Blockchain Essentials & Dapps

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Blockchain Essentials &

Course Outcomes

 Student will be able to illustrate the Blockchain terminologies with its applications.- L2
 Student will be able to analyze the working principles of Blockchain -L2
 Student will be Able to comprehend the principles and methodologies used in Bitcoin –L2
 Student will be Able to create Ethereum Network, Wallets, Nodes, Smart contract &
DApps –L4
 Student will be Able to develop Blockchain Based Application Architecture using
Hyperledger –L3
CO-PO Mapping
PO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2

CO1 3                         3
CO2 2    
3                   3
CO3 2        
3               3
CO4   2 2 2  
2 2 3     2 2   3
CO5 2 2 3   2   2   2 2   2  
14IS71 3 2 3   2 2 2 2 2  
Teaching Methodology:

 Black board teaching/Power Point Presentations

 Hands-on Training/Assignemnet
 Case Study.
Assessment Methods

 Three internals, 30Marks each will be conducted and the

Average of best of two will be taken.
 Rubrics evaluation for the Programming Assignment will
be conducted for 10 marks.
 Rubrics evaluation for the Case Studywill be conducted
for 10 marks.
 Final examination, of 100 Marks will be conducted and
will be evaluated for 50 Marks. 
Course Contents: UNIT-1

 Distributed systems, CAP theorem, Byzantine Generals problem,

Consensus. The history of blockchain, Introduction to blockchain,
Various technical definitions of blockchains, Generic elements of a
blockchain, Features of a blockchain, Applications of blockchain
technology, Tiers of blockchain technology, Consensus in
blockchain, CAP theorem and blockchain, Benefits and limitations
of blockchain
Course Contents: UNIT-2

 Decentralization using blockchain, Methods of decentralization, Blockchain and full

ecosystem decentralization, Smart contract, Decentralized organizations, Decentralized
autonomous organizations, Decentralized autonomous corporations, Decentralized
autonomous societies Decentralized applications, Platforms for decentralization,
 Hash functions: Compression of arbitrary messages into fixed length digest,Easy to
compute, Pre-image resistance, Second pre-image resistance,Collision resistance,Message
Digest (MD),Secure Hash Algorithms (SHAs), Merkle trees, Patricia trees, Distributed
hash tables (DHTs), Digital signatures
Course Contents: UNIT-3

 Bitcoin, Bitcoin definition, Transactions, The transaction life cycle,

The transaction structure, Types of transaction, The structure of a
block , The structure of a block header, The genesis block, The
bitcoin network, Wallets, Smart Contracts-History, Definition,
Ricardian contracts, Smart contract templates, Oracles, Smart
Oracles, Deploying smart contracts on a blockchain, The DAO
Course Contents: UNIT-4

 Ethereum 101, Introduction, Ethereum clients and releases, The

Ethereum stack, Ethereum blockchain, Currency (ETH and ETC),
Forks, Gas, The consensus mechanism, The world state,
Transactions, Contract creation transaction, Message call
transaction, Elements of the Ethereum blockchain , Ethereum virtual
machine (EVM), Accounts, Block, Ether, Messages, Mining, The
Ethereum network
 Hands-on: Clients and wallets -Geth
Course Contents: UNIT-5

 Hyperledger, Hyperledger as a protocol, Fabric,

Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth lake, Corda
 Imran Bashir. “Mastring BlockChain”, Packt
 Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open
Blockchain Paperback – 2017 by Andreas M.
Definition of a Distributed System

A distributed system is
a collection of independent computers
that appears to its users
as a single coherent system.
... or ...
as a single system.
Resource Sharing and the Web

 Hardware resources (reduce costs)

 Data resources (shared usage of information)
 Service resources
 search engines
 computer-supported cooperative working 
 Service vs. server (node or process )
Distributed application
 one single “system”
 one or several autonomous subsystems
 a collection of processors
 parallel processing
 Increased performance, reliability, fault tolerance
 partitioned or replicated data
 increased performance, reliability, fault tolerance
 Dependable systems, grid systems, enterprise systems
Why Distribution?

 Sharing of information and services

 Possibility to add components improves
 availability
 Reliability
 fault tolerance
 performance
 scalability
Goals of DS

 Making resources accessible

 Distribution transparency
 Openness
 Scalability
 Security
 System design requirements
Challenges for Making Resources Accessible

 Naming
 Access control
 Security
 Availability
 Performance
 Mutual exclusion of users, fairness
 Consistency in some cases

 Access : Hide differences in data representation and how a resource

is accessed
 Location: Hide where a resource is located
 Migration :Hide that a resource may move to another location
 Relocation :Hide that a resource may be moved to another location
while in use (the others don’t notice)
 Replication :Hide that a resource is replicated
 Concurrency :Hide that a resource may be shared by several
competitive users
 Failure :Hide the failure and recovery of a resource
 Persistence: Hide whether a (software) resource is in memory or on
Omission and arbitrary failures
 Fail-stop :Process halts and remains halted. Other processes may detect this state.
 Crash :Process halts and remains halted. Other processes may not be able to detect this
 Omission :A message inserted in an outgoing message buffer never arrives at the other
end’s incoming message buffer.
 Send-omission:A process completes send, but the message is not put in its outgoing
message buffer.
 Receive-omission : A message is put in a process’s incoming message buffer, but that
process does not receive it.
 Arbitrary(Byzantine) :Process/channel exhibits arbitrary behaviour: it may
send/transmit arbitrary messages at arbitrary times, commit omissions; a process may
stop or take an incorrect step.
Timing failures

 Clock :Process’s local clock exceeds the bounds on its rate

of drift from real time.
 Performance : Process exceeds the bounds on the interval
between two steps.
 Performance : A message’s transmission takes longer
than the stated bound.
Failure Handling
 More components
 increased fault rate
 Increased possibilities
 more redundancy => more possibilities for fault tolerance
 no centralized control => no fatal failure
 Issues
 Detecting failures
 Masking failures
 Recovery from failures
 Tolerating failures
 Redundancy
 partial failures
 Concurrency:
 Several simultaneous users => integrity of data
 mutual exclusion
 synchronization
 transaction processing in data bases
 Replicated data: consistency of information?
 Partitioned data: how to determine the state of the system?
 Order of messages?
 There is no global clock!
Challenges for Scalability

 The system will remain effective when there is a

significant increase in
 number of resources
 number of users
 The architecture and the implementation must allow it
 The algorithms must be efficient under the
circumstances to be expected
Challenges for Security
 Security: confidentiality, integrity, availability
 Vulnerable components
 channels (links <–> end-to-end paths)
 processes (clients, servers, outsiders)
 Threats
 information leakage
 integrity violation
 denial of service
 illegitimate usage
 Current issues:
 Denial-of-service attacks, security of mobile code, information flow;
 open wireless ad-hoc environments
 Threats to channels
 eavesdropping (data, traffic)
 tampering, replaying
 masquerading
 denial of service
 Threats to processes
 server: client’s identity;
 client: server’s identity
 unauthorized access (insecure access model)
 unauthorized information flow (insecure flow model)
Defeating Security Threats
 Techniques
 cryptography
 authentication
 access control techniques
 intranet: firewalls
 services, objects: access control lists, capabilities
 Policies
 access control models
 lattice models
 information flow models
 Leads to: secure channels, secure processes, controlled access,
controlled flows
Distributed systems
 Distributed systems are a computing paradigm whereby two or
more nodes work with each other in a coordinated fashion in
order to achieve a common outcome
 DS modeled in such a way that end users see it as a single logical
 Node can be defined as an individual player in a distributed
system and have their own memory and processor.
 All nodes are capable of sending and receiving messages to and
from each other.
 Nodes can be honest, faulty, or malicious
 A node that can exhibit arbitrary behavior is also known as a
Byzantine node.
 This arbitrary behavior can be intentionally malicious, which is
detrimental to the operation of the network.
 Generally, any unexpected behavior of a node on the network can
be categorized as Byzantine.
Challenge in distributed system Design
 Coordination between nodes
 Fault tolerance.
 Even if some of the nodes become faulty or network links break,
the distributed system should tolerate
 D S should continue to work flawlessly in order to achieve the
desired result.
 Several algorithms and mechanisms has been proposed to
overcome these issues.
 Distributed systems are so challenging to design that a theorem
known as the CAP theorem has been proved and states that a
distributed system cannot have all much desired properties
CAP theorem (Brewer's theorem)

 Introduced originally by Eric Brewer in 1998;

 In 2002 it was proved as a theorem by Seth Gilbert and Nancy
 The theorem states that any distributed system cannot have
Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance simultaneously
 Somehow blockchain manages to achieve all these properties
CAP theorem
 Consistency is a property that ensures that all nodes in a
distributed system have a single latest copy of data
 Availability means that the system is up, accessible for
use, and is accepting incoming requests and responding
with data without any failures as and when required
 Partition tolerance ensures that if a group of nodes fails
the distributed system still continues to operate correctly
 In order to achieve fault tolerance, replication is used.
 Consistency is achieved using consensus algorithms to ensure that
all nodes have the same copy of data. This is also called state
machine replication.
 Blockchain is basically a method to achieve state machine
Types of fault

 Faulty node has simply crashed

 Faulty node can exhibit malicious or inconsistent
behavior arbitrarily.
 Difficult to deal with since it can cause confusion due
to misleading information.
Byzantine Generals problem

 Generals = Computer Components

 The abstract problem…
 Each division of Byzantine army is directed by its own general.
 There are n Generals, some of which are traitors.
 All armies are camped outside enemy castle, observing enemy.
 Communicate with each other by messengers.
 Requirements:
 G1: All loyal generals decide upon the same plan of action
 G2: A small number of traitors cannot cause the loyal generals to adopt
a bad plan
 Note: We do not have to identify the traitors.
 Coping with failures in computer systems
 Failed component sends conflicting information to different parts
of system.
 Agreement in the presence of faults.
 P2P Networks?
 Good nodes have to “agree to do the same thing”.
 Faulty nodes generate corrupted and misleading messages.
 Non-malicious: Software bugs, hardware failures, power
 Malicious reasons: Machine compromised.
Byzantine Generals problem
 In September 1962, Paul Baran introduced the idea of
cryptographic signatures with his paper On distributed
communications networks.
 This is the paper where the concept of decentralized networks
was also introduced for the very first time.
 Then in 1982 a thought experiment was proposed by Lamport et al.
whereby a group of army generals who are leading different parts of
the Byzantine army are planning to attack or retreat from a city.
 The only way of communication between them is a messenger and
they need to agree to attack at the same time in order to win.
 The issue is that one or more generals can be traitors and can
communicate a misleading message.
 Need for a viable mechanism that allows agreement between
generals even in the presence of treacherous generals so that the
attack can still take place at the same time.
 In distributed systems, generals can be considered as nodes, traitors
can be considered Byzantine (malicious) nodes, and the messenger
can be thought of as a channel of communication between the
 In 1999,Castro and Liskov presented the Practical Byzantine Fault
Tolerance (PBFT) algorithm.
 In2009, the first practical implementation was made with the
invention of bitcoin where the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm was
developed as a mechanism to achieve consensus.

 Consensus is a process of agreement between distrusting nodes on a

final state of data.
 It is easy to reach an agreement between two nodes
 But when multiple nodes are participating in a distributed system
and they need to agree on a single value – Difficult Task
 Distributed consensus: Achieving consensus between multiple
Consensus mechanisms

 A consensus mechanism is a set of steps that are taken by all, or

most, nodes in order to agree on a proposed state or value.
 Consensus mechanisms have recently come into the limelight and
gained much popularity with the advent of bitcoin and
Requirements which must be met in order to provide
the desired results in a consensus mechanism.
 Agreement: All honest nodes decide on the same value.
 Termination: All honest nodes terminate execution of the consensus process
and eventually reach a decision.
 Validity: The value agreed upon by all honest nodes must be the same as the
initial value proposed by at least one honest node.
 Fault tolerant: The consensus algorithm should be able to run in the presence
of faulty or malicious nodes (Byzantine nodes).
 Integrity: The nodes make decisions only once in a single consensus cycle.
No node makes the decision more than once.
Types of consensus mechanism

 Byzantine fault tolerance-based:

 This method relies on a simple scheme of nodes that are
publishing signed messages.
 When a certain number of messages are received, then an
agreement is reached.
 Leader-based consensus mechanisms:
 This type of mechanism requires nodes to compete for the
leader-election lottery
 The node that wins it proposes a final value
Practical implementations
 Paxos, the most famous protocol introduced by Leslie Lamport in
 In Paxos nodes are assigned various roles such as
 Proposer
 Acceptor
 Learner.
 Nodes or processes are named replicas and consensus is achieved in
the presence of faulty nodes by agreement among a majority of
45 Paxos Terms

Proposer 

Suggests values for 
An alternative proposed by a
consideration by Acceptors.

Advocates for a client.

Consists of a unique number

and a proposed value.

Considers the values proposed
by proposers.
 ( 42, B )

Renders an accept/reject


We say a value is chosen when
consensus is reached on that value.

Learns the chosen value.

In practice, each node will usually
play all three roles.
1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2
(“prepare”,1) . (“accept”,1 ,v1) . .
. . .
.(“ack”,1, ^, ^) . .

n n n

(“accept”,1 ,v1)

decide v1
Practical implementations

 Another alternative to Paxos is RAFT, which works by assigning

any of three states, that is,
 Follower
 Candidate
 Leader.
 A Leader is elected after a candidate node receives enough votes
 All changes now have to go through the Leader, who commits the
proposed changes once replication on the majority of follower nodes
is completed.
The history of blockchain

 Blockchain was introduced with the invention of bitcoin in 2008

and then with its practical implementation in 2009.
 The concept of electronic cash or digital currency is not new.
 Since the 1980s, e-cash protocols have existed that are based on a
model proposed by David Chaum.
Electronic cash

 The idea of electronic cash is also essential to appreciate the first

and astonishingly successful application of blockchain:
 the bitcoin, or broadly cryptocurrencies.
 Theoretical concepts in distributed systems such as consensus
algorithms provided the basis of the practical implementation of
Proof of Work algorithms in bitcoin;
 Ideas from different electronic cash schemes also paved the way for
the invention of cryptocurrencies, specifically bitcoin
The concept of electronic cash
 Fundamental issues that need to be addressed in e-cash systems are
 Accountability
 Anonymity.
 David Chaum addressed both of these issues in his seminal paper in 1984 by
introducing two cryptographic operations,
 Blind signatures
 Secret sharing.
 Blind signatures allow signing a document without actually seeing it
 Secret sharing is a concept that allows the detection of using the same e-cash
token twice (double spending).
 Chaum, Fiat, and Naor (CFN) Protocol : e-cash schemes that introduced
anonymity and double spending detection.
Brand's e-cash

 Brand's e-cash is another system that improved on CFN, made it

more efficient, and introduced the concept of security reduction to
prove statements about the e-cash scheme.
 Security reduction is a technique used in cryptography to prove
that a certain algorithm is secure by using another problem as a
 cryptographic security algorithm is as hard to break as some
other hard problem; thus by comparison it can be deduced that
the cryptographic security algorithm is secure too.
 A different but relevant concept called hashcash was introduced by Adam
Back in 1997 as a PoW system to control e-mail spam.
 if legitimate users want to send e-mails then they are required to compute a
hash as a proof that they have spent a reasonable amount of computing
resources before sending the e-mail.
 Generating hashcash is a compute intensive process but does not inhibit a
legitimate user from sending the e-mail
 because the usual number
 e-mails required to be sent by a legitimate user is presumably quite low.
 If a spammer wants to send e-mails, usually thousands in number, then it
becomes infeasible to compute hashcash for all e-mails, thus making the
spamming effort expensive;
 Hashcash is popularized by its use in the bitcoin mining process.
 This idea of using computational puzzles or pricing functions to
prevent e-mail spam was introduced originally in 1992 by Cynthia
Dwork and Moni Naor.
 Pricing function was the name given to the hard functions that are
required to be computed before access to a resource can be granted.
 Adam Back invented hashcash independently in 1997, which
introduced the usage of computing hash functions as PoW.

 In 1998 b-money was introduced by Wei Dai and

proposed the idea of creating money via solving
computational puzzles such as hashcash.
 It's based on a peer-to-peer network where each node
maintains its own list of transactions.

 Another similar idea by Nick Szabo called BitGold was

introduced in 2005 and also proposed solving
computational puzzles to mint digital currency.
 In 2005 Hal Finney introduced the concept of
cryptographic currency by combining ideas from b-
money and hashcash puzzles
 but it still relied on a centralized trusted authority.

 In 2009 the first practical implementation of a cryptocurrency

named bitcoin was introduced;
 For the very first time it solved the problem of distributed
consensus in a trustless network.
 It uses public key cryptography with hashcash as PoW to
provide a secure, controlled, and decentralized method of
minting digital currency.
 The key innovation is the idea of an ordered list of blocks
composed of transactions and cryptographically secured by the
PoW mechanism
 Ideas and concepts from electronic cash schemes and distributed systems
were combined together to invent bitcoin
 Now it is known as blockchain.
Introduction to blockchain

 Blockchain at its core is a peer-to-peer distributed ledger that is

 cryptographically secure
 append-only
 immutable (extremely hard to change)
 updateable only via consensus or agreement among peers.
 Blockchain can be thought of as a layer of a distributed peer-to-
peer network running on top of the Internet
The network view of a blockchain
Introduction to blockchain

 From a business point of view a blockchain can be defined as a

platform whereby peers can exchange values using transactions
without the need for a central trusted arbitrator.
 Blockchain to be a decentralized consensus mechanism where no
single authority is in charge of the database
State Machines

State Variables

Deterministic Commands





Ensures procedures are called in same
order across all machines
Fault Tolerant State Machines

Implement the state machine on multiple processors.

State Machine Replication
 Each starts in the same initial state
 Executes the same requests
 Requires consensus to execute in same order
 Deterministic, each will do the exact same thing
 Produce the same output.
state machine replication

 state machine replication or state machine approach is a general

method for implementing a fault-tolerant service by replicating
servers and coordinating client interactions with server replicas
 Make server deterministic (state machine)
 Replicate server
 Ensure correct replicas step through the same sequence of state
 Vote on replica outputs for fault-tolerance
Replica Coordination

 All non-faulty state machines receive all commands in the same

 Every non-faulty state machine processes the commands it receives
in the same order
 A block is simply a selection of transactions bundled together
in order to organize them logically.
 It is made up of transactions and its size is variable depending
on the type and design of the blockchain in use.
 A reference to a previous block is also included in the block
unless it's a genesis block.
 A genesis block is the first block in the blockchain that was
hardcoded at the time the blockchain was started.
 The structure of a block is also dependent on the type and
design of a blockchain

 Generally there are a few attributes that are essential to the

functionality of a block
 Block header
 Pointers to previous` blocks
 Time stamp
 Nonce
 Transaction counter
 Transactions
 Other attributes.
The structure of a block
Various technical definitions of blockchains
– Definition 1
 Blockchain is a decentralized consensus
 In a blockchain, all peers eventually come
to an agreement regarding the state of a
Definition 2

 Blockchain is a distributed shared ledger.

 Blockchain can be considered as a shared ledger of
 The transaction are ordered and grouped into blocks.
 Real-world model is based on private databases that each
organization maintains whereas the distributed ledger
can serve as a single source of truth for all member
organizations that are using the blockchain.
Definition 3
 Blockchain is a data structure;
 it is basically a linked list that uses hash pointers instead of normal
 Hash pointers are used to point to the previous block.
Generic elements of a blockchain - Addresses

 Addresses are unique identifiers that are used in a transaction on

the blockchain to denote senders and recipients.
 An address is usually a public key or derived from a public key.
 Addresses can be reused by the same user, addresses themselves are
 In practice, single user may not use the same address again and
generate a new one for each transaction.

 Bitcoin is in fact a pseudonymous(false) system.

 End users are usually not directly identifiable
 But some research in de-anonymizing bitcoin users have shown
that users can be identified successfully.
 As a good practice it is suggested that users generate a new address
for each transaction
 In order to avoid linking transactions to the common owner, thus
avoiding identification.

 A transaction is the fundamental unit of a blockchain.

 A transaction represents a transfer of value from one address to
 A block is composed of multiple transactions and some other
elements such as the previous
 block hash (hash pointer)
 Timestamp
 Nonce.
 A nonce ("number only used once") is a number added to
a hashed block that, when rehashed, meets the difficulty
level restrictions.
 The nonce is the number that blockchain miners are
solving for.

 The nonce can be found as a 4-byte field in a block header,

 Its value adjusted by miners so that the hash of the block will be
less than or equal to the current target hash value set by the
 Miners will hash slight variations of the input data, which for the
mining process will be the nonce,
 Finding such a hash value during the mining process is known as a
golden nonce.
Peer-to-peer network

 Network topology whereby all peers can communicate

with each other and send and receive messages.
Scripting or programming language

 This element performs various operations on a transaction.

 Transaction scripts are predefined sets of commands for nodes to
transfer tokens from one address to another and perform various
other functions.
 Turing complete programming language is a desirable feature of
Virtual machine

 A virtual machine allows Turing complete code to be run on a

blockchain (as smart contracts)
 Virtual machines are not available on all blockchains;
 Various blockchains use virtual machines to run programs
 Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
 Chain Virtual Machine (CVM).
State machine

 A blockchain can be viewed as a state transition

 whereby a state is modified from its initial form to the
next and eventually to a final form as a result of a
transaction execution and validation process by nodes.

 A node in a blockchain network performs various functions

depending on the role it takes.
 A node can propose and validate transactions and perform mining to
facilitate consensus and secure the blockchain.
 Nodes can also perform other functions such as
 simple payment verification (lightweight nodes)
 validators,
 many others functions.
Smart contracts
 Programs run on top of the blockchain
 Encapsulate the business logic to be executed when certain
conditions are met.
 The smart contract feature is not available in all blockchains
 It is becoming a very desirable feature due to the flexibility and
power it provides to the blockchain applications.
 Self-automated computer programs that can carry out the terms of
any contract
 Mostly based on objective conditions precedent
 “If, then” criteria
Features of a blockchain
Features of a blockchain
 Distributed consensus
 Enables a blockchain to present a single version of truth that is
agreed upon by all parties
 Transaction verification
 Any transactions posted from nodes on the blockchain are
verified based on a predetermined set of rules
 Only valid transactions are selected for inclusion in a block
 Platforms for smart contracts
 A blockchain is a platform where programs can run that execute
business logic on behalf of the users
 Transferring value between peers
 Blockchain enables the transfer of value between its users via
 Generating cryptocurrency
 A blockchain can generate cryptocurrency as an incentive to its
miners who validate the transactions and spend resources in
order to secure the blockchain.
 Smart property
 Linking a digital or physical asset to the blockchain in an
irrevocable manner such that it cannot be claimed by anyone
 Full control on your asset and it cannot be double spent or
double owned
 Provider of security
 Blockchain is based on proven cryptographic technology that
ensures the integrity and availability of data
 Confidentiality is not provided due to the requirements of transparency
 Other security services such as nonrepudiation and authentication
are also provided by blockchain as all actions are secured by using
private keys and digital signatures.
 Immutability
 Records once added onto the blockchain are immutable.
 There is the possibility of rolling back the changes but this is
considered almost impossible to do as it will require an
unaffordable amount of computing resources
 Uniqueness
 Ensures that every transaction is unique and has not been spent
 Especially relevant in cryptocurrencies
 Smart contracts
 Revolutionary feature of blockchain as it allows flexibility,
programmability, and much desirable control of actions that
users of blockchain need to perform according to their specific
business requirements.
Applications of blockchain technology

 Blockchain technology has a multitude of applications in various

sectors including but not limited to finance, government, media,
law, and arts.
 Almost all industries have already realized the potential and
promise of blockchain and have already embarked, or soon will
How blockchains accumulate blocks

 A node starts a transaction by signing it with its private key.

 The transaction is propagated (flooded) by using much desirable
Gossip protocol to peers
 Peers validates the transaction based on pre-set criteria.
 Usually, more than one node is required to validate the transactions.
 Once the transaction is validated, it is included in a block, which
is then propagated on to the network.
 At this point, the transaction is considered confirmed.
How blockchains accumulate blocks
 The newly created block now becomes part of the ledger and the next
block links itself cryptographically back to this block.
 This link is a hash pointer.
 At this stage, the transaction gets its second confirmation and the
block gets its first.
 Transactions are then reconfirmed every time a new block is created.
 Usually, six confirmations in the bitcoin network are required to
consider the transaction final.
  To be secure against double spending, a transaction should not be
considered as confirmed until it is a certain number of blocks deep.
Tiers of blockchain technology

 Blockchain 1.0
 Introduced with the invention of bitcoin and is basically
used for cryptocurrencies.
 Categorize Generation 1 of blockchain technology to
only include cryptographic currencies.
 All alternative coins and bitcoin fall into this category.
 This includes core applications such as payments and
  This generation started in 2009 when Bitcoin was
released and ended in early 2010.
Tiers of blockchain technology
 Blockchain 2.0
 Generation 2.0 blockchains are used by financial services
and contracts are introduced in this generation.
 This includes various financial assets, for example
derivatives, options, swaps, and bonds.
 Applications that are beyond currency, finance, and
markets are included at this tier.
  Ethereum, Hyperledger, and other newer blockchain
platforms are considered part of Blockchain 2.0.
 This generation started when ideas related to using
blockchain for other purposes started to emerge in
Tiers of blockchain technology
 Blockchain 3.0
 Generation 3 blockchains are used to implement applications beyond the
financial services industry
 Used in more general-purpose industries such as government, health, media,
the arts, and justice.
 Again, as in Blockchain 2.0, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and newer blockchains
with the ability to code smart contracts are considered part of this blockchain
technology tier.
 This generation of blockchain emerged around 2012 when multiple
applications of blockchain technology in different industries were researched.
Tiers of blockchain technology
 Generation X (Blockchain X)
 This is a vision of blockchain singularity where one day we will have a
public blockchain service available that anyone can use just like the Google
search engine
 It will provide services in all realms of society.
 This is a public open distributed ledger with general purpose rational agents
(Machina Economicus) running on blockchain, making decisions and
interacting with other intelligent autonomous agents on behalf of humans
and regulated by code instead of law or paper contracts.
 Machina Economicus is a concept which comes from the field of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and computational economics. It can be defined as a
machine that makes logical and perfect decisions.
Types of blockchain-Public blockchains
 Blockchains are open to the public
 Anyone can participate as a node in the decision-making process.
 Users may or may not be rewarded for their participation.
 Ledgers are not owned by anyone and are publicly open for anyone to
participate in.
 All users of the permission-less ledger maintain a copy of the ledger
on their local nodes and use a distributed consensus mechanism in
order to reach a decision about the eventual state of the ledger.
 Public blockchains are also known as permission-less ledgers.
Types of blockchain-Private blockchains
 Private blockchains as the name implies are private
 Open only to a consortium or group of individuals or
organizations that has decided to share the ledger among
Types of blockchain-Semi-private blockchains

 Part of the blockchain is private and part of it is

 The private part is controlled by a group of
 whereas the public part is open for participation by
Types of blockchain-Sidechains
 More precisely known as pegged sidechains,
 This is a concept whereby coins can be moved from one blockchain to
another and moved back.
 Common uses include the creation of new altcoins (alternative
cryptocurrencies) whereby coins are burnt as a proof of adequate
 There are two types of sidechain.
 The example provided above for burning coins is applicable to a
one-way pegged sidechain.
 The second type is called a two-way pegged sidechain, which
allows the movement of coins from the main chain to the
sidechain and back to the main chain when required.
Types of blockchain-Permissioned ledger

 A permissioned ledger is a blockchain whereby the participants of the

network are known and already trusted.
 Permissioned ledgers do not need to use a distributed consensus
 instead an agreement protocol can be used to maintain a shared version of
truth about the state of the records on the blockchain.
 There is also no requirement for a permissioned blockchain to be private
as it can be a public blockchain but with regulated access control.
Types of blockchain-Distributed ledger

 This ledger is distributed among its participants and spread across

multiple sites or organizations.
 This type can either be private or public.
 The key idea is that, unlike many other blockchains, the records are
stored contiguously instead of sorted into blocks.
 This concept is used in Ripple.
Types of blockchain

 Shared ledger
 This is generic term that is used to describe any application or database that
is shared by the public or a consortium.
 Fully private and proprietary blockchains
 These blockchains perhaps have no mainstream application as they deviate
from the core idea of decentralization in blockchain technology.
 Nonetheless in specific private settings within an organization there might
be a need to share data and provide some level of guarantee of the
authenticity of the data.
 For example, for collaboration and sharing data between various
government departments.
Types of blockchain

 Tokenized blockchains
 These blockchains are standard blockchains that generate
cryptocurrency as a result of a consensus process via mining or
via initial distribution
 Tokenless blockchains
 These are probably not real blockchains because they lack the
basic unit of transfer of value
 These are still valuable in situations where there is no need to
transfer value between nodes and only sharing some data
among various already trusted parties is required.
Consensus in blockchain
 Consensus is basically a distributed computing concept that has
been used in blockchain in order to provide a means of agreeing to a
single version of truth by all peers on the blockchain network.
 Two categories of consensus mechanism exist:
 Proof-based, leader-based, or the Nakamoto consensus whereby
a leader is elected and proposes a final value
 Byzantine fault tolerance-based, which is a more traditional
approach based on rounds of votes
Proof of Work

 This type of consensus mechanism relies on proof that enough

computational resources have been spent before proposing a value
for acceptance by the network.
 Used in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
 Currently, this is the only algorithm that has proven astonishingly
successful against Sybil attacks.
 Sybil Attack : node in the network operates multiple identities
actively at the same time and undermines the authority/power in
reputation systems.
Proof of Stake
 This algorithm works on the idea that a node or user has enough
stake in the system;
 Example the user has invested enough in the system so that any
malicious attempt would outweigh the benefits of performing an
attack on the system.
 This idea was first introduced by Peercoin and is going to be used in
the Ethereum blockchain.
 Another important concept in Proof of Stake (PoS) is coin age,
which is a derived from the amount of time and the number of coins
that have not been spent.
 In this model, the chances of proposing and signing the next block
increase with the coin age.
Delegated Proof of Stake

 Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) is an innovation over

standard PoS
 Each node that has stake in the system can delegate the
validation of a transaction to other nodes by voting.
 This is used in the bitshares blockchain
Proof of Elapsed Time
 Introduced by Intel
 Proof of elapsed time (POET) is a blockchain network consensus mechanism algorithm that
prevents high resource utilization and high energy consumption 
 Uses Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to provide randomness and safety in the leader
election process via a guaranteed wait time.
  Each participating node in the network is required to wait for a randomly chosen time
 first one to complete the designated waiting time wins the new block.
 Each node in the blockchain network generates a random wait time and goes to sleep for
that specified duration.
 The one to wake up first – that is, the one with the shortest wait time – wakes up and
commits a new block to the blockchain, broadcasting the necessary information to the
whole peer network .
 It requires the Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) processor in order to provide the
security guarantee and for it to be secure.
 Hyperledger in the context of the Intel Sawtooth Lake blockchain project.
Deposit-based consensus

 Nodes that wish to participate on the network have to put

in a security deposit before they can propose a block.
 The protocol governs through the controlling of these
security deposits, which implicitly governs the incentives
of validators.
Proof of importance
 Proof of importance not only relies on how much stake a
user has in the system but it also monitors the usage and
movement of tokens by the user to establish a level of trust
and importance.
 This is used in Nemcoin.
 Proof importance uses other various metrics in order to
evaluate nodes.
 net transfers
 amount of vested currency,
 activity clusters
Federated consensus or federated Byzantine
 Used in the stellar consensus protocol
 Nodes in this protocol keep a group of publicly trusted
 Propagates only those transactions that have been validated
by the majority of trusted nodes.
Reputation-based mechanisms

 Leader is elected on the basis of the reputation it

has built over time on the network.
 This can be based on the voting from other
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
 Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) achieves
state machine replication
 which provides tolerance against Byzantine nodes.
 PBFT, PAXOS, RAFT, and Federated Byzantine
Agreement (FBA), are also being used or have been
proposed for use in many different implementations of
distributed systems and blockchains.
CAP theorem and blockchain

 CAP theorem is violated in blockchain,

 bitcoin,
 In blockchains consistency is sacrificed in favor of availability
and partition tolerance.
 In this scenario, Consistency (C) on the blockchain is not
achieved simultaneously with Partition tolerance (P) and
Availability (A), but it is achieved over time.
 This is called eventual consistency, where consistency is
achieved as a result of validation from multiple nodes over
CAP theorem and blockchain

 For this purpose, the concept of mining was introduced in

 This is a process that facilitates the achievement of
consensus by using a consensus algorithm called PoW.
 Mining can be defined as a process that is used to add
more blocks to the blockchain.
Benefits of blockchain

 Decentralization
 no need for a trusted third party or intermediary to
validate transactions
 Transparency and trust
 blockchains are shared and everyone can see what is on
the blockchain
 Immutability
 Once the data has been written to the blockchain, it is
extremely difficult to change it back
Benefits of blockchain
 High availability
 data is replicated and updated on each and every node
 Highly secure
 All transactions on a blockchain are cryptographically secured
and provide integrity
 Simplification of current paradigms
 Blockchain can serve as a single shared ledger among
interested parties
Benefits of blockchain

 Faster dealings
 Blockchain does not require a lengthy process of
verification, reconciliation, and clearance
 Because a single version of agreed upon data is already
available on a shared ledger
 Cost saving
 No third party or clearing houses are required in the
blockchain model
Challenges and limitations of blockchain
 Scalability
 Adaptability
 Regulation
 Relatively immature technology
 Privacy

 Imran Bashir. “Mastring BlockChain”, Packt

 Web Materials

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