Noise and Hearing Presentation-11.03.09
Noise and Hearing Presentation-11.03.09
Noise and Hearing Presentation-11.03.09
(32-07 + 6-09)
• Note- When the decibels go up a little, the noise goes up a lot….73 decibels
is 2 times as loud as 70.
• OSHA has rules about how long you may be exposed to a noise level, before
you must wear hearing protection:
Allowed to be At this noise
unprotected/ hrs level/ dBA
≤ 8 hours 90
≤ 4 hours 95
≤ 1 hour 105
Exposure Levels cont’d
• Regular exposure to noise (unprotected) may still lead to some
degree of hearing loss
NB- If you have to raise your voice for someone 3 feet away to
hear you, the site may be too noisy and you need hearing
Noise - Construction Equipment
• Most construction noise comes from equipment. These decibel
levels have been measured.
• Full list of dBA rating for construction tools
• Summary of the some tools and equipment below
Pneumatic chip
hammer 103-113
Earth Tamper 90-96
Jackhammer 102-111
Crane 90-96
Concrete joint cutter 99-102
Hammer 87-95
Portable saw 88-102
Earthmover 87-94
Stud welder 101
Front-end loader 86-94
Bulldozer 93-96
Backhoe 84-93
T&T OSH Act Section 34
34. (1) Every owner, occupier or employer shall take adequate steps to
prevent hearing impairment caused by noise, and diseases
caused by vibration, from occurring to persons in, or in the
vicinity of, his industrial establishment and shall comply with
such directives as—
(a) the Chief Inspector may issue, in order to reduce the level of
noise or vibration generated by a machine, device or process; and
(b) the Chief Medical Officer may issue, in order to protect persons
employed from:
• hearing impairment caused by noise or
• from diseases caused by vibration.
Standards- OSH Act cont’d
2) It shall be the duty of the owner, occupier or employer—
• Have your hearing checked each year- Ask for at least a standard pure-
tone test. Tell them your work is noisy, so they will know you may have lost
some hearing.
• Measure the noise on site. You or your company may want to invest in a
low-cost sound meter.
Hearing Conservation cont’d
• Many workers don’t want to use hearing protection. They are
afraid they won’t hear warning signals such as backup alarms.
But some new protectors can let in voices and block other
• You may not need the hearing protection designed for the
loudest noises… just something comfortable that lets you hear
talking and takes away some of the noise around you.
• There are applicable TTOSH and OSHA standards that
can guide our hearing loss program.
– Types of PPE that can be used and their effectiveness
• Health:
– Construction Noise Hazard Alert
– Construction Noise: Exposure, Effects, and the Potential for Remediation; A Revie
w and Analysis
• Conservation:
– A Practical Guide to Prevent Hearing Loss
• Images: