Digital Signal Processing: - Introduction, MS (Computer Engineering) NUST, Pakistan Mtjahangir17@ce - - PK
Digital Signal Processing: - Introduction, MS (Computer Engineering) NUST, Pakistan Mtjahangir17@ce - - PK
Digital Signal Processing: - Introduction, MS (Computer Engineering) NUST, Pakistan Mtjahangir17@ce - - PK
Lecture 1 – Introduction
ENGR. Muhammad Talha Jahangir,
MS(Computer Engineering) NUST, Pakistan
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Course Outline
Signal & System
Continuous Time Signal
Discrete Time Signal
Analog Time Signal
Digital Signal
Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Signals
Digital Signal Processing
Application of dsp
Basics of Continuous Time Signal
Unit Impulse or Delta Function
Unit Step Signal
Ramp Signal
Parabolic Signal
Signum Function
Sinc Function
Sinusoidal Signal
Course Outline
Rectangular Function
Triangular Pulse Signal
Basics of Discrete Time Signal
Even and Odd Signals
Periodic and Non-Periodic Signals
Energy and Power Signals
Conjugate Signals
Conjugate Anti-Symmetric Signals
Half Wave Symmetric Signals
Orthogonal Signal
Operations on Signals
Time Shifting
Course Outline
Amplitude Shifting
Time Scaling
Amplitude Scaling
Time Reversal
Amplitude Reversal
2d signals
Static System
Dynamic System
Casual System
Non-casual system
Anti-Casual system
Linear System
Non-linear System
Time-Invariant System
Time-Variant System
Stable System
Unstable System
Course Outline
Use computer programming tools (MATLAB) to process and visualize
LTI system
Properties of LTI Systems
Different Methods of Convolution
Properties of Convolution
Fourier Series
Fourier Transform
Discrete Time Fourier Transform
Discrete Time Fourier Transform
DTFT properties
Fast Fourier Transform
Laplace Transform
ROC and Its Properties
Properties of Laplace Transform and their Applications
Course Outline
ROC and Its Properties
Inverse Z-transform
Sampling & its types
Signal Flow Graph
Filter Design
Construct low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filters to solve signal
processing problems
IIR and FIR filters
Expected Outcome
A student who successfully completes the course will have the ability to:
Understand the fundamental theories of digital signal processing.
Knows basic discrete-time signal and system types, convolution sum, impulse and frequency
response concepts for linear, time-invariant (LTI) systems, difference equation realization of LTI
systems and discrete-time Fourier transform and basic properties of these.
Understands periodic sampling of analog signals and the relation between Fourier transforms of
the sampled analog signal and the resulting discrete-time signal.
Grasps z and inverse z transform, region of convergence concepts and their properties, performs
simple transform calculations, understands the system function concept with its relations to
impulse and frequency responses.
Understands signal flow graph and block diagram representations of difference equations that
realize digital filters
Learns direct forms 1 and 2 for IIR filter realization.
Learns direct form for FIR filter realization.
Understands definitions and basic properties of forward and inverse discrete Fourier transform
and their computation by fast algorithms.
Construct low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filters to solve signal processing problems
Learns basic digital filter design methods:
(i) Learns analog Butterworth and Chebyshev filters transformed to yield digital IIR filters,
(ii) impulse-invariance and bilinear transformation methods for IIR filter design and
(iii) FIR filter design methods based on windowing.
Relevant Books
1. Discrete Time Signal Processing by Alan V. Oppenheim
2. Theory & Problems of DSP by MONSON H. HAYES
3. Digital Signal Processing by John G. Proakis
4. The Scientist & Engineer’s Guide to DSP by Steven W.
5. MATLAB An Introduction with Application by Amos
Analog or Digital
Signals may have to be transformed in order to
Amplify or filter out embedded information
Detect patterns
Prepare the signal to survive a transmission channel
Undo distortions contributed by a transmission channel
Compensate for sensor deficiencies
Find information encoded in a different domain.
To do so, we also need:
Methods to measure, characterize, model, and simulate
Mathematical tools that split common channels and
transformations into easily manipulated building blocks.
Analog Signal
Digital Processing of Continuous Time Signals
Cons of Digital Signal Processing
Sampling causes loss of information
A/D and D/A requires mixed-signal hardware
Limited speed of processors
Quantization and round-off errors
Discrete time processing artifacts (aliasing, delay)
Dan require significantly more power (battery, cooling)
Digital clock and switching (Synchronization)
Purpose of Digital Signal Processing
Signal Enhancement
Image Enhancement
Signal Restoration
Signal Reconstruction
Signal Synthesis
Signal Estimation
- Weather Forecasting
Digital Signal Processing
DSP is everywhere.
DSP is Everywhere
Sound applications
Compression, enhancement, special effects, synthesis, recognition, echo
Cell Phones, MP3 Players, Movies, Dictation, Text-to-speech,…
Modulation, coding, detection, equalization, echo cancellation,…
Cell Phones, dial-up modem, DSL modem, Satellite Receiver,…
ABS, GPS, Active Noise Cancellation, Cruise Control, Parking,…
Magnetic Resonance, Tomography, Electrocardiogram,…
Radar, Sonar, Space photographs, remote sensing,…
Image and Video Applications
DVD, JPEG, Movie special effects, video conferencing,…
Motor control, process control, oil and mineral prospecting,…
Health monitoring
Generated/ Name
Amplitude (microV)
caused by -0.5
Brain Electroencephalogram (EEG) -2.5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Sampling points
1 pixel
Different dimensions of signals
1 dimension signal: The common example of a 1
dimension signal is a waveform. It can be mathematically
represented as:
F(x) = waveform
Where x is an independent variable. Its mean waveform
altered only because of x.
Since it is a one dimension signal , so that’s why there is
only one variable x is used.
Pictorial representation of a one dimensional signal is given
Major Confusion
Now this lead to another question, which is, even though it is a one
dimensional signal ,then why does it have two axis?.
The answer to this question is that even though it is a one dimensional
signal, but we are drawing it in a two dimensional space.
Or we can say that the space in which we are representing this signal
is two dimensional. That’s why it looks like a two dimensional signal.
Perhaps you can understand the concept of one dimension more better
by looking at the figure below.
Now in the above figure, label the four corners of the square as A,B,C and D
respectively. If we call, one line segment in the figure AB and the other CD,
then we can see that these two parallel segments join up and make a square.
Each line segment corresponds to one dimension, so these two line segments
correspond to 2 dimensions.
Plane shapes that have only two dimension such as width and height.
In graph it give single value with the reference of x dimention & y-dimension
(2 dimension)
Different dimensions of signals
2 dimension signal:
Different dimensions of signals
If u see video through laptop then it is 2d image.
For example, here is the pic where teacher write something into
whiteboard. Here we see simple 2d pic we cannot see third parameter
(space) which is present between person and white board.
Different dimensions of signals
3 dimension signal: Three dimensional signal as it names
refers to those signals which has three dimensions. The
most common example has been discussed in the beginning
which is of our world. We live in a three dimensional world.
Another example of a three dimensional signal is a cube or a
volumetric data or the most common example would be
animated or 3d cartoon character.
The mathematical representation of three dimensional signal
F(x,y,z) = animated character.
In 3d u feel like in real environment.
Solid object have three measurements such as length, width
and space.
Different dimensions of signals
Another axis or dimension Z is involved in a three
dimension, that gives the illusion of depth. In a Cartesian
co-ordinate system it can be viewed as:
Sine Wave
General Sine Wave
Control of Signals
Signal can be controlled by three attributes:
Control of Signals- Amplitude
Control of Signals- Frequency
Control of Signals- Phase
Sine Wave Parameters
Period & Frequency
Units of Frequency
More about Frequency
Frequency is the relationship of a signal to time and that the frequency of a wave is
the number of cycles it completes in 1 s.
Change in a short span of time means high frequency. Change over a long span of
time means low frequency.
But another way to look at frequency is as a measurement of the rate of change.
Electromagnetic signals are oscillating waveforms; that is, they fluctuate
continuously and predictably above and below a mean energy level.
A 40-Hz signal has one-half the frequency of an 80-Hz signal; it completes 1 cycle
in twice the time of the 80-Hz signal, so each cycle also takes twice as long to
change from its lowest to its highest voltage levels.
Frequency, therefore, though described in cycles per second (hertz), is a general
measurement of the rate of change of a signal with respect to time.
If a signal does not change at all, its frequency is zero.
If a signal changes instantaneously, its frequency is infinite.
But what if a signal changes instantaneously? What if it jumps from one level to
another in no time? Then its frequency is infinite.
In other words, when a signal changes instantaneously, its period is zero; since
frequency is the inverse of period, in this case, the frequency is 1/0, or infinite
A harmonic is a signal or wave whose frequency is an integral
(whole-number) multiple of the frequency of some reference
signal or wave.
For a signal whose
frequency is f , the
second harmonic has
a frequency 2 f , the
third harmonic has a
frequency of 3 f , and
so on.
The lowest frequency
produced by any particular
instrument is known as
the fundamental
The fundamental
frequency is also called the
first harmonic .
Phase describes the position of the waveform relative to time 0.
The distance between two consecutive crest and trough is called wavelength.
Wavelength is another characteristic of a signal traveling through a transmission
Wavelength binds the period or the frequency of a simple sine wave to the
propagation speed of the medium
While the frequency of a signal is independent of the medium, the wavelength.
depends on both the frequency and the medium.
Wavelength is a property of any type of signal.
The bandwidth of a composite signal is the difference between
the highest and the lowest frequencies contained in that signal.
For example, if a composite signal contains frequencies
between 1000 and 5000, its bandwidth is 5000 - 1000, or 4000.
Bandwidth Relationship
Bandwidth Relationship
Relationship between Data Rate and Bandwidth
The greater the bandwidth, the higher the information-
carrying capacity (Suppose that, 2Mhz bandwidth
contains the data two time greater then 1Mhz frequency )
Any digital waveform will have infinite bandwidth
BUT the transmission system (which cannot entire
bandwidth) will limit the bandwidth that can be
AND, for any given medium which support the
greater bandwidth then the cost will also be greater
HOWEVER, limiting the bandwidth creates
Signals for Conveying Information
Electromagnetic signals used as a means
to transmit information.
– An electromagnetic signal is a function of time
– But it can also be expressed as a function of
frequency i-e the signal consists of
components of different frequencies
Frequencydomain view of a signal is far
more important to an understanding of
data transmission than a time domain
Time Domain & Frequency Domain
A sine wave is comprehensively defined by its amplitude,
frequency, and phase.
A complete sine wave in the time domain can be represented by
one single spike in the frequency domain.
Time domain: how the signals change over time
Freq - domain: how much signals lie in the frequency range,
theoretically signals are composed of many sinusoidal signals
with different frequencies (Fourier series), like triangle signal, its
actually composed of infinite sinusoidal signal (fundamental and
odd harmonics frequencies)
The analysis of a system with respect to time is known as time
domain analysis and with respect to frequency is frequency
domain analysis.
We usually change our systems from time to frequency by using
(fourier, laplace ) to make it easy to understand the response of
the system because time domain is more complex for higher
Time-Domain Concepts
In time domain, the signal can be either analog or digital.
In analog signal, the signal intensity varies in a smooth fashion
over time.
For example in speech, voice changes its amplitude/intensity over
time with continuous change.
Digital signals are binary 0s, 1s or text
Digital signal - signal intensity maintains a constant level for some
period of time and then changes to another constant level
Periodic signal - analog or digital signal pattern that repeats over
s(t +T ) = s(t ) - ∞< t < + ∞
• where T is the period of the signal
Aperiodic signal - analog or digital signal pattern that doesn't
repeat over time
Frequency-Domain Concepts
Fundamental frequency - when all frequency components
of a signal are integer multiples(1,2,….,n) of one
frequency(f), it’s referred to as the fundamental frequency
Spectrum - range of frequencies that a signal contains (i.e.
if 1Mhz to 4Mhz is occupied for wireless communication
then it will be your spectrum)
Absolute bandwidth - width of the spectrum of a signal (if
spectrum lower bandwidth is 1Mhz and higher bandwidth
is 3Mhz then absolute bandwidth will be 3-1=2Mhz)
Any electromagnetic signal can be shown to consist of a
collection of periodic analog signals (sine waves) at
different amplitudes, frequencies, and phases
Time domain & Frequency Domain
In the time domain, a plot of amplitude vs time.
In the frequency domain, a plot of amplitude vs frequency.
A time domain graph shows how a signal changes over
The frequency domain graph shows how much of the signal
lies within each given frequency band over a range of
C B log 2 1 SNR
Nyquist formula indicates that all other things being equal, doubling
the bandwidth doubles the data rate
Shannon investigate relationship of data rate with bandwidth and
From the Eq., data rate can be increased either by increasing
bandwidth or signal strength.
LowerF = 3Mhz, UpperF = 4 MHz SNR = 24 then
B = 4 – 3 = 1 MHz
SNRdb = 10log10 (24) = 251
C = 10^6 x log2(1 + 251)
Approx. 10^6 x 8 bps = 8 Mbps
For this data rate, the number of signal levels by Nyquist formula are
M = 16
Noisy Channel: Shannon Capacity (Example)
Signal Classifications
The independent variable in the mathematical representation of a signal
may be either continuous or discrete.
Continuous-time signals are defined along a continuum of time and are
thus represented by a continuous independent variable.
Continuous-time signals are often referred to as analog signals.
Discrete-time signals are defined at discrete times, and thus, the
independent variable has discrete values; that is, discrete-time signals are
represented as sequences of numbers.
Signals such as speech or images may have either a continuous- or a
discrete-variable representation, and if certain conditions hold, these
representations are entirely equivalent.
Besides the independent variables being either continuous or discrete, the
signal amplitude may be either continuous or discrete.
Digital signals are those for which both time and amplitude are discrete.
Continuous Continuous
Discrete Discrete
Transient Signals
Transient signals may be defined as signals that exist
for a finite range of time as shown in the figure.
Typical examples are hammer excitation of systems
explosion and shock loading etc.
Stationary versus Nonstationary Signals
Stationary signals are those whose average properties do not change with
time. Stationary signals have constant parameters to change with time.
Signals whose frequency content do not change in time are called
stationary signals.
Nonstationary signals have time dependent parameters. In
an engine excited vibration where the engines speed varies with time; the
fundamental period changes with time as well as with the corresponding
dynamic loads that cause vibration.
Finite and infinite length
1. Finite-length signal: nonzero over a finite interval tmin< t< tmax
Now you may notice that after every interval of 2π the value of sinx is
repeated. This means that after every period of 2π radians or 36
For such functions the fundamental period is the period after which they repeat
Fundamental period of
x1(t)= T1 = 2π
x2(t)= T2 = √2π
The ratio,
T1/T2 = 2π/√2π= √2
2-Sint/t 2+t3sint+t2sint+t2cost+t3/cos2t