Democracy - Introduction
Democracy - Introduction
Democracy - Introduction
Similarly at the same time, system seen in Rome –
spring (2010) .
Chief Features of Democracy
Democracy is a government of the people, by the people
and for the people.
Seelay – “Democracy is a govt in which everyone has a
People participation is an essential feature.
Democracy – a high level of Political Participation in the
selection of Public Policy and public official at regular
It is based on principle of equality.
Enlightened and intelligent citizenship- essential feature
Strong and responsible opposition- as important as
ruling party.
Guarantee of basic rights such as right to
vote, free and fair election, Freedom of
speech and expression
Constitutional government an essential
attribute of democracy.
Impartial and independent Judiciary is an
essential attribute.
Democracy – strong sense of solidarity
The removal of all disparities based on caste,
colour, religion.
Merits and Demerits
Importance of Individual Realised.
Democracy is built on the basis of equality.
Peaceful change in the government Possible.
People are vested with sovereign authority in
Aristotle called democracy as the worst form
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