Frank Owen Gehry
Frank Owen Gehry
Frank Owen Gehry
(28 FEB,1929-
• Frank Owen Gehry is a Canadian-born American architect,
residing in Los Angeles.
• A number of his buildings, including his private residence, have
become world-renowned attractions.
• His works are cited as being among the most important works of
contemporary architecture in the 2010 World Architecture Survey,
which led Vanity Fair to label him as "the most important
architect of our age"
• A creative child, he was encouraged by his grandmother, with
whom he would build little cities out of scraps of wood.
• With these scraps from her husband's hardware store, she
entertained him for hours, building imaginary houses and futuristic
cities on the living room floor.
The building is built with load-bearing walls and ceilings, which have an internal structure of
metal rods that form grids with triangles. The shapes of the museum could not have
succeeded if it did not use load-bearing walls and ceilings.
Catia determined the number of bars required in each location, as well as the bars positions
and orientations. In addition to this structure, the walls and ceilings have several insulating
layers and an outer coating of titanium. Each piece is unique and exclusive to the place,
determined by Catia.
Built of limestone, glass and titanium, the museum used 33,000 pieces of titanium half a
millimeter thick, each with a unique form suited to its location. As these pieces are so thin, a
perfect fit to the curves is necessary. The glass has a special treatment to let in the sun's light,
but not its heat.
louis vuitton foundation
Experience Music
Project in Seattle
New World Center in
Miami Beach