Law of Sines
Law of Sines
Law of Sines
of Sines
C a B
History Proof of Law
1. The law of sines is used to find angles of a general triangle. If two sides and the enclosed angle are known, it can be
used in conjunction with the law of cosines to find the third side and the other two angles.
3. In figuring the wind speed and driving the airplane at a particular speed to reach destination in an hour
Work out the length of x in the triangle below Find the length of a cantilever beam if it supports a
straight beam of length 10m and the cantilever beam
is below it by 6m making an angle of 30 degree
x 10 90
80 6
7 60
An overhead crane is suspended from a ceiling by two chains. A cottage under construction is to be 12.6 m wide. The two
One chain is 4.6 m long and forms an angle of 60 with the sides of the roof are to be supported by rafters that meet at
ceiling. The other chain is 6.4 m long. What angle does the an angle of 50o . How long should the rafters be if they are
larger chain make with the ceiling? the same length?
Two fire-lookout stations are 15 miles apart, with station A Notice that to find 38°, you need to subtract 52° from 90°. By
directly east of station B. Both stations spot a fire. The the same token, to find 54°, you need to subtract 36° from 90°.
angular direction of the fire from station B is N52°E and the Notice also that the angle opposite 15 is missing, so we need to
angular direction of the fire from station A is N36°W. How find it.
far is the fire from station A? 38 + 54 + missing angle = 180
The biggest trick is this problem is to understand the meaning 92 + missing angle = 180, so missing angle = 88
of N52°E and N36°W. Now, we can use the law of sines to find the distance the fire is
N52°E means 52 degrees east of north. from station A.
Let x be the distance from the fire to station A.
N36°W means 36 degrees west of north.
Here is what the graph will look like. sin(88°)/15 = 0.066
sin(38°)/X = 0.066
x = sin(38°)/0.066
= 0.066