Benefit of Paper, Cotton and Tissue Paper Wastes On Growth and Germination of Monggo Beans (Vigna Radiata)
Benefit of Paper, Cotton and Tissue Paper Wastes On Growth and Germination of Monggo Beans (Vigna Radiata)
Benefit of Paper, Cotton and Tissue Paper Wastes On Growth and Germination of Monggo Beans (Vigna Radiata)
(Vigna Radiata)
The main objective of the study is to determine the benefit of paper, cotton and tissue paper wastes on growth and germination of monggo beans (Vigna Radiata). Nowadays, the waste around us is currently increasing that we can’t cope up with it and that we should be doing something about it. Specifically, the purpose of the study is to minimize the waste problem by using paper, cotton, and tissue as
growth and germination enhancer for monggo beans.
It aims only in determining if there is a significant difference in the seed germination between the paper waste, cotton waste, tissue paper waste and soil. It also aims in determining if there is a significant difference in the number of leaves that sprouted between the paper waste, cotton waste and tissue paper waste and soil.
The researcher used 15 monggo seeds, paper, cotton and tissue paper wastes, plastic cups, spray bottle, cutter or scissors, bowl and water.