Human Values and Theories
Human Values and Theories
Human Values and Theories
Aguila, Kate Eunice
Alcantara, Lloyd Alvry
Macale, Mark Minard
Human Values and Theories
Human Values
are ideas, actions, habits, or experiences t
hat contribute to the promotion of human
life. Since values are not equal in their wor
th, the conduct of a person depends largel
y on his wise choice of values.
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Value Man is not only an animal; he is a pers
on. No other corporeal substance is a
person. Only man is. Man is a person b
ecause he has the gift of insight (intelle
ct) and volition (will). We often refer to
a person as self, or ego. There is no bas
ic difference between these two terms.
Both imply the self-sufficiency of the p
erson. Both imply worth or value.
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Biological Values
These are necessary to the physical survival of man as an organism.
a. Life and Health
b. Food and Shelter
c. Work
Social Values
These are necessary to the sensual needs and fulfillment.
a. Leisure and Sex
b. Marriage
c. Family and Home
d. Parental Authority
e. Education
Rational Values
Those are necessary to the functions and fulfillment of intellect and will.
a. Understanding and Control of Nature
b. Guide and Control of Oneself
c. Solidarity with Fellowmen
d. Religion The Power of PowerPoint | 6
What we consider moral values are
those that directly pertain to the fu
nction of intellect and will: those ch
oices, decisions, and actions, by whi
ch man’s rational faculties are invol
ved and perfected. All other values
Social Values
are those that are necessary for the promotion of huma
n society as a whole, integrating the motivation and inte
rests of members towards the common objective or go
Cultural Values
are those man shares with others in a given commu
nity of persons, shaping their spiritual kinship, and
directing their attention to define ideals of behavior.
Religious Values
are those which pertain to man’s relati
onship with the Deity, guiding and reg
ulating his communion with Him.
01 02 03 04
Permanent or lasting va Values favored by a gre Values that are essentia Values that give greater
lues must be preferred ater number of people l must be preferred ove satisfaction must be pr
over temporary or peris must be preferred over r those that are acciden eferred over those that
hable values (education those that appeal only t tal (health over beauty). provide short-lived plea
over courtship). o a few (discipline over sures (pursuing your ar
personal freedom). tistic hobby over fanatic
al devotion to a movie s
Every man has to choose his values. He is wise indeed who chooses values
according to their intrinsic worth.
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Utilitarianism 3 sires. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhis 3. Desires can be eliminated by
negating life.
m are: 4. Elimination of desires can be
The Greatest Value, according to Jeremy Bentham, one of its propo achieved by accumulating
nents, is pleasure. But man, being a sociable animal, must conduct karma or deeds that
his affairs in a way that would benefit others. Thus, the greatest mo eventually free the
ral good is that “which gives the greatest happiness to the greatest 4 Communism
number of people.” John Stuart defines the greatest good: “By happ
iness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappines Communism is based on the teachings of Karl Marx. The Greatest
s, pain and the privation of pleasure.” Good is absolute equality. The mission of communism is the produ
ction of material wealth by means of collective labor, so that the g
Christianism 5 oods of this world might be enjoyed in a paradise where each wou
ld give according to his powers and would receive according to his
Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Christ t needs. Communism aims to build a classless society. Until such go
aught that the Greatest Value is Love. God is love. Christian morality al is attained, the State shall rule absolutely.
is essentially based on love which embraces even the enemy. The Power of PowerPoint | 17
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