GE 101 - Lesson 2

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Zoom Etiquettes:

1. Mute your microphone as you enter the class, unmute it to

answer questions only when you are asked to.
2. Make sure to secure a pleasant and peaceful surrounding and
background during class time.
3. Always wear your uniform during class, if not you will be
marked absent.
4. Secure submission of activities and quizzes being asked to
submit, if failed to do so, you will be marked 0 to be fair with
Processes, Principles,
and Ethics
The communication process involves
elements such as source, message,
encoding, channel, decoding, receiver,
feedback, context, and barrier.
Source– the speaker or sender of a

 Message – the message,

information, or ideas from the
source or speaker
Encoding – the process of
transferring the message

 Channel – the means to deliver a

message such as face-to-face
conversations, telephone calls, e-mails,
and memos, among others.
 Decoding – the process of
interpreting an encoded message

 Receiver – the recipient of the

 Feedback – the reactions or
responses of the receiver to the
message from the sender

 Context – the situation or

environment in which
communication takes place
 Barriers –the factors which may
affect the communication

Examples of barriers to
Individual differences
Language use
Past experiences
Communication can be a one-way or two-way
process. Communication as a one-way process
is best illustrated in the model of Shannon –
Weaver(1949) as Shown in Figure 1. in this
model, the sender is active while the receiver
is passive during the communication process.
On the other hand, communication as a two-
way process is exemplified by a transaction
model shown in Figure 2. In this model, the
message, information, or ideas are sent and
received at the same time. Hence, the sender
and the receiver become active during the
process, and both serve as communicators.
Communication Ethics
Effective communicators observe ethics. This
means that they deal with values,
righteousness, and behavior appropriate for
human communication particularly in a
multicultural situation. The Following are
some of the ethical considerations.
Uphold integrity. Be truthful with
your opinion and be accurate with
your judgement.
Respect diversity of perspective and
privacy. Show compassion and
consideration with the beliefs, status,
affiliations, and privacy of others.
Observe freedom of expression
effectively. Be careful of what and how
you say your words depending on the
type of people you are communicating
Promote access to communication. Give
others an opportunity to express what
they feel and think about the message
being communicated.
Beopen – minded. Accept that others
have different views or opinions, which
may conflict with yours.
Develop your sense of accountability.
Acknowledge responsibility for all your
actions, good or bad.
Guidelines For Effective

Effective communication plays a crucial

role in your personal and professional
success. Below are some guidelines for
effective communication:
Beclear with your purpose. As a sender, you
must have a specific purpose in mind.
Support your message with facts. When you
provide an incomplete or vague information,
you can cause confusion or misunderstanding
in your audience
Be concise. There is always a sense to this
cliché, “keep it short and simple.” Avoid
irrelevant or unnecessary details in your
message and keep it concise.
Provide specific information in your
feedback. Give feedback that is timely,
constructive, and specific to the topic being
Adjust to the needs, interests, values, and
beliefs, of your audience. Use language or
vocabulary which is appropriate to your
Observe communication ethics. Some ethical
practices in communication have been
Be your natural self and appear very
confident. Have the right attitude and happy
disposition in life; control your emotions, and
think well before you speak.
Do you have any
clarifications? Questions?

If none! Let’s Have a Short Quiz

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