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Enhancing Research Competencies Student

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What Topic Should I Work On?

P - “Preference”
R - “Researchability”
O - “Overall impact”
B - “Bankability”
L - “Longevity”
E - “Expertise”
M - “Morality”
Researcher interprets the meaning of
the facts which
leads to a resolution of the problem, Research begins with the
thus confirming or rejecting the
hypothesis and providing an answer to unanswered question in the
the question which began the mind
research cycle of the researcher

Researcher looks for

facts directed by the
hypotheses and guided Research is a cyclic Researcher sees the
by the problem. The Process goal in a clear
facts are collected and statement of the
organized problem

posits tentative solutions to the Researcher sub-divided the problem into
problem(s) through appropriate sub-problems. Each sub-problem
appropriate hypothesis.
These hypothesis direct the seeks guidance through an
researcher to the appropriate hypothesis
holds the hypotheses until all the facts are in and interpreted. At that
point the hypotheses are supported or rejected.
Writing the Title of the Investigation

There are some functions that the title

serves as it is used in a study among which
are the following:

•It draws, in summary form, the content of

the entire investigation.
Writing the Title of the
•It serves as a frame of reference for
the whole research.
•It enables the researcher to claim
the title as his own.
•It helps other researchers to refer to
the work for possible survey of theory.
The Problem and
Review of Related
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Definition of Terms
Review of Related Literature
• Introduction

Philosophy or rationale
Legal basis/ bases
Historical setting
Preview of the whole study
• Background of the Study
• Setting of the Study

Statement of the Problem

Major problem
Assumption/s of the Study
Reasons for assuming
Reliability and validity of responses on the instrument
• Hypothesis/es of the Study
Based on descriptive information
Descriptive and inferential statistics
Alternative hypotheses

Significance of the Study or Importance of the Study

Value or worth
Clientele it serves
• Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation

Scope and delimitation differentiated

Delimitation and limitation differentiated
• Definition of Terms

Standard definition
Operational definition
Explanation and/ or illustration
Spelling out acronyms and abbreviations
• Literature


• Studies
Identifying and Defining the
Problem identification and analysis
are considered the first step in any
project involving research.
The Hypotheses

Null hypothesis (Ho)

the statement being tested; it represents what the
experimenter doubts to be true

Alternative hypothesis (Ha)

the operational statement of the theory that the
experimenter believes to be true and wishes to
Survey of Related Literature

The survey of related literature involves locating,

reading and evaluating reports of research as well
as reports of casual observation and opinions that
are related to the individual’s planned research
Formulation of Theoretical Framework,
Hypotheses and Assumptions
Theoretical Framework
Selection of Appropriate Method, Tools, and
Selection of Respondents
Formulation of Theoretical Framework,
Hypotheses and Assumptions
Gathering, Classifying, Organizing, Analyzing
and Interpreting Data
Formulation of Conclusions and
Writing, Revising, Editing and Typing the Report

Requirements of a Good Research Project

Is this the type of problem that can be

effectively solved through the process of

Is the problem significant?

Is the problem a new one?
Is research in the problem feasible?
Requirements of a Good Research Project

Am I competent to plan and carry out a study

of this type?
Are pertinent data accessible?
Will I have the necessary financial resources to
carry on this study?

Will I have enough time to complete the

Requirements of a Good Research Project

Will I have the courage and determination to

pursue to the study in spite of the difficulties
and social hazards that may be involved?
Problem Identification
Reading a lot of literature in your field
of concentration and being critical of
what you read;

Attending professional lectures;

Problem Identification
• Being close observant of situations
and happenings around you;
• Thinking out possibility of research
for most topics of lessons taken in
content courses;
Problem Identification

Attending research colloquiums or


Conducting mini –
researches and noting the
obtained findings closely;
Problem Identification

• Compiling researches with special

emphasis on content and methodology;

Visiting various libraries for possible discovery

of researchable topics ;
Problem Identification

Subscribing to journals in your field

and in research; and

Building up a library of materials in

your field.
Statement of the Problem
 Analysis
Analysis of
of the
the major
major problem
problem or
or problems
problems in
in terms
terms of
subordinate problems;
subordinate problems;
 Statement of the limits or scope of the study;
 Criterion
Criterion of
of the
the problem;
 Description of the general nature of the problem (type,
source, procedure)
Statement of the Problem
 Statement
Statement of
of limitations
limitations of
of techniques
techniques employed;
 Recognition of assumptions and implications;
 Importance, value, or significance of the study; and
 Definition of terms
Characteristics of a Good Statement of the
 The major problem should be brief with few sentences
indicating its essential nature.
 It should be precisely, accurately, and clearly stated.
Characteristics of a Good Statement of
the Problem
 The subordinate or sub problems should likewise be
clear and brief, and if there are several, there order
should be indicated and interrelated and show their
relative importance in support of the major problem.
 They should be formed that they are not answerable
by yes or no.
The scope
scope of
of the
the investigation
investigation defines
where and when
when the study was
was conducted and
who the
the subjects
subjects were.
Delimitation refers to the scope and extent
of the study within the subject or topic area.
Conceptual It is given in dictionaries. It is the academic
or universal meaning attributed to a word or
group of words.
Operational Functional
Usually it is the meaning understood by
many people.
 The
 The method
method of
of research
research must
must be
be logically
logically sound.
 The
 The research
research method
method must
must be
be adequate
adequate for
for the
the solution
solution of
of the
the problem.
 The
 The investigator
investigator must
must be
be able
able to
to give
give reasons
reasons for
for the
the selection
selection of
of the
the research
research method
method and
and these
these reasons
reasons must
must be
be clear
clear and
and precise
 The
 The method
method of
of research
research must
must be
be adequately
adequately explained.
 The
 The investigator
investigator must
must see
see to
to itit that
that the
the research
research is
is free
free from
from weaknesses
weaknesses in
in research
research methodology.

“A Comparative Analysis of the

Sources of Stress of the
Management Team of Saint Paul
College Paranaque”
Statement of the Problem:
The main thrust of the present investigation is to
determine the various sources of stress encountered by
the management team of Saint Paul College Paranaque
in the performance of their duties. This will also
determine how these sources of stress vary from one
level to another.
Specific Problems:
Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the top and middle level

management team of SPCP in terms of:

1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Highest educational attainment
1.4 Length of service?
2. How are the following sources of stress encountered by the top
and middle level management team of SPCP

2.1 Personal
2.2 Interpersonal relationship
2.3 Career related?
Specific Problems:
3. How do the sources of stress encountered by the top and
middle level management compare?
4. Taken singly and in combination, how do:

4.1 Gender
4.2 Age
4.3 Highest educational attainment
4.4 Length of service

relate to the various sources of stress encountered by the

management team of SPCP?
Significance of the Study:

The study will serve as a basis for the management

team to improve the working conditions in the institution
in the hope of improving worker efficiency. When the
various sources of stress shall have been identified, the
management team can find ways and means to minimize
their effects on the employees of the Institution.
Methods of Research:

The study will make use of the descriptive method

of research on the ground that the study is mainly
status-related. However, the study will go beyond mere
counting and tabulation for it will go deeper by probing
into the observed differences or relationships among the
variables of the study.

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