BSBMGT616 Develop & Implement Strategic Plans Implement Strategic Plan

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BSBMGT616 Develop

& Implement Strategic

Plans *Implement
Strategic Plan
Objective of Report

To prepare are a report describing the implementation of strategic planning as measured by

achievement of KPI’ S, milestone and overall effectiveness of organisation
Scope of Report

To measure performance of organisation against KPI and Milestones and provide

recommendations and refinements for implementation process
Objectives of the Company

Development of new areas which were not recognized at the time of previous planning.
To be innovative and motivate self-directing teams.
To participate in community.
Develop strategic alliance and partnerships
Overall Progress
the profit margin has increased by 2%

 which shows that the company's strategy of inciting bulk purchase negotiations to reduce
supplier prices has performed well.
Internet and network marketing have also achieved some success.
Compared with the initial target of 10,000 times allocated to the website, the time allocated
per day has been reduced by up to 12,000 times per day.
The goal of waste reduction is to achieve a highperformance goal of more than 30
recommendations and 8 new innovations every year, thereby significantly reducing waste.
Revised Vision and Mission
with changed circumstances affected by local and global factors, our mission and vision need to be
reviewed in order to maintain and evaluate best standard to all our stakeholders, staffs and customer.
After deliberately review by your management team, We are glad to declare our new vision mission
and values as these follow:
Within the next three years, MacVille will become a national brand which is accepted as an integral
part of the hospitality industry and also good corporate citizen who serve community and charity.
The company will provide espresso coffee machines that meet the efficiency, reliability and
sustainability needs of its hospitality clients who, in turn, reward with prosperity, then sharing this
reward to local community and charity.
Organization Values
For our stakeholders, we are committed to provide stewardship and adherence to professional
and moral standards of conduct in all we do.
For our people, we are committed to encouraging self-directed teams, cultivate leadership and
maintain high levels of safety.
For our customers, we are committed to wise environmental practices and offering
meaningful value to them.
For our community and charity, we are committed to identify more closely with the
community it served and also sharing its benefits with charity.
Therefore, from now on, the company will be managed and operated in according to our
vision, mission and values. We hope that you will support us to archive our goals.
Lastly, we appreciate to your kindness which always provided to us.
KPI Actual Vs Targetted
KPI Plan KPI Actual
 To Open 5 new outlets per  Only 198 machines are installed
annum  Melbourne warehouse is still not open.
 To open Melbourne warehouse  Still no service contractors for Northern
 To assign agent and outsource maintenance territory and agents assigned for other
contractor for Northern territory, South states like Western Australia are very
Australia, ACT, Western Australia, expensive
Tasmania.  13.8% wages to turn over ratio
 Wages to turn over ratio12.5%
 1000 clicks per day on website  12000 clicks per day. SEO was very
 100% café using Macville machine to experienced.
 Survey shows only 50% uptake
use our cups design and colour not attractive.
 25 suggestions and 6 new
innovations to be introduced  30 innovations and 8 new innovations
 To reduce energy waste10kw per person introduced.
 12 kw energy consumption per
person dropped

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