Democracy - Introduction

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Democracy – Introduction

By- Dr. Garima Singh

Unit -1
Political Science
Ba.llb, Semester-III
Subject Code – 209
 Democracy - a form of Govt – in which all citizens participate
directly or indirectly in the proposal, development and
creation of laws.
 Abraham Lincoln “that government of the people, by the
people, for the people”.
 Term originate from Greek word “demokratia”- rule of the
people. Coined from demos and kratos- “People” and “
Power” Respectively.
History dates From Ancient Greek Times till today.
 Participation of the people in democracy was different and
universal adult enfranchisement was achieved much later.
 Democracy contrasts with form of govt where power is
 Democracy has become a sacrosanct concept.
 Often a confused concept and considered
positive in use – Every state- liberal, socialist,
dictatorship boast of being Democratic.
 It is diffused and pervasive – wars fought on the
idea of democracy.
 Democracy most popularly accepted as the best
form after 1st WW and decolonisation.
 It has its root in ancient times.
 Since the time of the ancient Greeks, both the
theory and the practice of democracy have
undergone profound changes
 Was popularly accepted in Greek city states- the
best example of direct participation.
 In ancient Greek times- citizenship had negative

 Similarly at the same time, system seen in Rome –

Republic – Public Affair

 Decline of Rome, Rise of Feudalism
 Renaissance – politics redefined, Emergence of

secular vision, education, idea of Individualism.

 17th and 18th C- modern democracy - the American

and French Revolutions and their respective

 Slavery declared Illegal and later abolished.
 the idea of universal suffrage took hold and

gained currency in the UK and spread to the

western countries.
 The process of decolonisation had attracted

the newly independent ones to the idea of

 Widespread calls for Democratisation- Arab

spring (2010) .
Chief Features of Democracy
 Democracy is a government of the people, by the people
and for the people.
 Seelay – “Democracy is a govt in which everyone has a
 People participation is an essential feature.
 Democracy – a high level of Political Participation in the
selection of Public Policy and public official at regular
 It is based on principle of equality.
 Enlightened and intelligent citizenship- essential feature
 Strong and responsible opposition- as important as
ruling party.
 Guarantee of basic rights such as right to
vote, free and fair election, Freedom of
speech and expression
 Constitutional government an essential

attribute of democracy.
 Impartial and independent Judiciary is an

essential attribute.
 Democracy – strong sense of solidarity
 The removal of all disparities based on caste,

colour, religion.
Merits and Demerits
 Importance of Individual Realised.
 Democracy is built on the basis of equality.
 Peaceful change in the government Possible.
 People are vested with sovereign authority in

 Aristotle called democracy as the worst form

of govt – “Perverted Form”

 The rule of ignorant and incompetent people
 More emphasis on quantity – Tyranny of

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