Players' Positions and Common Violations in Volleyball
Players' Positions and Common Violations in Volleyball
Players' Positions and Common Violations in Volleyball
Common Violations
in Volleyball
Amos Dominic M. Bagaipo
PE 221 - 69849
•When a player hits the ball four times before returning it, it is
considered a penalty. To return the ball, each team has a limit
of three hits.
Neither catching nor throwing the ball is permitted. The ball must
bounce back after being struck.
The centerline that divides the
court in half is not allowed to be
crossed or touched by players.
Foot Fault
•The server must not hit the
court or the ground outside
the service zone while
making service contact or
taking off for a jump serve.
He/she can step or land
outside the service zone or
inside the court after
making contact.