Symposium Presentation On Disaster Preparedness

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Typhoon & Volcanic Eruption
What we are going to do

01 Typhoon Preparedness

02 Volcanic Eruption Preparedness

03 Emergency Hotlines

04 Trivia and Questions

I. Typhoon Disaster Preparedness
What to do before a Typhoon?
If You Need To Stay Home:
-Locate a safe room or the safest areas of your home or for each
typhoon hazard. The safest areas may not actually be your home,
but within your community.

-Discuss the type of hazards that could affect your family and know
your home's vulnerability to storm surge, flooding, and wind.

-Stock non-perishable food supplies, bottled water, a first-aid kit, a

battery-powered radio, flashlights and extra batteries in air-tight
containers. Use our hurricane grocery list to ensure you have
everything you need.
-Adjust refrigerator temperatures to the coldest settings
to reduce the potential for food spoiling if the power is
temporarily lost.

-Have a non-electric analog telephone or a fully-charged

cell phone available in case you need to make an
emergency call during a power outage.

-Fill bathtubs and sinks with water to ensure you have

enough to flush the toilet, cook, etc. in case of a power
If You Need to Evacuate:
-Take the advice of local authorities. Evacuate if ordered.

-If an evacuation is necessary, unplug all appliances, TV's and computers

before leaving your home.

-If possible, move important items to a higher floor or surface such as a

counter or shelf to protect expensive equipment from flooding.

-Remove fuses from the air conditioning system to prevent damage.

-Turn off water to prevent flooding from broken pipes.

-Turn off gas to prevent leaks from occurring.

-Ensure your car is in good running condition and has a full

tank of gas, extra emergency supplies and a change of

-Determine escape routes from your home and a nearby

place to meet with loved ones. These should be measured in
tens of miles when possible.
Necessary Precautions to Protect Your
-If you have a shed, make sure its doors are closed tightly: otherwise, they
could end up blowing off their hinges and becoming dangerous projectiles.

-Bring potted plants into the garage. These could also become dangerous

-Don't leave cars parked under trees, especially if you may be in the car
when the storm strikes!
-Be cautious with storm surge flooding. These high waves can
be deadlier than typhoon winds. Leave the coast and stay
away from low-lying areas.

-Keep important documents (passports, deeds, insurance

information) in a stormproof container in case of flooding.

-Back up important digital assets and keep them on a USB or

other portable device to keep with you if you need to quickly
What to Do During a Typhoon
If you are staying home, here's what you
should do:

-Monitor the radio or television for weather conditions and


-Stay away from all windows and exterior doors and seek
shelter in a bathroom or basement. Bathtubs can provide some
shelter if you cover yourself with plywood or other materials.
-Evacuate to a shelter or a neighbor's home if your
home is damaged or if you are instructed to do so by
emergency personnel.

-If power is lost, turn off all major appliances to reduce

the chances of damage in the event of a power surge.

-If flooding nears your home, turn off the electricity at

the main breaker.
What to Do After a Typhoon
The storm has passed. What now?
-When power returns to your home, do not start all major appliances at
once. Turn them on gradually to reduce damage to sensitive equipment.

-Avoid downed, damaged or loose power lines and report them immediately
to the local police and fire department, as well as to the local transmission
and distribution services utility in your area.

-Do not use electrical or gas appliances that have been wet, and do not turn
on damaged appliances because of the hazards of electric shock or fire.
-Follow post-storm food and water safety precautions to protect
your family from contamination.

-Stay away from flood waters as they can contain harmful

contaminates and hide dangerous debris.

-If flooding or water damaged occurred, begin cleaning up and

repairs as soon as possible to avoid mold and be sure to wear
protective gear.
II. Volcanic Eruption Preparedness
What to Do Before a Volcanic
1. Each one should be aware of the dangers
that volcanic eruptions pose to lives

2. Prepare all necessary things to bring once

evacuation is needed. Those in danger zones
are warned when to evacuate.

3. Store as much food, water, light sources and

batteries that are very useful in case of

4. Volcanic eruptions have ash falls so be

prepared for masks or anything to cover nose
and mouth.
What to Do During
Volcanic Eruption:
1. Avoid all low-lying places because lava
flows and mudflows are more likely to pass

2. Seek cover in case of ash falls rock falls.

3. Use masks and cover your mouth and

nose to avoid breathing in ashes.

4. If you are inside a house; close all doors

and windows to avoid ashes from getting

5. Always stay indoors.

What to Do After Volcanic
1. Clean everything around and check all
damages incurred.

2. Use masks while cleaning ash and

other debris.

3. Wait for further announcements

related to the volcano activities.

4. Make sure that your house is still safe

for all of you.
National Emergency Hotline in the Philippines : 911

Philippine National Police Hotline: 117 or (02) 722-0650

Philippine Red Cross: 143 or (02) 527-8385 to 95

Bureau of Fire Protection: (02) 426-0219 or (02) 426-3812

Talisay City and rest of Cebu province

Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management

(032) 255-0046
Cebu City Emergency Hotlines
Mobile numbers
0932 537 7770
0923 524 8222
0947 178 0000
0947 178 0000
0947 178 9999
0917 722 2343 (Text only)
(032) 262 1424 / 166
Traffic management
(032) 253 9211 / 256 1897

Cebu City Fire Dept.: 160

Rescue Hotline: 117 / 262 1424
ERUF Ambulance Service: 161
Cebu City Police Dept.: 166

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