Factors Affecting Evaporation
Factors Affecting Evaporation
Factors Affecting Evaporation
Factors affecting The molecules of water in the air mass exert a pressure on the free water
evaporation surface. As the vapor pressure of the overlying air mass increases, the rate
of evaporation from the water body will decrease.
The more there is water vapor in the air, the more time it takes for the water
to get evaporated.
It is a common experience that evaporation is greater in summer and at mid-
day than in winter and at night.
The more the wind blows, the greater is the rate of evaporation.
Wind Speed But, when the winds are light, a thin layer of air just above the
surface gets nearly saturated and results in very low evaporation.
The water vapour is removed from the surface of the water in bowl A
faster because of the presence of the fan blowing at it. Thus, evaporation
takes place at a much faster rate in bowl A than bowl B.
The greater the surface occupied by the liquid, the greater the
number of liquid molecules present at the surface.
Factors affecting
evaporation The larger the number of liquid molecules are at the surface,
the larger the number of molecules that will break away from
the liquid and become a gas.
Surface Area Since evaporation takes place from the surface of the liquid,
the greater the exposed surface area, the faster the rate of
The water in bowl B is poured out onto the table. With a larger
surface area, more heat and wind can assist in the evaporation of
the water when the water is on the table. Therefore, evaporation
takes place at a much faster rate on the table than in bowl A.
Factors affecting Radiation is the transmission of thermal energy by
evaporation electromagnetic waves; radiant energy is not heat itself.
• Temperature
• Humidity
• Wind Speed
• Surface Area
• Radiation
of the different
factors for
1. Mechanical methods:
Measurements of the Mercury in glass thermometers
different factors for
When the thermometer is heated
the mercury expands
Bimetallic Thermometer
Measurements of the While traveling in Europe you come down with an illness. You only
different factors for have access to a thermometer with Celsius measurements, which tells
you that your body temperature is 37 degrees. You want to convert
evaporation this measurement to Fahrenheit.
Fahrenheit to Celsius
Humidity SOL’N:
The wind speed is used as a measure of the air mass movement.
Measurements of the
The magnitude of the wind speed is measured with an
different factors for anemometer and the direction with a wind vane.
Wind Speed
For highly turbulent air in which local gusts of wind cause high
measured values of wind speed, the actual air mass movement may
not be properly indicated by the wind speed.
While wind speed is a common input to many methods of
Measurements of the estimating evaporation rates, the height at which it is
different factors for measured must usually be specified.
The wind speed varies with the height above the water
Wind Speed surface.