TNHS BL LCOPparts 5 Annex

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Central Luzon – Region III



SY 2021-2022

Principal I


The threat of the pandemic is still here; with different variants coming out,
causing fear amongst all people. But the school will stand out. It will once
again deliver as it is mandated.
The year 2020 has been a learning year for TNHS. This learning will be the school’s
shield against uncertainty. Along with its weapon, the BE-LCOP, TNHS will be able to
execute better actions. It will be able to provide better services and most of all, it will
be able to refine its strategies to address the needs of its constituents. Its focus is to
achieve the following goals: Curriculum development for improved delivery,
instruction and assessment; improving the learning environment to develop learner’s
full potential; teachers and school leaders’ upskilling and reskilling to improve
competencies; and engagement of stakeholders for support and collaboration.

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022

General Objective:
Anchored to its BE-LCOP, Taltal NHS recognizes the significant role of
setting priorities and having a holistic plan in determining the appropriate
learning set-ups and modalities that will best suit our learners. Moreover,
Taltal NHS is dedicated to the attainment of an empowered teaching,
non-teaching personnel, parents, and other stakeholders. Thus, leading
to students’ attainment of the Most Essential Learning Competencies that
is properly implemented, assessed and monitored.

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Situational Analysis

The table below shows the comparative enrolment between SY 202-2021 (actual) and
2021-2022 (projected) with indicative increase (or decrease) in all grade levels

Grade Projected Enrolment for SY 2021-

Enrolment for SY 2020-2021 Increase/Decrease
Level 2022

  Male Female Total Male Female Total  

7 173 184 357 104 133 237 -120

8 180 161 341 188 184 372 31
9 112 153 265 185 162 347 82
10 114 105 219 117 153 270 51
11 55 67 122 69 61 130 8
12 20 55 75 55 67 122 47
TOTAL 654 725 1379 718 760 1478 99

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Situational Analysis
The table below shows the comparative enrolment between SY 202- Presented below is the preferred learning
2021 (actual) and 2021-2022 (projected) and various learning modalities of learners as a result of the
resources available per quarter. school-based survey conducted on August
2-6, 2021.

Number of Reusable SLMs/LASs/ Modality

Number of Projec
Enrolment Available RBI-
Grade Level for SY 2020-
Enrolment of Equipment Grade ted Printed
for SY Available
2021-2022 OTGs
(Radio) level Enroll Modul
First Quarter
Second Third Fourth
ment ar
Quarter Quarter Quarter

78 7 237 237 0
7 357 237 28,282 24,063 26,395 19,387 98,127 8 372 352 20
8 341 372 31,041 22,285 20,047 15,926 89,299 9 347 334 13
10 270 221 49
9 265 347 22,979 17,693 15,531 13,706 69,909
49 11 130 120 10
10 219 270 14,472 13,045 11,819 15,968 55,304
12 122  102 20 
11 122 130 8,829 8,288 7,688 11,072 35,877 43 Total 1478 1366 112
12 75 122 4,926 5,088 3,064 2,366 15,444 28

TOTAL 1379 1478 110,529 90,462 84,544 78,425 363,960 71 340

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Situational Analysis
Table shows the needs of Taltal NHS in
The data below present the number of teachers with laptops, both terms of additional learning resources, for
personal and LSB issued laptops as well as its access to internet. SY 2021-2022.

With Without
Learning Resources
47 Projecte
45 d
Grade Enrolme Digitize
Level nt for SY Available Additional
2021- Printed Printed
27 2022 Modules Modules
24 s

7 237 98,127 0 0

4 6 8 372 89,299 7,509 5547

9 347 69,909 20,206 4114
10 270 55,304 10,687 14913
Personal Laptop LSB issued- laptop Laptop with 11 130 35,877 1,890 2718
internet access 12 122 15,444 10,060 7092
TOTAL 1478 363,960 50, 351 34, 385

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 1: Manage curriculum and instruction in the school to
increase student achievement
Sulong Edukalidad: K to 12 Curriculum Review and Update

Implementation Plan KRA: Instructional Leadership

Strategies: Ensure that the K to 12 curriculum is implemented
and that appropriate instruction and assessment is used.

Strategies / Activities Timeline Budgetary Responsible Personnel Expected Output / Success Indicators / MOVs
Objective 1.1 Facilitate the implementation and contextualization of K to 12 curriculum that enhance teaching and learning under new normal situations.
Mapping/Survey of Learners’ and Teachers’ capacity on Digital Modular Distance August to None School Head, Teachers, Non- Results of mapping/survey
Learning. September 2021 Teaching Staff, School ICT
Coordinator Recommendations
Mapping of connectivity and technology infrastructure of schools August to Sept. None School Head, Finance Staff, Updated inventoryRecommendations
2021 School ICT Coordinator
Closely monitor the Weekly Home Learning Plan and the Individual Learning Year round None School Head, Class Advisers, WHLP, ILMP
Monitoring Plan made by the Subject Teachers and the Advisers. Year Level Coordinator, Subject
Create a systematic parent feed backing method to observe learners and to know Year round None School Head, Class Advisers, Reports on Feed backing
possible problems when studying at home to address the needs. Subject Teachers
Objective 1.2 Perform appropriate instructional supervision in the new normal setting of basic education services to achieve the desired learning outcomes and performance standards.
Observe instruction of teachers using the MELCs aligned to the K to 12 curriculum Year round None School Head, Teachers At least two Classroom Observation done per
Improve and Enhance the procedure in Distribution &Retrieval of modules & answer Year round None School Head, Advisers Procedure in Distribution and Retrieval of
sheets & have a back-up plan in case community lockdown occurs. modules and answer sheets.
Objective 1.3 Ensure alignment of curriculum instruction, resources and promoted varied assessment to measure learners performance.
Identification, selection and adoption of delivery modes offered by the school: Digital August to None School Head, Assistant Principal, Well defined delivery modes, Proposed Class
Modular Distance Learning or Printed Modular Distance Learning. September 2021 School ICT Coordinator, Program,List of Learners (with corresponding
  Teachers, Parents   Proposed Modality per Learner
Provision of flashdrives or OTG September to  65,000 BAC Committee Effective Delivery of Digitized Modular Learning
November 2021
Production of additional Learning Materials (SLMs, GLAKs, Summative Tests, Year round 200,000.00 (25% School Head, Master Teacher, Soft and hard copies of SLMs, GLAKs,
Performance Tasks Evaluation Tools, etc.) estimate of last year Subject Coordinators Summative Tests, Performance Tasks
expense) Evaluation Tools, etc.
Utilization of DepEd Commons and cascaded LRs Year round None School ICT Coordinator, Students Status report on utilization,Uploaded LMs in
assisted by parents TNHS Learning Portal or other online platforms

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 2: Provide a safe, healthy and conducive learning
Sulong Edukalidad: Improving the Learning Environment

Implementation Plan KRA: Learning Environment

Strategies: Secure the school from possible man-made or
natural calamities or disasters.

Strategies / Activities Timeline Budgetary Responsible Personnel Expected Output / Success Indicators / MOVs
Objective 2.1 Applied principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support system to ensure safe and effective learning environment in accordance to the new normal condition.
Psycho-social intervention for schools’ officials, teaching and non-teaching personnel, and Year round None School Head, Guidance Counselor, Intervention Plan and Implementation Report,
learners. Teachers, Nonteaching Staff and School BAC Reports and List of Recipients
BAC, DSWD, DOH, PNP, Parents and
Compliance with minimum health standards by: Year round 90,000 (JHS School Head, Guidance Counselor, Complied with DOHs minimum health standards
& SHS) Teachers, Nonteaching Staff and School
Securing workplace health and safety, Providing infection control / personal protection supplies and BAC, DSWD, DOH, PNP, Parents and  
equipment (e.g., gloves, alcohol-based hand hygiene products, cleaning/ disinfecting materials, learners
etc.),Strict monitoring in enforcing physical distancing
Ensure that all employees get the necessary information they need about the COVID-19 Year round None School Head, School Medical Staff, Well-informed teachers and staff
response and protocols as well as the vaccines. School Health Coordinator
Strengthen school health service delivery: Project LIVE Year round None School Head, School Medical Staff, Complied with DOHs minimum health standards
School Health Coordinator
(Living with Vitality and Enthusiasm)
Objective 2.2 Strengthen effective School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan to mitigate natural and man-made calamity including CoViD 19 Pandemic.
Conduct SDRRM programs and activities to various scenarios Year round None School Heads, SDRRM Coordinator, Implemented School DRRM Action Plan. Well-
Teachers, BFP, Nonteaching Staff informed and DRRM ready school personnel and
Project LIGTAS (Ligtas ang Taong Alerto sa Sakuna and School BAC stakeholders.
Implementation of minimum health standards set by DepEd, IATF and DOH Year round None School Heads, Teachers, Action Plan on implementation of minimum
Nonteaching Staff and School BAC, DOH, health standards,Updated Health Status Report,
  Parents and learners Maintained school against  CoViD19 
Inventory, repair and provision of schools’ hand washing and sanitation facilities, electric August to 25,000.00 School Head, Finance Staff, School Updated inventory & Repaired hand washing,
and water supply Sept. 2021 Health Coordinator sanitation facilities and electrical supplies

Procurement of cleaning, decontamination, handwashing supplies and emergency response Year round 15,000.00 School Head, Finance Staff, School Procured emergency response supplies
supplies Health Coordinator
Continue and improve Project YAKAP (Yakap at Pagmamahal Alay sa Kabataang Apektado ng Year round None School Head, Subject Teachers, Class Accomplishment Reports
Pandemya) Advisers
Objective 2.1 Applied principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support system to ensure safe and effective learning environment in accordance to the new normal condition.
Psycho-social intervention for schools’ officials, teaching and non-teaching personnel, and Year round None School Head, Guidance Counselor, Intervention Plan and Implementation Report
learners. Teachers, Nonteaching Staff and School
BAC, DSWD, DOH, PNP, Parents and BAC Reports and List of Recipients

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 3 : Train teachers to become skilled
Sulong Edukalidad: Teachers Upskilling and Reskilling
Implementation Plan KRA: Human Resource Management
Strategies : Provide avenues where teachers will
learn skills that can help them facilitate the new
normal education
Strategies / Activities Timeline Budgetary Responsible Personnel Expected Output / Success Indicators / MOVs
Objective 3.1. Implement staff evaluation and development system to improve performance of school personnel.
Facilitate formal class observation to evaluate teachers. Year round None School Head, teachers Classroom Observation Tools
Pre and Post conference of Teachers and the School Head
Measure students’ achievement to check teaching effectivity. Year round None School Head, Subject Class records, List of Academic Awardees, Average Grade of each class per subject
  Coordinators, teachers area
Continue and implement existing intervention programs for students Year round 21,020 School Head, Subject Increase in Numeracy and Reading Level of Students.
in need to upskill like: Coordinators of English
Project AN (All Numerates) and Math, English and
Reading Program Math Teachers
Objective 3.2. Select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development and applied legal requirement for personnel management and promotion.
Conduct SLAC or WebiSLAC for updating skills in teaching in the Year round 15, 000 School head, Subject Implementation of the strategies and skills obtained during LAC sessions.
new normal. Teachers, Teachers  Reflections and recommendations from teachers.
Project KAPITT (Kaguruang Pinag-igting ng Talino at Talento)
Objective 3.2 Develop needs-based master plan, training design and resource package for identified priority needs of teachers and non-teaching personnel.
Conduct SLAC or WebiSLAC for updating skills in teaching in the Year round 97,920.00 School head, Subject Implementation of the strategies and skills obtained during LAC sessions.
new normal. Teachers, Teachers  
Project PAGSIKHAY (Pag may SIKap at Husay, asahang Aahon at Reflections and recommendations from teachers.
Provide assessment and evaluation tools for learning Year round None School head, Subject Learning Materials in hard and in softcopies, Summative Tests, Performance Tasks
  Teachers, Teachers with Evaluation Tool
Administer Formative to understand the learning needs of each Year round None School head, Subject Activity Sheets, Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP)
student and to provide remediation activities if necessary. Teachers, Teachers
Provide summative assessments whereby specific educational Year round None School head, Subject Learning Materials in hard and in softcopies, Summative Tests, Performance Tasks
content is reviewed to determine the extent to w/c students reached Teachers, Teachers with Evaluation Tool
the expected learning goals & acquired critical knowledge & skills.  
Continuous implementation of the following programs and projects: Year round GAD-95,650 School head, Subject Report on revisiting Policies and Guidelines on Special Curricular, Special Programs
STE Program, Balik Eskwela, Continuous Improvement Plan Teachers, Teachers and Inclusive Education, LCP highlighting specific strategies and activities for these
SBM, Adopt-a-School Program, Brigada Eskwela, Research& Special Curricular Programs, Special Programs and Inclusive Education (whichever is
GAD applicable),Supervisory Plan and Report & Monitoring and feedback report

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 4: Full support of stakeholders to the school
Sulong Edukalida: Engagement of Stakeholders for

Implementation Plan support and collaboration

KRA: Parent Involvement and Community Partnership
Strategies: Involve the stakeholders in the development
of the school
Strategies / Activities Timeline Budgetary Responsible Personnel Expected Output / Success Indicators /
Requirement MOVs
Objective 4.1 Create campus culture of shared governance by facilitating the physical facilities development of the school that is shared and supported by the school community.
Establish linkages/ August to None School Heads, Assistant Principal, Master Signed MOAs/MOUs or Deed of Donations
partnership to stakeholders to support the school’s basic education September 2021 Teacher and Deed of Acceptance
delivery programs particularly on the various teaching-learning Teachers and Nonteaching Staff, Parents,  
modalities, medical/health concerns and COVID-19/ emergency response Students and Stakeholders  
facilities and supplies  
Project KASANGGA (Katuwang sa Adhikaing Nagsisilbing Gabay sa
Pagpapataas ng Antas ng Edukasyon)
Continue Gulayan sa Paaralan involving teachers and community Year Round   School Head, Teachers, Community volunteers Well-maintained Gulayan sa Paaralan
Objective 4.2 Enhance the principles and practice of shared governance to support the stewardship of students learning outcome.
Reorientation of teachers on the specifics of Digital and Printed Modular September 2021 None Teachers, Parents, Stakeholders, School ICT Information dissemination campaign
Learning Delivery Modality. Coordinator materials
Presentation of SLCP to Barangay Officials and other stakeholders September 2021 None School Head, Non-teaching personnel, Approved SLCP
teachers, ICT Coordinator  
Information dissemination campaign to parents and stakeholders via August to Sept. None Teachers, School ICT Coordinator Information dissemination, flyers
social media and other platforms 2021    
Conduct reorientation to students and parents on on the specifics of September 2021 None School Head, Assistant Principal, Head Oriented learners and parents on the use
Digital and Printed Modular Learning Delivery Modality, digital Teacher, Teachers, School ICT Coordinator, of LMS and other concerns on blended
citizenship, academic honesty, plagiarism and intellectual property parents, learners, stakeholders learning and distance education
Posting of SLCP in the school's website or social media pages September 2021 None School Heads, Teachers, ICT Coordinators, List of Learners with their carefully chosen
  Parents, Learners corresponding modality
Distribution of Learners' Survey Form via Google Forms and other format August 2021 None School Heads, Teachers, ICT Coordinators, Consolidated Learners' Survey Form
of data collection Parents, Learners, other stakeholders  
Information dissemination on teaching-learning modalities and transition August 2021 None School Heads, Assistant Principal, Master Flyers, Website Posts
information Teacher Teachers and Nonteaching Staff,  
Parents, Students and Stakeholders Stakeholders’ feedback
Give recognition to parents especially when child is performing well in Year Round None School Head, Class Advisers Certificates
 Project PAMANA (Pagkilala sa Magulang na Aktibong Nakikiisa

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 5 : Effectively manage the school’s basic operational

Implementation Plan Sulong Edukalidad: Improving Learning Environment

KRA : School Leadership, Management and Operations
Strategies : Apply productive techniques and strategies for
good school management

Strategies / Activities Timeline Budgetary Requirement Responsible Personnel Expected Output / Success
Indicators / MOVs
Objective 5.1 Apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to school budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial
management and technology use.
Revise School’s Operating Budget, Year round None School Head, Finance Staff Updated SOB, APP, APP-CSE of the
Annual Procurement Plan, and Annual   School
Procurement Plan – Common Supplies  
and Equipment of the School to align
financial resources to the needs of the
learners in the “new normal”, like
printing of additional learning
materials, additional health and safety
equipment, materials, and supplies and
provision of ICT resources.
Implement and monitor the policies Year round None School Heads, Assistant School Learning Continuity Plan
and guidelines on the following: Principal, Teachers and (SLCP), Actions Plans, Supervisory
Alternative Work Arrangement Nonteaching Personnel, Plans & Reports, Liquidation
Safe return to work and schools Parents, Students and Reports, Implementation Status
Enrolment Stakeholders Reports
Capacity building    
Fiscal management
Safe and healthy school environment
Teaching-learning delivery modalities
Supervision of learning
Health and nutrition

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 1 : Manage curriculum and instruction in the
school to increase student achievement
Monitoring Plan KRA: Instructional Leadership
Strategies : Ensure that the K to 12 curriculum is
implemented and that appropriate instruction and
assessment is used.

Activities M&E Modality Persons Involved Timeline

Objective 1.1 Facilitate the implementation and contextualization of K to 12 curriculum that enhance teaching and learning under new normal situations.
Mapping/Survey of Learners’ and Teachers’ capacity on Digital Modular Distance Learning. Survey form/online poll/ School Head, Teachers, Non-Teaching August to September 2021
  limited face- to face/virtual Staff, School ICT Coordinator
Mapping of connectivity and technology infrastructure of schools   School Head, Finance Staff, School ICT August to September 2021
Limited face-to face/ virtual Coordinator
Closely monitor the Weekly Home Learning Plan and the Individual Learning Monitoring   School Head, Class Advisers, Year Level Year round
Plan made by the Subject Teachers and the Advisers. Limited face-to face/ virtual Coordinator, Subject Teachers
Create a systematic parent feed backing method to observe learners and to know possible  Limited face-to face/ virtual School Head, Class Advisers, Subject Year round
problems when studying at home to address the needs. Teachers
Objective 1.2 Perform appropriate instructional supervision in the new normal setting of basic education services to achieve the desired learning outcomes and performance standards.
Observe instruction of teachers using the MELCs aligned to the K to 12 curriculum Limited face-to face/ virtual School Head, Teachers Year Round

Improve and enhance the procedure in Distribution and Retrieval of modules and answer Limited face -to face/ virtual School Head, Advisers Year Round
sheets and have a back-up plan in case community lockdown occurs.
Project MODYUL (Maayos at Organisadong Distribusyon, Ugaliin Lagi)
Objective 1.3 Ensure alignment of curriculum instruction, resources and promoted varied assessment to measure learners performance.
Update and Review Of SMEA Limited Face-to Face/ Virtual School Heads/ School BE-LCOP Team Quarterly
Identification, selection and adoption of delivery modes offered by the school: Digital Survey form/google School Head, Assistant Principal, School August to September 2021
Modular Distance Learning or Printed Modular Distance Learning. drive/online poll ICT Coordinator, Teachers, Parents
Production of additional Learning Materials (SLMs, GLAKs, Summative Tests, Performance Limited Face-to Face/ Virtual School Head, Master Teacher, Subject Year round
Tasks Evaluation Tools, etc.) Coordinators
Utilization of DepEd Commons and cascaded LRs Limited Face-to Face/ Virtual School ICT Coordinator, Students Year round
  assisted by parents

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 2: Provide a safe, healthy and conducive learning
Monitoring Plan KRA: Learning Environment
Strategies: Secure the school from possible man-made
or natural calamities or disasters.
Activities M&E Modality Persons Involved Timeline
Objective 2.1 Applied principles of leadership and management to the campus physical plant and support system to ensure safe and effective learning environment in accordance to the new
normal condition.
Psycho-social intervention for schools’ officials, teaching and non-teaching personnel, and Limited face to School Head, Guidance Counselor, Teachers, Year round
learners. face/virtual/Google Nonteaching Staff and School BAC, DSWD,  
  Forms/Drive DOH, PNP, Parents and learners  
Compliance with minimum health standards by: School Head, Guidance Counselor, Teachers, Year Round
 Securing workplace health and safety Onsite/limited face to-face Nonteaching Staff and School BAC, DSWD,  
Providing infection control / personal protection supplies and equipment (e.g., gloves,   DOH, PNP, Parents and learners  
alcohol-based hand hygiene products, cleaning/ disinfecting materials, etc.)      
Strict monitoring in enforcing physical distancing      
Ensure that all employees get the necessary information they need about the COVID-19 Limited Face-to Face/    
response and protocols as well as the vaccines. Virtual School Head, School Medical Staff, School Year round
    Health Coordinator  
Limited Face-to Face/    
Strengthen school health service delivery Virtual School Head, School Medical Staff,  
  School Health Coordinator Year round
Objective 2.2 Strengthen effective School Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan to mitigate natural and man-made calamity including COVID 19 Pandemic.
• Conduct SDRRM programs and activities to various scenarios Limited Face-to Face/ School Heads, SDRRM Coordinator, Year round
• Implementation of minimum health standards set by DepEd, IATF and DOH Virtual Teachers, BFP, Nonteaching Staff and School
• Inventory, repair and provision of schools’ hand washing and sanitation facilities, BAC  
electric and water supply   
• Procurement of cleaning, decontamination, handwashing supplies and emergency  
response supplies  
• Continue and improve Project YAKAP (Yakap at Pagmamahal Alay sa Kabataang  
Apektado ng Pandemya)  

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 3: Train teachers to become skilled
KRA : Human Resource Management
Strategies : Provide avenues where teachers will learn
Monitoring Plan skills that can help them facilitate the new normal

Activities M&E Modality Persons Involved Timeline

Objective 3.1. Implement staff evaluation and development system to improve performance of school personnel.
Facilitate formal class observation to evaluate teachers. Online/ Virtual/ Limited face-to School Head, teachers Year round
Project HUSAY (Husay Sa pagtuturo Angkinin at Yakapin)
Measure students’ achievement to check teaching effectivity. Online/ Virtual /Limited face-to School Head, Subject Year round
  face Coordinators, teachers
Continue and implement existing intervention programs for students in need to upskill like: Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School Head, Subject Year round
Project AN (All Numerates) face Coordinators of English,
Reading Program (Project PAIR) Math and Filipino Teachers
Objective 3.2. Select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development and applied legal requirement for personnel management and promotion.
Conduct SLAC or WebiSLAC for updating skills in teaching in the new normal. Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School head, Subject Year round
  face Teachers, Teachers
Objective 3.3 Develop needs-based master plan, training design and resource package for identified priority needs of teachers and non-teaching personnel.
Conduct SLAC or WebiSLAC for updating skills in teaching in the new normal. Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School head, Subject Year round
  face Teachers, Teachers
Provide assessment and evaluation tools for learning Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School head, Subject Year round
  face Teachers, Teachers
Administer Formative to understand the learning needs of each student and to provide remediation activities if Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School head, Subject Year round
necessary. face Teachers, Teachers
Provide summative assessments whereby specific educational content is reviewed to determine the extent to which Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School head, Subject Year round
students reached the expected learning goals and acquired critical knowledge and skills. face Teachers, Teachers
Continuous implementation of the following programs and projects: Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to School head, Subject Year round
STE Program, Balik Eskwela,DOR, CIP,SBM, Adopt-a-School Program, Brigada Eskwela, Research &GAD face Teachers, Teachers

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 4: Full support of stakeholders to the school
KRA: Parent Involvement and Community
Monitoring Plan Partnership
Strategies: Involve the stakeholders in the
development of the school
Activities M&E Modality Persons Involved Timeline
Objective 4.1 Create campus culture of shared governance by facilitating the physical facilities development of the school that is shared and supported by the school community.
Establish linkages/ partnership to stakeholders to support the school’s basic Limited Face-to-Face /Online/virtual School Heads, Assistant Principal, Master Teacher August to
education delivery programs particularly on the various teaching-learning Teachers and Nonteaching Staff, Parents, Students September 2021
modalities, medical/health concerns & COVID-19/ emergency response and Stakeholders
facilities & supplies  
Continue Gulayan sa Paaralan involving teachers and community volunteers.   School Head, Teachers, Community volunteers Year Round
Limited Face-to-Face
Objective 4.2 Enhance the principles and practice of shared governance to support the stewardship of students learning outcome.
Reorientation of teachers on the specifics of Digital and Printed Modular Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face Teachers, Parents, Stakeholders, School ICT September 2021
Learning Delivery Modality. Coordinator
Presentation of SLCP to Barangay Officials and other stakeholders Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face School Head, Non-teaching personnel, teachers, ICT September 2021
Information dissemination campaign to parents and stakeholders via social Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face Teachers, School ICT Coordinator August to
media and other platforms   September 2021
Project PABATID (Paghahatid ng Balita Tungo sa Impormasyong Detalyado)
Conduct reorientation to students and parents on the specifics of Digital and Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face School Head, Assistant Principal, Head Teacher, September 2021
Printed Modular Learning Delivery Modality, digital citizenship, academic Teachers, School ICT Coordinator, parents, learners,
honesty, plagiarism and intellectual property stakeholders
Posting of SLCP in the school's website or social media pages Online/Virtual School Heads, Teachers, ICT Coordinators, Parents, September 2021
Distribution of Learners' Survey Form via Google Forms and other format of Online/ Virtual/ Survey Form/ poll School Heads, Teachers, ICT Coordinators, Parents, August 2021
data collection Learners, other stakeholders
Information dissemination on teaching-learning modalities and transition Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face School Heads, Assistant Principal, Master Teacher August 2021
information Teachers and Nonteaching Staff, Parents, Students
and Stakeholders
Give recognition to parents especially when child is performing well in school. Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face School Head, Class Advisers Year Round
Reorientation of teachers on the specifics of Digital and Printed Modular Online/ Virtual /Limited face – to face Teachers, Parents, Stakeholders, School ICT September 2021
Learning Delivery Modality. Coordinator

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Goal 5: Effectively manage the school’s basic
operational procedures
Monitoring Plan KRA: School Leadership, Management and Operations
Strategies: Apply productive techniques and strategies
for good school management

Activities M&E Modality Persons Involved Timeline

Objective 5.1 Apply principles of effective leadership and management in relation to school budgeting, personnel, resource utilization, financial management
and technology use.
Revise School’s Operating Budget, Annual Procurement Online/ Virtual /Limited School Head, Finance Staff Year round
Plan, and Annual Procurement Plan – Common Supplies and face – to face  
Equipment of the School to align financial resources to the
needs of the learners in the “new normal”, like printing of
additional learning materials, additional health and safety
equipment, materials, and supplies and provision of ICT
Implement and monitor the policies and guidelines on the Online/ Virtual /Limited School Heads, Assistant Principal,
following: face – to face Teachers and Nonteaching Personnel,
Alternative Work Arrangement Parents, Students and Stakeholders
Safe return to work and schools  
Capacity building
Year round
Fiscal management
Safe and healthy school environment
Teaching-learning delivery modalities
Supervision of learning
Health and nutrition

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022

RM no. 265, s. 2021 Preparation for the Adjustment of the Basic Education Learning
Continuity Operational Plan (BE-LCOP) for SY 2021-2022
SDM No. 190, s. 2021 Orientation of School Heads on the Crafting, Presentation and
Submission of the Adjusted School Basic Education Learning Continuity Operational Plan
BE-LCOP) for SY 2021-2022

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Annexes- Monitoring Tool
Monthly Monitoring of Expected
2021 2022



OBJECTIVES Strategies / Activities Expected Output / Success Indicators / MOVs




Mapping/Survey of Learners’ and Teachers’ capacity on Digital Modular Distance Learning. Results of mapping/survey                      
Mapping of connectivity and technology infrastructure of schools Updated inventory                      
Objective 1.1 Facilitate the implementation and
Closely monitor the Weekly Home Learning Plan and the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan
contextualization of K to 12 curriculum that enhance WHLP, ILMP                      
made by the Subject Teachers and the Advisers.
teaching and learning under new normal situations.
Create a systematic parent feed backing method to observe learners and to know possible
Reports on Feed backing                      
problems when studying at home to address the needs.
Objective 1.2 Perform appropriate instructional Observe instruction of teachers using the MELCs aligned to the K to 12 curriculum At least two Classroom Observation done per teacher.                      
supervision in the new normal setting of basic education Improve and Enhance the procedure in Distribution and Retrieval of modules and answer sheets Procedure in Distribution and Retrieval of modules and
services to achieve the desired learning outcomes and and have a back-up plan in case community lockdown occurs. answer sheets.
performance standards.                      
Well defined delivery modes                      
Identification, selection and adoption of delivery modes offered by the school: Digital Modular
List of Learners (with corresponding Proposed Modality
Distance Learning or Printed Modular Distance Learning.
per Learner                      
Objective 1.3 Ensure alignment of curriculum instruction,
Production of additional Learning Materials (SLMs, GLAKs, Summative Tests, Performance Tasks Soft and hard copies of SLMs, GLAKs, Summative
resources and promoted varied assessment to measure
Evaluation Tools, etc.) Tests, Performance Tasks Evaluation Tools, etc.                      
learners performance.
Status report on utilization                      
Utilization of DepEd Commons and cascaded LRs Uploaded LMs in TNHS Learning Portal or other online
Psycho-social intervention for schools’ officials, teaching and non-teaching personnel, and
Intervention Plan and Implementation Report
Compliance with minimum health standards by:
Objective 2.1 Applied principles of leadership and v Securing workplace health and safety
management to the campus physical plant and support v Providing infection control / personal protection supplies and equipment (e.g., gloves, alcohol- Complied with DOHs minimum health standards
system to ensure safe and effective learning environment based hand hygiene products, cleaning/ disinfecting materials, etc.)
in accordance to the new normal condition. v Strict monitoring in enforcing physical distancing                      
Ensure that all employees get the necessary information they need about the COVID-19 response
Well-informed teachers and staff
and protocols as well as the vaccines.                      
Strengthen school health service delivery Complied with DOHs minimum health standards                      

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022
Annexes- Monitoring Tool
Monthly Monitoring of Expected Results
2021 2022





OBJECTIVES Strategies / Activities Expected Output / Success Indicators / MOVs


Implemented School DRRM Action Plan                      
Conduct SDRRM programs and activities to various scenarios
Well-informed and DRRM ready school personnel and stakeholders.                      
Action Plan on implementation of minimum health standards                      
Objective 2.2 Strengthen effective School Disaster Risk Reduction Implementation of minimum health standards set by DepEd, IATF and DOH Updated Health Status Report                      
Management Plan to mitigate natural and man-made calamity Maintained school against CoViD19 threat.                      
including CoViD 19 Pandemic. Updated inventory,Repaired hand washing, sanitation facilities and
Inventory, repair and provision of schools’ hand washing and sanitation facilities, electric and water supply
electrical supplies                      
Procurement of cleaning, decontamination, handwashing supplies and emergency response supplies Procured emergency response supplies                      
Continue and improve Project YAKAP (Yakap at Pagmamahal Aylay sa Kabataang Apektado ng Pandemya) Accomplishment Reports                      
Classroom Observation Tools                      
Facilitate formal class observation to evaluate teachers.
Pre and Post conference of Teachers and the School Head                      
Class records, List of Academic Awardees, Average Grade of each
Objective 3.1. Implement staff evaluation and development system to Measure students’ achievement to check teaching effectivity.
class per subject area                      
improve performance of school personnel.
Continue and implement existing intervention programs for students in need to upskill like:
·      Project AN (All Numerates) Increase in Numeracy and Reading Level of Students.
·      Reading Program                      
Implementation of the strategies and skills obtained during LAC
Conduct SLAC or WebiSLAC for updating skills in teaching in the new normal. sessions.                      
Reflections and recommendations from teachers.                      
Implementation of the strategies and skills obtained during LAC
Conduct SLAC or WebiSLAC for updating skills in teaching in the new normal. sessions.                      
Reflections and recommendations from teachers.                      
Learning Materials in hard and in softcopies, Summative Tests,
Provide assessment and evaluation tools for learning
Performance Tasks with Evaluation Tool                      
Administer Formative to understand the learning needs of each student and to provide remediation activities if
Activity Sheets, Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP)
Provide summative assessments whereby specific educational content is reviewed to determine the extent to which Learning Materials in hard and in softcopies, Summative Tests,
Objective 3.2. Select and implement appropriate models for students reached the expected learning goals and acquired critical knowledge and skills. Performance Tasks with Evaluation Tool                      
supervision and staff development and applied legal requirement for Report on revisiting Policies and Guidelines on Special Curricular,
Continuous implementation of the following programs and projects:
personnel management and promotion. Special Programs and Inclusive Education                      
LCP highlighting specific strategies and activities for these Special
STE Program Curricular Programs, Special Programs and Inclusive Education
(whichever is applicable)
Balik Eskwela Supervisory Plan and Report
DORP Monitoring and feedback report
Adopt-a-School Program  
Brigada Eskwela  

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching livesResearch

GAD BE-LCOP 2021-2022  
Annexes- Monitoring Tool

Monthly Monitoring of Expected

2021 2022



OBJECTIVES Strategies / Activities Expected Output / Success Indicators / MOVs



Reorientation of teachers on the specifics of Digital and Printed Modular Learning Delivery
Information dissemination campaign materials
Presentation of SLCP to Barangay Officials and other stakeholders Approved SLCP                      
Information dissemination campaign to parents and stakeholders via social media and other
Information dissemination, flyers
Objective 4.2 Enhance the principles and practice of
Conduct reorientation to students and parents on on the specifics of Digital and Printed Modular Oriented learners and parents on the use of LMS and
shared governance to support the stewardship of
Learning Delivery Modality, digital citizenship, academic honesty, plagiarism and intellectual other concerns on blended learning and distance
students learning outcome.
property education                      
List of Learners with their carefully chosen corresponding
Posting of SLCP in the school's website or social media pages
Distribution of Learners' Survey Form via Google Forms and other format of data collection Consolidated Learners' Survey Form                      
Give recognition to parents especially when child is performing well in school. Certificates                      
Implement and monitor the policies and guidelines on the following:
Alternative Work Arrangement
Safe return to work and schools
Capacity building School Learning Continuity Plan (SLCP), Actions Plans,
Fiscal management Supervisory Plans & Reports, Liquidation Reports,
Safe and healthy school environment Implementation Status Reports
Objective 5.1 Apply principles of effective leadership and Teaching-learning delivery modalities
management in relation to school budgeting, personnel, Supervision of learning
resource utilization, financial management and Health and nutrition
technology use.                        

Taltal National High School, Touching hearts, Touching lives BE-LCOP 2021-2022

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