Types of Fibres

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Types of fibres

What is a fibre?

• a slender and greatly elongated substance capable

of being spun into yarn.

• Fibres are deemed the fourth most important

evidence when DNA, fingerprints, and footwear
are available.
Fibre evidence used for 3 reasons:

• Intelligence information

• Associative evidence

• To reconstruct a crime scene.

• When fibres are brought in from a case study,
they are analysed using microscopy to recognize
characteristics to compare to a suspect sample

• However, the first thing that will be done will be

to identify what type of fibre it is.
• The transfer of fibres from article to article lends
itself to identify who has come in with contact
these objects.

• The transfer of fibres depends on the shedding

ability of the fabric and the persistence of these
fibres on other types of fabric.

• The easier these fibres are shed, the more

chance there will be for secondary, tertiary or
even quaternary transfer.
Classification of Fibres
Classifying fibres

• Fibres are divided into two main categories:

– 'Natural fibres' are fibres that occur in nature: wool, cotton,

asbestos, etc.

– 'Man-made fibres' is the term applied to fibres that have

been manufactured by humans from either naturally
occurring fibre-forming polymers (for example viscose,
acetate and rayon) or synthetic fibre-forming polymers (for
example polyester).
Manmade fibres
Man-made fibres can be divided into three subdivisions:

– Synthetic fibres' are man-made fibres spun from

synthesized fibre-forming polymers.

– 'Regenerated fibres' are man-made fibres that have

been produced from naturally occurring polymers by a
technique that includes the regeneration of the
polymer structure (casein, viscose, acetate, etc.)
– other fibres (carbon, glass, metal, etc).
Subdivisions of Natural fibres

• animal (protein)
• vegetable (cellulose)
• and mineral (asbestos)
Subdivisions of animal fibres
• Divisions based on protein composition and

• silk (fibroin)
• wool (keratin)
• hair fibres (also keratin).
Vegetable fibres
• Groups of vegetable or cellulosic fibres: based
on the part of the plant that is the source of
the fibre

• (i) seed fibres (cotton, kapok, and coir)

• (ii) bast (stem) fibres (flax, hemp,jute,ramie)
• (iii) leaf fibres (manila, sisal, etc.).
Characteristics of fiber polymers

• linear molecular chains which possess some

degree of extension to the fibre axis- making it
stronger longitudinally than transversely

• streamlined molecular chains- allowing for

close packing of the polymer chains
Characteristics of fiber polymers

• the molecular chains should be flexible and

hence impart extensibility to the fibres.

• a high molecular weight-imparting both a

high melting point and low solubility in most
Natural fibres-Silk
• Silk is obtained from a class of insects called
Lepidoptera (scaled winged insects).

• The principal species cultivated for the

commercial production of silk is Bombyx mori or
mulberry silkworm.
• The production of silk can be divided into two
areas – sericulture and silk reeling.

– Sericulture is the production of cocoons from eggs

– Silk reeling is where the cocoon is converted into

the thread.
Cocoon of Bombyx mori
• Silk is composed of the proteins fibroin and

• Has crystalline regions where the protein chains

are fully extended in the B-sheet structure with
maximized hydrogen bonding.

• has a markedly different amino acid composition

than other animal fibres.
Silk Fibres
SEM silk fibres
• No Cysteine, and therefore disulphide crosslinks
are not present in silk.

• Consequently, silk will dissolve in powerful

hydrogen bond-breaking solvents such as
cuprammonium hydroxide, in which other
animal fibres will not dissolve.
• Silk is extensible and elastic

– Silk has a reversible extension of up to 4%, beyond which

recovery is slow with some permanent set.

• Silk almost equals nylon in resistance to abrasion

and toughness (the ability to absorb work) – as a
result of crystalline structure.
• Raw silk has a regain of 11%, but that of de-
gummed silk is about 10%, the sericin having a
higher water-absorbing capacity than the fibroin.

• Silk more susceptible to acids than wool, but is

more resistant to alkalis, though low concentrations
at high temperatures will cause some tendering.

• Still silk is not readily attacked by warm dilute acids,

but dissolves in strong acids.
• Silk is very resistant to all organic solvents, but is
soluble in cuprammonium hydroxide and
cupriethylene diamine, the latter solvent being
used for fluidity tests.

• Silk is more susceptible to oxidizing agents and

exposure to sunlight than cellulosic or synthetic
• More resistant to biological attack than other
natural fibres
• Easily dyed with a wide range of dyestuffs
including acid, basic, and metal complex dyes.
Summary Properties of silk

• Strong
• Tough
• high regain
• Resistant to creasing
• Good draping properties
• Luxurious appearance.
Draping silk textile
• Used in apparel and drapery industries

• High cost restricts use of silk

• Since silk is a continuous filament fibre, with a

smooth surface, fibre transfer during contact is
unlikely-poor shedder
• Wool is made of the protein called keratin.

• hair, feathers, beaks, claws, hooves, horn, and even

certain types of skin tumour are also made of keratin.

• Arguably the most common hair fibre used in textiles.

• The fineness, quality, and properties of wool depend

on the sheep breed
• Merino wool is soft, fine and strong
• Leicester, Cheviot and Corriedale are medium wools used in knitting
yarns, blankets etc.

• Even within the same breed, differences in diet, health,

climate make wool show considerable variation in physical
and chemical properties:

For example, one expects considerable variation in

physical properties such as fibre diameter, length, and
crimp as well as the chemical constitution of the fibres.

• Wool can be difficult to analyse and interpret due to

differences in hair over the whole body of the sheep.
• Wool, like other hair fibres, contains a
substantial quantity of the amino acid

• Cysteine residues in wool play a very

important role in the stabilization of the fibre
structure owing to the crosslinking action of
their disulphide bonds
• Since wool is a staple fibre, with a rough
'scaly' fibre surface, wool fibres may transfer
readily during contact, especially from loosely
constructed fabrics.

• Wool sheds more readily than man-made

SEM wool Fibres
Specialty hair fibres
• The hair fibres, sometimes referred to as
'specialty' hair fibres, can be divided roughly into
three groups:
• fibres from the goat family (mohair, cashmere)

• fibres from the camel family (camel hair, alpaca,


• fibres from other fur-bearing animals, in

particular the rabbit (angora).
Goat Hair fibres
• Mohair is from the angora goat. Fibres are between
20-30 cm for a full year’s growth. Identification of
mohair can be difficult as similar to wool

• Cashmere is from the Asiatic goat and is chemically

identical to wool. The extra softness is due to
cashmere fibres being finer. There have been many
cases of Cashmere fraud over the years.
Camel (family) hair fibres
• Alpaca fibres are from Lama pacos species inhabiting
South America
• Alpaca fibres are more easily identified as they have a
distinct scale structure and medullation.

• Fibres vary from alpaca to alpaca and in some alpacas

there may be a higher incidence of medullated fibers,
compared to wool and mohair.

• Medullated fibers can take less dye, standing out in

the finished garment, and are weaker
• Strands of alpaca fiber are smooth and therefore
feel less prickly or itchy next to the skin than wool

• Alpaca insulates from cool and warm

temperatures and is comfortable for any season-
hollowness of fibre.

• Most people who have wool-based allergies will

not be allergic to alpaca- no lanolin
Rabbit fibres
• Rabbit fibres are usually from the angora species of

• These rabbits are bred primarily for their fur. Angora

fibres are retrieved by shaving the pelts of the rabbits
and then separated by blowing.

• Often used in hats or jumpers but mixed with wool or

SEM of various fibre types
Vegetable fibres
• Vegetable fibres are spilt into 3 categories:

• Seed fibres
• Bast fibres
• Leaf fibres

The chemical constituents can vary dramatically. The main

constituents to note are cellulose, pectins, fats, waxes and
Seed Fibres

• is retrieved from the seed of the species

Gossypium which is found in subtropical countries.

• A boll is formed on the plant which bursts into

sections. Fibres are formed inside and mature as
cellulose is deposited on the interior surface of the

• The convoluted shape is due to the shrinking of the

fibre as it dries.
• This convoluted staple fibre may transfer
readily during contact.

• Since a very high proportion of cotton is

marketed in 'white' products, colourless
cotton fibres have little, if any, value as
Bolls of cotton
Convoluted cotton fibres

• Fibres obtained from the kapok tree, native to Mexico

Central America and the Caribbean

• Pods are picked from the tree and broken

open and dried in the sun.

• Kapok fibres can be identified by their low density.

• Fibres are resistant to water. Buoyant but highly

• Used to make lifebuoys and mattresses

• A fruit fibre from coconuts

• Husks are soaked for a week, dried and passed through a


• The best coir is from unripe husks. This is used for ropes,

• Coir from mature husks is coarser and so used for

brushes, brooms.

• Has great tensile strength

Coconut fruit
Bast Fibres
• Bast fibres are from the stems of plants which are bundled under
the bark.

• Scientific name Linum usitatissimum.
• Has been cultivated for over 6000 years

• Flax is stronger than other natural fibres but is much less pliable
and elastic.

• Also absorbs and desorbs water rapidly

• smooth fibre surface makes it very easy to launder, hence linen

found great use in the manufacture of table cloths and bandages.
• Flax grown for the fibre which is linen and the seed
which is linseed

• Flax strength due to its compact structure


• Scientific name Cannabis sativa

• Used mainly for ropes and twine.

Leaf Fibres
• Also known as ‘hard’ fibres: thicker and harder than bast
• Obtained from certain tropical and subtropical plants

• Scientific name Agava sisalana
• Leaves are removed and crushed and the fibres scraped
• Usually easy to identify as are polygonal in cross-section.
• Used in ropes and twines.
• Other leaf fibres are Abaca and New Zealand hemp. These
are not widely used and commercial quantities have
dramatically decreased
Agava sisalana
Abaca/ manila

• Leaf fibre,
Abaca Plant and
fibre produced.
New Zealand Hemp:
Plant and fibres
Mineral fibres


Analysis of natural fibres
Differs from man-made fibres
• Primarily use of compound microscopes
• Can include the following:
– Overall morphology
– Length
– Cross-sectional shape
– Thickness of lumen
– Determination of refractive index
– Lignification – Phloroglucinol reagent

– Herzog test- plant fibres molecular orientation

– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC9GlUKjBDE
Herzog test results
• A Z-twist fibre is said to turn yellow when parallel to
the polarizer and blue when parallel to the analyser,
while for a S-twist fibre the situation is exactly
– Hemp and jute have Z-twist and flax and ramie have S-twist.

• The modified Herzog test can also be used to

distinguish between bast fibres and other plant fibres.

– For example, in cotton, a seed fibre, the microfibrils change

their twist directions at short intervals
Man-Made Fibres
• There are two types of Man-made fibres:

– Regenerated fibres: made from natural polymers

• Eg. Rubber and viscose

– Synthetic Fibres: made from synthetic polymers

• Eg. Polyamide and polyester
Manufacture of Man-Made fibres
• Process is called spinning or extrusion

• The concentrated, viscous polymer, either in

solution or in a molten state, is forced through
the tiny holes of a spinneret

• The emerging filaments are immediately

precipitated or cooled to form the solid-state
• Types of spinning:

– Wet spinning : concentrated solution of polymer dissolved in aqueous

or organic solvents. The extruded filaments are immediately
precipitated in a coagulation bath.

– Dry spinning: concentrated solution of polymer dissolved in volatile

solvent systems which allow rapid evaporation of the solvent, effecting
fibre solidification after extrusion.

– Melt spinning: The molten polymer is extruded and the filaments are
solidified by simple cooling (applies to thermoplastics only)

• Type used determined by physical and chemical property of polymer

Effects of Spinning
• Spinning causes the polymer chains to become
more aligned (or oriented) in the direction of the
longitudinal axis of the fibre.

– maximizes the inter-polymer forces of attraction

between polymer chains, leading to an increase in
polymer crystallinity and fibre strength.

– Parts of the fibre will be crystalline and others

amorphous- influencing the property of the fibre
• Extrusion method (eg. Shape of spinnerets or rate
of cooling) determine the longitudinal and cross-
sectional appearance of man-made fibres
Types of synthetic polymers
Condensation polymers:
• Monomers bearing two reactive or functional groups from
one or more compound(s) condense by normal chemical
reaction to produce a linear polymer.

• Repeating units are joined by inter-unit functional groups

(ester, amide, urethanes)

• The linkages are susceptible to hydrolysis – acids and alkalis

– Eg. polyamides and aramids, polyesters, and polyurethanes.

Condensation polymerization
• https://youtu.be/-d14DmSBuAQ
Addition polymers
• Occur when monomers containing double bonds from
one or more compounds add together at the double
bond to form a polymer confined to an aliphatic carbon
chain. Results in no loss of atom or molecule

– Has strong C-C bonds in polymer backbone

– Not susceptible to cleavage hence more stable than

condensation polymers- non-biodegradable

– Eg. Polyolefins and polyvinyl derivatives.

Addition polymerization
Eg. Addition polymers
• The degree of polymerization attained for
addition polymers is usually much higher than
that for condensation polymers because of the
nature of their respective polymerization

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk6h4oa
• Polyamides may be synthesized via the condensation
of diamine (H2N–R1–NH2) and dicarboxylic acid
(HOOC-R2-COOH) monomers, or by the
polymerization of an -amino acid

• R group may be either aliphatic (straight carbon

chain), alicyclic (ring), or aromatic (benzene ring)

• Polymer has the amide functional group:

Naming polyamide fibres
• Aliphatic polyamide fibres: named according to the
number of carbon atoms in the repeating unit.

– eg if the repeating unit is derived from a diamine and a di-

acid, the polymer is designated by two numerals:

• the first indicating the number of carbon atoms in the diamine

• and the second the number of carbon atoms in the dicarboxylic


• Eg. Nylon 6.6

• Nylons synthesized from an -amino acid are
designated by a single numeral denoting the
number of carbon atoms in the amino acid.

– Eg. Nylon 6
• Most common polyamides

• Smooth, regular longitudinal appearance results in a highly

lustrous and translucent fibre

– Requires the addition of a delustring agent (for example titanium


– Nylon fibres are melt spun- can be texturized by heat

treatment( improves appearance and resilience)

• Many hydrogen bonds between polymer chains -Polar amide

linkages along backbone plus absence of bulky side groups
• Hydrogen bonds :
– Crystalline
– makes it strong with good elastic recovery
• Wetting causes nylon to increase in fibre extensibility and
decrease in elasticity and tensile strength.

• Crystalline structure:
– cause it to exhibit outstanding resistance to abrasion
– Has low moisture regain- the crystalline structure
prevents water entering
– Not very conductive – develops static electricity
• Amide linkages:
– Nylon is relatively stable in alkalis. Hydrolyzed by acids.
• Nylon fibres are soluble in phenols and concentrated acid

– oxidation by sunlight- weakening the fibre

• ideal for the carpet and hosiery industries,

– Eg.Nylon 6.6: Antron, Rhodiastar, Tactel, Ultron
Nylon 6: Anso, Enkalon, Patina, Perlon, Zeftron

• Aramids are aromatic polyamides defined as

having at least 85% of their amide linkages
attached directly to two aromatic rings.

• Eg.Kermel, Kevlar, Nomex, Teijin Conex, Twaron

• Nomex and Kevlar are the most commonly

encountered aramids,
• Kevlar

• Nomex
• The molecular chain linearity (due to aromatic ring)
and hydrogen bonding- results in almost perfect
molecular orientation of polymer chains

• better alignment of polymer chains than seen in

aliphatic polyamides:
– Higher specific gravity
– higher tensile strength,
– higher modulus (resistance to stretching),
– and extremely high chemical and heat resistance (up to
– insoluble in most common solvents and therefore require
the use of special solvent systems for extrusion into
• The fibres char and decompose rather than melt at
temperatures above 300°C.

• Expense to manufacture aramid fibre - limits

applications to high-performance products.
• Nomex is principally used for fire/heat retardant
purposes such as in heat protective clothing

• Applications of Kevlar include high-performance tyres

and conveyor belts, and reinforcement fibres in
sporting goods and in the aerospace industry, bullet
proof vests.

• (Kevlar is 5 times and 10 times stronger than steel and

aluminum respectively)
• Eg. Dacron, Diolen, Fortrel, Grilene, Tergal, Terital, Terlenka,
Terylene, Teteron, Trevira

• Polyesters are synthesized by the condensation of a diol (for

example ethylene glycol) and a dicarboxylic acid (for example
adipic acid) with formation of an ester linkage (–COO–) along
the polymer chain backbone.

– The most common polyester manufactured is based on the polymer

polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

• Polyesters are melt-spun: The fibres are fine, regular, and

translucent, and are usually textured, as is nylon, by a heat
• Carbonyl groups present are weakly polar:
hydrophobic interactions such as weak van der
Waals' forces holds adjacent polymer chains

• The para-substituted benzene rings reinforce the

linearity of the polymer, thus maximizing the van
der Waals' attractive forces.

– Making fibre very crystalline

– Resistant to abrasion
– strong
– No loss of strength on wetting because of the
hydrophobic nature of the polymer chains.

– Para-substituted benzene ring makes polyester

textiles stiff (not elastic)

• requiring twice the force required by nylon to produce

similar extension.
– Wrinkle resistant

– Low moisture regain- due to high crystallinity and

hydrophobic properties (produces static)

– Polyester is insoluble in most organic solvents, including

90% o-phosphoric acid, which will digest most other
textile fibres derived from organic polymers.

– Dissolves in chlorophenol and hot 90% phenol.

– Unlike nylon, the ester linkage in polyester is hydrolyzed
by alkalis (surface damage mostly) but stable even in
concentrated acids (dissolving only in hot sulphuric acid)

– More resistant to sunlight degradation than nylon.

– Difficult to dye

– Static electricity
• Both nylon and polyester fibres have:
– strength
– abrasion resistance
– thermal stability
– ability to hold a heat-setting treatment

• Polyester has more applications than nylon- due

to higher modulus and lower production cost
Overcoming the limitations of polyester

• Increase moisture absorbency by blending with

absorbent fibres to increase wear comfort.

• Treatment with antistatic agents serves to dissipate

static charge

• Dyeing with carriers swells the fibre, facilitating the

penetration of disperse dyes e.g.
Orthophenylphenol, Benzyl benzoate
• Apparel: Staple fibre blending with wool or cotton
for making apparel. Easy care and toughness of
polyester render it very suitable for apparel

• Continuous filament polyester suitable for

industrial applications such as:
– ropes,
– conveyor belts,
– seat belts, and
– tarpaulins.
Polyurethane (elastane)
• Eg. Acelan, Dorlastan, Cleerspan, Glospan, Lycra, Opelon

• Contain at least 85% of organic units joined by urethane

linkages (–NH–COO–).

• Reacting a diisocyanate ( two isocyanate functional groups)
with a long chain polygycol monomer ( two hydroxyl or
alcohol groups). Properties vary depending on monomers.

• Polyurethane fibres commonly used in textile industry are

very complex polymers combining a flexible segment
(provides lots of stretch and rapid recovery of an elastomer),
with a rigid segment (confers strength of a fibre).
• The flexible segments can be one of two types, a
long polyether or polyester chain

• rigid segments are composed of a diphenyl methyl

group attached to a urethane group.

• Polyurethane elastomers are usually solution spun

Thermoset plastic-excessive amounts of heat can
disrupt the elastic properties of the fibre.
• The polymer network of polyurethanes is largely
amorphous as a result of the long, flexible polyether
or polyester chains which are folded on themselves.

• The interconnecting hard segments tend to be more

aligned, with hydrogen bonding between the
urethane groups of adjacent chains contributing to
polymer strength and crystallinity.

• distinctive highly extensible, 'snap-back' property of

elastomeric fibres- due to the inter-chain region
between the crystalline region.
• hydrophobic nature of the flexible region and the
crystalline nature of the rigid region.

– Low moisture regain

– Prone to static electricity
– Difficult to dye
– not susceptible to attack by corrosive although alkalis
will readily attack the ester linkages of the polyester
type of polyurethanes

• Usually combined with fibres like nylon that dye

more readily.
• Used in apparel where stretch and recovery
are important

– swim wear and

– active wear

• Polyethylene: Dyneema, Polysteen, Spectra,


• Polypropylene: Asota, Danaklon, Downspun,

Gymlene, Herculon, Meraklon,
Novatron, Vegon
• Polyethylene and polypropylene polymers are
polymerized from the petroleum-based products
ethylene and propylene, respectively (addition

• Both polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) are

melt-extruded (thermoplastics)
• High degree of polymerization/The dense packing of linear
polymer chains/ - maximize the van der Waals' inter-chain forces:
– Very crystalline
–Lower modulus than polyester

• highly crystalline and hydrophobic nature

–extremely difficult to dye

–fibre with high tenacity (similar to nylon and polyester). High
performance PE as strong and stiff as aramids.
–Zero moisture regain
–very resistant to attack by corrosive chemicals.
– abrasive resistant but less so than nylon
–highly resistant to chemical degradation by acids and alkalis but
soluble in hot hydrocarbon solvents and cannot be dry-cleaned.

–'wicking', which allows moisture to be transferred rapidly between

fibres without actually being absorbed by the fibres.

•Pigmentation is achieved by dying before melt spinning or addition

of modifying chemicals to the spinning dope (act as light stabilizer
and mordant)

•Use limited by low melting points ( PE(135°C) and PP (165°C).

•The fibre is flammable, although self-extinguishing.

• Degraded by sunlight- need to be treated with
ultra violet stabilizers for some indoor and out
door applications

• inert material that is also resistant to bacterial

• next-to-skin active wear
• furnishings
• PP Backing for carpets
• Carpet face yarns
• PP Fishing nets and cordage (replacing sisal
and jute)
Polyvinyl Derivatives
• Acrylics (85% by weight of acrylonitrile units)
: Acrilan, Beslon, Cashmilon, Courtelle, Dolan,
Dralon, Leacril, Vonnel, Orlon, Dynel

• Modacrylics (at least 35% but not more than 85% of

acrylonitrile units) : Kanecaron, Kanekalon, Nonbur,
SEF, Velicren FR polyacrylonitrile

• Velicren FR Polyacrylonitrile is the commonest

addition polymer
• Acrylic and modacrylic fibres are solution spun
(either wet or dry spun)

• acrylonitrile units are largely non-polar, and

the polymer system is therefore held together
predominantly by van der Waals' forces.
• High polymerization results in long chains-maximize
van der Waals' forces and results in high

– Polyacrylonitrile (100%) is extremely difficult to dye,

being non-polar and highly crystalline.

– low moisture regain, as a result of the predominantly
hydrophobic character and highly crystalline nature

– Acrylic fibres have only moderate tensile strength

compared to nylon and polyester
– Static charge

– Little penetration of acids and alkalis, with only

hot concentrated alkalis causing surface

– Acrylic fibres are insoluble in most organic

solvents, but will dissolve in boiling
dimethylformamide and dimethylsulphoxide
• Acrylic polymers are generally copolymerized with up
to 15% of different monomers

– Comonomers open up the polymer structure and/or to

incorporate anionic or cationic groups within the polymer
system- attracting and allowing dyes to penetrate

– Basic dyes are commonly used on acrylic fibres, producing

bright shades with good light fastness.

• often delustred

• processed into staple fibre

• loss in strength when wet

• Wrinkles: indicating slippage of polymer chains due

to weak inter-chain forces

• Resistant to degradation by sunlight ( most, of all

textile fibres)
• Acrylics very heat-sensitive
– Acrylics are readily flammable on close approach to a flame;
they burn with a characteristic smoky flame.

– Flammability retarded by copolymerization with vinylidene

chloride monomers - produce flame-resistant polymers-
degradation of C-Cl bond is endothermic.

– shrink when subjected to steam (more than other textiles)

– chlorine-containing modacrylics have lower heat stability

than acrylics in that they soften more readily from heat
application (150°C) and shrink markedly in boiling water.
Acrylic fibres are most commonly blended with other fibres in:
• Knitted outerwear,
• furnishings,
• carpet, and
• fabrics for outdoor use (awnings etc.).

These applications make use of their high bulk characteristics, bright


• Hair in wigs
• Apparel lining
• Furlike outerwear
• Modacrylics are also usually blended with
other fibres to impart flame retardancy in
apparel and furnishings.

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