Mojgan Rashtchi
Islamic Azad University NorthTehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Email: هديﮑﭼ
رباوفتم یاهراکهار و اهرازبازا روﻜف ناملعم رد ص اخ راکهار ایهیرظنکیزا هدافتسا ا
مهف یت
دننکیم هدافتسا شزومآ دنور تالکشم لح و سالکطیارشرتهب یا
ایبیطتهبرداقاهنآ تایبرجتیروآعمج ابهجیتنرد هک دنتسه یباختنا هیرظنﺡالصا ق. يزروهشیدنا ربينتبم شزومآ رد دنور رد، و نازومآشناد یاهشنکاو ن املعم
دنجنسیم ار سالکبسانم یاهراکهار ن اتفییاربو دننکهدایپلمع رد ار یشزومآ یاههیرظندیابناملعم يزروهشیدنا ربينتبم شزومآ فده و دراد زکرمت،
دنهد رارقهجوتدروم یزنار ن ازومآشناد ت ایرظن. يزروهشیدنا ربينتبم شزومآ تیمها ربهالقم ن یا
تسا شزومآ عون نیا فلتخم یاههاگدید یفرعم نآ
يزروهشیدنا رب ينتبم سیردت اه ژ ليک، )زروهشیدنا( روﻜف ملعم، يزروهشیدنا رب ينتبم شزومآ، یاههاگدید
یگنهرف- یعامتجا
Teachers use different tools and techniques to gain an understanding of the context in which
the class is held in order to resolve problems through the process of reflection. In reflective
practice, teachers observe their students’ reactions and the results of using a particular
theory or technique in class and gather all their experiences in order to adapt or modify the
theory chosen. In the process of reflection, teachers must relate teaching theory to teaching
practice and observe the students’ responses regarding the findings of an appropriate
theory or a technique. This paper focuses on the importance of reflective teaching and aims
to introduce different perspectives involved in this issue
Key Words: reflective teaching, reflective teacher, reflective practice, sociocultural perspective
Keep themselves up-to-date with relevant issues Use old-fashioned techniques in class
in teaching subjects
Use the same method for all
Modify their methods for a specific
classes Are unimaginative and
class Are effective and creative
Attend many workshops and study more on
related materials Have no interest in participating in
Share information with other teachers workshops Do not share their information
Take responsibility for their own professional development with anyone Are irresponsible
Work as members of a team
Sticking to their own authority in class without taking
part in the group
Foster positive working relationships
Do not pay attention to positive working relationships
Take part in overall curriculum planning
Do not take part in curriculum designing
Have time set in class
Do not manage their time in class
Focus on strengths and weaknesses of
Do not accept individual differences among students
8. I know that in a lesson there are many areas, like content and context that
can make or break a lesson.
9. I always try to look for areas of connectivity between what and how I
teach with my life experiences.
10. Whenever I am faced with a mistake that I have made I try to make
connections and learn from my experience and then use it to move
11. I know I make mistakes but sometimes I feel I cannot do anything about it.
12. As a teacher, I know that the mistakes I
make can have an influence on the lives of my
Awareness of How One Learns 5 4 3 2 1
Concepts and misconceptions
13. When students give me feedback I do not take it much into consideration
because I feel that it is just their opinions anyway. I do not worry about it as long
as I feel I am doing my job.
14. I think that it is important that I take students’ feedback into consideration as
that will help me improve on what I am doing now so that I will perform better in
the future.
26. I know that all feedback is just opinions of others about me. There must be
some truth in what they see, if not they will not make them. I need to weigh the
feedback I get against some of the opinions and assumptions I have about
27. I know I make assumptions about a lot of things and when others give me
their opinions about how I am teaching I must put it into perspective. After all, I
can learn from all the feedback I get.
Understands learning as a lifelong process 5 4 3 2 1
28. I know what I am doing as a teacher and I do not spend much time
reflecting on my practices as a teacher.
29. I know I have my strengths and weaknesses and teaching is a difficult job
to carry out. I need to constantly look at my practices in order to be more
effective with my lessons.
30. I know how I present my classes will influence how my students will behave
towards the subject. Every time I present a class I need to be cognizant that I
need to reflect on how I have taught and made changes the next time if
Influence of Belief about Self and Self-Efficacy 5 4 3 2 1
Developing a personal belief system
31. I believe that I need to take care of my own needs first before I can take
care of other people’s needs.
32. I know that what I believe about myself and others will ultimately control
my behaviour.
33. I am aware of my beliefs and know that these beliefs will influence
my behaviour towards myself and others.