Enhancing Research Competencies Student
Enhancing Research Competencies Student
Enhancing Research Competencies Student
P - “Preference”
R - “Researchability”
O - “Overall impact”
B - “Bankability”
L - “Longevity”
E - “Expertise”
M - “Morality”
Researcher interprets the meaning of
the facts which
leads to a resolution of the problem, Research begins with the
thus confirming or rejecting the
hypothesis and providing an answer to unanswered question in the
the question which began the mind
research cycle of the researcher
posits tentative solutions to the Researcher sub-divided the problem into
problem(s) through appropriate sub-problems. Each sub-problem
appropriate hypothesis.
These hypothesis direct the seeks guidance through an
researcher to the appropriate hypothesis
holds the hypotheses until all the facts are in and interpreted. At that
point the hypotheses are supported or rejected.
Writing the Title of the Investigation
Philosophy or rationale
Legal basis/ bases
Historical setting
Preview of the whole study
• Background of the Study
• Setting of the Study
Value or worth
Clientele it serves
• Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation
Standard definition
Operational definition
Explanation and/ or illustration
Spelling out acronyms and abbreviations
• Literature
• Studies
Identifying and Defining the
Problem identification and analysis
are considered the first step in any
project involving research.
The Hypotheses
Requirements of a Good Research Project
Conducting mini –
researches and noting the
obtained findings closely;
Problem Identification
of researchable topics ;
Problem Identification
1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Highest educational attainment
1.4 Length of service?
2. How are the following sources of stress encountered by the top
and middle level management team of SPCP
2.1 Personal
2.2 Interpersonal relationship
2.3 Career related?
Specific Problems:
3. How do the sources of stress encountered by the top and
middle level management compare?
4. Taken singly and in combination, how do:
4.1 Gender
4.2 Age
4.3 Highest educational attainment
4.4 Length of service