Center of Biomedical Engineering Medical Radiation Physics (Phys-2223)
Center of Biomedical Engineering Medical Radiation Physics (Phys-2223)
Center of Biomedical Engineering Medical Radiation Physics (Phys-2223)
By Nardos Hailu
• When traversing matter, photons may penetrate without
interaction, scatter, or get absorbed
• Four major types of interactions
1. Rayleigh scattering
2. Compton scattering
3. Photoelectric absorption
4. Pair production
• Occurs mainly with very low energy x-rays, such as those used in
mammography (15 to 30 keV)
• The electric field of the incident photon’s EMW causes all of the
electrons in the scattering atom to oscillate in phase
• In general, the average scattering angle decreases as the x-ray energy increases
• In medical imaging, detection of the scattered x-ray will have a damaging effect on image
• However, they have a low probability of occurrence in the diagnostic energy range
• The ejected electron will lose its KE via excitation and ionization of atoms in
the surrounding material
• Thus, for higher energy incident photons, the majority of the energy is
transferred to the scattered electron
Compton Scattering
• Scattering angle and energy transfer are limited by the law of conservation of
energy and momentum
E.g. At 180° photon scatter (backscatter), maximal energy transfer to the Compton
electron (and thus, the maximum reduction in incident photon energy) occurs
• But, usually the energy of the ejected electron is absorbed near the
scattering site
Factors Affecting Probability of Compton
• 𝐸0 must be >> binding energy
Probability ↑ as 𝐸0 ↑
• The ejected electron is most likely the one whose 𝐸 is closest to, but less than, the incident photon
• Following a photoelectric interaction, the atom is ionized, with an inner shell electron vacancy which
will be filled by an electron from a shell with a lower 𝐸
• This creates another vacancy, which, in turn, is filled by an electron from an even lower binding
energy shell
The Photoelectric Effect
• Thus, an electron cascade occurs, from outer to inner shells
• The difference in binding energy between energy levels is released as either
characteristic x-rays or Auger electrons
4. Pair Production
• Occurs when photon energies exceed 1.02 MeV
• Photon energy in excess of this threshold is imparted to the electron (β- or negatron) and positron as kinetic
• When the positron comes to rest, it interacts with a -vely charged electron, resulting in the formation of two
oppositely directed 0.511-MeV annihilation photons
• Pair production does not occur in diagnostic x-ray imaging, coz of low
energy used
Pair Production