GE 101 - Lesson 2
GE 101 - Lesson 2
GE 101 - Lesson 2
Examples of barriers to
Individual differences
Language use
Past experiences
Communication can be a one-way or two-way
process. Communication as a one-way process
is best illustrated in the model of Shannon –
Weaver(1949) as Shown in Figure 1. in this
model, the sender is active while the receiver
is passive during the communication process.
On the other hand, communication as a two-
way process is exemplified by a transaction
model shown in Figure 2. In this model, the
message, information, or ideas are sent and
received at the same time. Hence, the sender
and the receiver become active during the
process, and both serve as communicators.
Communication Ethics
Effective communicators observe ethics. This
means that they deal with values,
righteousness, and behavior appropriate for
human communication particularly in a
multicultural situation. The Following are
some of the ethical considerations.
Uphold integrity. Be truthful with
your opinion and be accurate with
your judgement.
Respect diversity of perspective and
privacy. Show compassion and
consideration with the beliefs, status,
affiliations, and privacy of others.
Observe freedom of expression
effectively. Be careful of what and how
you say your words depending on the
type of people you are communicating
Promote access to communication. Give
others an opportunity to express what
they feel and think about the message
being communicated.
Beopen – minded. Accept that others
have different views or opinions, which
may conflict with yours.
Develop your sense of accountability.
Acknowledge responsibility for all your
actions, good or bad.
Guidelines For Effective