Group Project: Shirley Lane Elementary School

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Shirley Lane Elementary School

Group Project
Presented by Group A

Hello, classmates! We
are Group A!
Meet the Group Larissa

Larissa Tristan Sebastian Paisley

Group Leader Researcher Resource Collector Summarizer

Start inspired with thousands of templates, collaborate
with ease, and engage your audience with a memorable
Canva Presentation.

Apply page animations and transitions to your Canva

Presentation to emphasize ideas and make them even
more memorable.
Our First Goal Goals
Pre-record your Canva presentation to
present anytime, anywhere.

Our Second Goal

Add audio or record yourself talking
over a presentation, then share your
video with everyone.

Our Third Goal

It’s excellent for capturing audiences
beyond a one-time event.
General Overview
Present with ease and wow any audience with Canva
Presentations. Choose from over a thousand templates to fit
any objective or topic.

With Canva Presentations, you can collaborate in real-time
with your teammates or co-presenters. Share tasks and work
simultaneously to create a powerful presentation.
Name and their Contribution
Apply page animations and transitions to your Canva presentation to
emphasize ideas and make them even more memorable.

Notable People
Name and their Contribution
and Find the magic and fun in presenting with Canva Presentations by
pressing C for confetti, D for a drumroll, and O for bubbles.
Name and their Contribution
Collaborate in real-time with your teammates. Share tasks and work
simultaneously to create a powerful presentation.


Main Concepts

The First Concept The Second Concept The Third Concept

Pre-record your Canva Add audio or record yourself It’s excellent for capturing
presentation to present anytime, talking over a presentation, then audiences beyond a one-time event.
anywhere. share your video with everyone.

Related Photos from our

Find the magic and fun in presenting
with Canva Presentations by pressing
C for confetti, D for a drumroll, and O
for bubbles.

Related Video
With Canva Presentations, you can collaborate in real-time and feel like you’re in
the same room as your teammates or co-presenters. Share tasks and work
simultaneously to create a powerful presentation.
Our First Synthesis Sebastian
Wow any audience with your Canva presentation.
Design, plan, and present all in one place.

Our Second Synthesis

Wow any audience with your Canva presentation.
Design, plan, and present all in one place.
Our Third Synthesis
Wow any audience with your Canva presentation.
Design, plan, and present all in one place.
Thank you!
Do you have any questions for us?
Natural Science Edition 1
by D.B. Stanley (Book)

The Circle of Life

by Sari Purdue (Article)

References 03 Our Great Ancestors

by Elliot Sterling (Article)

Our World
by Beal and Harlow Productions (Video)

The Great Evolution

by Keel and Briar Group (Research Paper)
Student Resource Page
Use these icons and illustrations in your Canva Presentation.
Happy designing!
Student Resource Page
Find the magic and fun in presenting with Canva Presentations. Press the
following keys while on Present mode!

for blur for confetti for a drumroll

for bubbles for quiet to close

Any number from 0-9 for a timer

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