Chapter 24 - Measuring The Cost of Living
Chapter 24 - Measuring The Cost of Living
Chapter 24 - Measuring The Cost of Living
• A dollar today doesn’t buy as much as it did 20 years ago. The cost
of almost everything has gone up.
• This increase in the overall level of prices is called inflation, and it
is one of the primary concerns of economists and policy makers.`
• The inflation rate is the percentage change in the price level from
the previous period.
• Consumer price index (CPI)
– Measure of the overall level of prices
– Measure of the overall cost of goods and services bought by a
typical consumer.
Bureau of Labor Statistics undertakes Consumer Expenditure
Survey and the CPI market basket is developed from detailed
expenditure information provided by families and individuals on
what they actually bought.
Calculating CPI
1. Fix the basket
– Which prices are most important to the typical
– Different weight
2. Find the prices
– At each point in time
3. Compute the basket’s cost
– Same basket of goods
– Isolate the effects of price changes
Calculating CPI
4. Chose a base year and compute the CPI
– Base year = benchmark
• Price of basket of goods & services in
current year
• Divided by price of basket in base year
• Times 100
5. Compute the inflation rate
Table 1: Calculating the Consumer Price Index and
the Inflation Rate: An Example
This table shows how to calculate the CPI and the inflation rate
for a hypothetical economy in which consumers buy only hot
dogs and hamburgers.
Table 2: Calculating the Consumer Price Index and
the Inflation Rate: An Example
This table shows how to calculate the CPI and the inflation rate
for a hypothetical economy in which consumers buy only hot
dogs and hamburgers.
The Consumer Price Index
• The CPI is used to monitor changes in the cost of living
over time. When the CPI rises, the typical family has to
spend more money to maintain the same standard of
• Inflation rate
– Percentage change in the price index from the
preceding period.
• Producer price index, PPI
– Measure of the cost of a basket of goods and services
bought by firms
– Changes in PPI are often thought to be useful in
predicting changes in CPI
Figure 1: The Typical Basket of Goods and Services
This figure shows how the typical consumer divides spending among various
categories of goods and services. The Bureau of Labor Statistics calls each
percentage the “relative importance” of the category.
The goods in the basket are often adjusted periodically to account for changes
in consumer habits.
The Consumer Price Index
• If the quality of a good falls from one year to the next while the
price of the good stays the same, the value of a dollar falls,
because you are getting a lesser good for the same amount of
GDP Deflator Versus CPI
• The second difference is that GDP deflator includes only
those goods produced domestically. Imported goods are
not part of GDP and do not show up in the GDP deflator.
• Hence, an increase in the price of a Toyota made in Japan
and sold in USA affects the CPI in USA, but it doesn’t
affect the GDP deflator.
• The third and most subtle difference results from the way
the two measure aggregate the many prices in the
• In other words, the CPI is computed using a fixed basket
of goods, whereas the GDP deflator allows the basket of
goods to change over time as the composition of GDP
GDP deflator Versus CPI
• GDP deflator
– Compares the price of currently produced
goods and services to the price of the same
goods and services in the base year.
– Compares price of a fixed basket of goods
and services to the price of the basket in the
base year.
GDP deflator versus CPI
Example 1:
Suppose that a major frost destroys the nation’s
orange crop. The quantity of oranges produced falls
to zero, and the price of the few oranges that remain
on grocers’ shelves is driven sky-high.
• Because oranges are no longer part of GDP, the
increase in the price of oranges doesn’t show-up in
the GDP deflator. But because the CPI is computed
with a fixed basket of goods that includes oranges,
the increase in the price of oranges causes a
substantial rise in the CPI.
Example 2:
Suppose that the price of an airplane produced by
Boeing and sold to the Air Force rises. Even though
the plane is part of GDP, it is not part of the basket of
goods and services bought by a typical consumer.
Thus the price increase shows up in the GDP deflator
but not in the CPI.
Example 3:
Suppose that Volvo raises the prices of its cars. A
price increase shows up in the consumer price index
but not in the GDP deflator.
Example 4:
A. Starbucks raises the price of Cappuccinos: The CPI
and GDP deflator both rise.
• Luckily, the difference between the GDP deflator and the CPI is
usually not large in practice.
Figure 2: Two Measures of Inflation
This figure shows the inflation rate—the percentage change in the level of prices
— as measured by the GDP deflator and the consumer price index. Notice that
the two measures of inflation generally move together.
Correcting Economic Variables
• Dollar figures from different times
• Indexation
– Automatic correction by law or contract
– Of a dollar amount
– For the effects of inflation
• Cost of living allowance
Dollar Figures from Different Times
• Do the following to convert (inflate) Babe
Ruth’s wages in 1931 to dollars in 2001:
Regional differences in the cost of living
• The cost of living varies
– Not only over time
– But also over geography
• Regional price parities
– Measure variation in the cost of living from state to
Figure 3: Regional Variation in the Cost of Living
• This figure shows how
the cost of living in the
fifty U.S. states and the
District of Columbia
compares to the U.S.
Regional differences in the cost of living
• Regional differences explained by
– Prices of goods – small part
– Prices of services – larger part
– Housing services – persistently large
Real and Nominal Interest Rates
The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate as
measured by the consumer price index. Notice that nominal and real interest
rates often do not move together.
Who Gains and Who Loses from Inflation?
• Inflation implies a general increase in prices and a
corresponding decrease in money's purchasing power.
• As a result of higher inflation, borrowers benefit from a
general increase in prices or a reduction in purchasing
• In other words, if higher than expected inflation occurs,
then the real value of the borrower's debt is reduced.
• Assume that banks lend billions of dollars at a fixed
nominal interest rate of 5%. If inflation were to
unexpectedly increase from 2% to 4%, then borrowers'
real interest rate paid would be reduced from 3% to 1%.
Example 2
• Suppose Sara deposits $1,000 in a bank account that pays
an annual interest rate of 10 percent. A year later, after
Sara has accumulated $100 in interest, she withdraws her
$1,100. Is Sara $100 richer than she was when she made
the deposit a year earlier?
• Sara does not care about the amount of money itself: She
cares about what she can buy with it.
• If prices have risen while her money was in the bank,
each dollar now buys less than it did a year ago.
• In this case, her purchasing power-the amount of goods
and services she can buy-has not risen by 10 percent.
The consumer price index shows the
cost of a basket of goods and services
relative to the cost of the same basket in
the base year.
The index is used to measure the overall
level of prices in the economy.
The percentage change in the CPI
measures the inflation rate.
The consumer price index is an imperfect measure
of the cost of living for the following three reasons:
Substitution bias