Image Processing & Its Applications
Image Processing & Its Applications
Image Processing & Its Applications
what is an image?
An Image Focusing by a lens. A lens gathers light
expanding from a point source, and force it to return to
apoint at another location. This allows a lens to project an
image onto a surface.
Image processing
an electrical engineering and computer science, image
processing is any form of signal processing for which the
input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the
output of image processing may be either an image or, a
set of characteristics or parameters related to the image.
Most image-processing techniques involve treating the
image as a two-dimensional signal and applying standard
signal-processing techniques to it.
Image processing usually refers to digital image processing,
but optical and analog image processing also are possible.
This article is about general techniques that apply to all of
them. The acquisition of images (producing the input image
in the first place) is referred to as imaging.
Image Compression
Image Enhancement
Image Restoration and
Measurement Extraction.
Image compression
Image Compression involves
reducing the amount of memory
needed to store a digital image.
Image enhancement
Image defects can be
caused by the digitization
process,so those fault can
be corrected by image
Here image features are
enhanced by making
image lighter or darker
That means with a high or
a low contrast.
Image restoration
The purpose of image restoration
is to "compensate for" or "undo"
defects which degrade an
image. Degradation comes in
many forms such as motion blur,
noise, and camera misfocus. In
cases like motion blur, it is
possible to come up with an
very good estimate of the actual
blurring function and "undo" the
blur to restore the original
image. In cases where the
image is corrupted by noise, the
best we may hope to do is to
compensate for the degradation
it caused.
Applications & related fields
Applications of ImageProcessing
•Crime & Finger-Print Analysis
•Remote Sensing
•Aerospace & Defence
•Movies & Entertainment and
IP for Astronomy
•Image processing has benefited the field of astronomy by
partially removing the effect of the blurring of
astronomical images by the earth's atmosphere using
restoration and phase estimation techniques.
•An excellent example of the efficacy of digital image
processing is in the restoring of images obtained from the
Hubble telescope.
•As a stop gap measure, image restoration methods were
applied to the blurred images, removing a majority of the
blurring that was present and making the incoming image
susable until the corrective lenses were inserted in the
optical train of the Hubble telescope.
IP for multimedia applications
In recent years, the motion picture industry has applied
image processing methods in the restoration of old films
and in the use of creating special effects in new movies.
For example, before the movieMughle Azam,
underwent acomplete restoration.During the
restoration process, the spots were removed and thecolor
was read justed, correcting for the yellowing process. This
was a tedious, difficult process, because over 200,000
individual plates that comprised the movie were
restored.•Recent movies have incorporated special
effects that would notbe possible without the use of image
processing. For example,“morphing”of one object into
another is easily accomplished using digital techniques39
Image morphing
Image morphing is a useful visualization technique. It
is often used for educational or entertaining purposes.
Image morphing techniques have been widely used in
creating special effects for television commercials,
music videos such as Michael Jackson's Black or
White, and movies such as Willow and Indiana Jones
and the Last Crusade.
Image morphing is an image processing technique
used to compute a transformation, that is, a
metamorphosis, from one image to another. The
process is called "morph" for short. The idea is to
create a sequence of intermediate images, which
when put together with the original images,
represents the transition from one image to the other.
In a morphing sequence between two faces, the middle
image often looks strikingly life-like, as a real person, but
clearly it is neither the person in the first or in the second
image. See below. The image in the middle is half
influenced by the left and half influenced by the right image.
The morphed pictures in sequence can be shown as a
dynamic process like a movie. The result can be very
interesting. Please see the example below.
Morphing between two images achieves the best results if
the images are roughly of the same shape and colors, e.g.
morphing from a tree to a cat may not result in such a good
transition as when morphing from one face to another. In
this case the middle image might look strange since it got
no equivalence in the real world. (Although, sometimes, this
is just what we are looking for.)
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