HKU SPACE Community College: Topic 4: Politics
HKU SPACE Community College: Topic 4: Politics
HKU SPACE Community College: Topic 4: Politics
Topic 4: Politics
Today’s agenda
• Power and the state: Basic concepts
• Globalization and the state
• Identity and politics
• Globalization and violent conflicts
Basic concepts
• Power ( 權力 )
• Dahl: “A has power over B to the extent that (s)he can
get B to do something that B would not otherwise
• Weber: The ability to achieve desired ends and
control others despite resistance from others
• Having more power than others gives you the ability
to get more valued things sooner.
• Wealth is often an important (but not the sole) source
of power.
• Authority ( 權威 )
• The use of legitimate power where force is
What is political?
• Bilton (2002:195)
• “…any process involving the exercise of control,
constraint and coercion in society is political.”
• “Any unequal relationship has political dimensions…”
• Lasswell: Polities = deciding “who gets what,
when, and how”
• In short, an analysis of power and politics in no
way confines us to simply a discussion of the
state or government. It is relevant to many other
social contexts, even within relationships that
look seemingly personal
• Key features
• Agreement among European leaders to recognize each other’s ruling
(sovereign) rights over their own territories in a way that is free from
outside interference.
• This agreement eventually crystallized into the doctrine of a sovereign
• 20th century
• Global empires (e.g. British empire) collapse national self-
determination and development of sovereign statehood
these principles because the universal organizing principles
of world politics
1. Political globalization
• Coming together…
• Growth of international and regional forms of
government during the postwar period
• E.g. the United Nations, the European Union, ASEAN-
Associations of South East Asian Nations
• Imposition of an international consensus order based on
shared values and laws
• Growth of international non-governmental
• E.g. Greenpeace, the Global Environment Network,
Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, and Amnesty
• Driven apart…
• Simultaneous happenings during the 20th
• New forms of politics have redefined political
interests on a non-class basis, some of which have
a global perspective to them (e.g. environmental
• End of the Cold War in 1989
• The collapse of Soviet communism fragmentation
of states (refer to next section)
• Militarization of the periphery countries
• Why bother?
• Violent conflict is contagious
Refugees add economic hardship to host countries
Weapons may also spread to neighboring states
• Armstrong, K. 2004. “Resisting Modernity.” Harvard International Review
• Baylis, J. and S. Steve. 2006. The Globalization of World Politics, 3rd ed.
Oxford University Press.
• Beck, Ulrich. 2000. What is Globalization? MA: Blackwell Publishers Inc.
• Bernstein, T.P. and Xiaobo Lu. 2003. Taxation without Representation in
Contemporary Rural China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Bilton, T. et al. 2002. Introductory Sociology, 4th Ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
• Haralambos, M., and M. Holborn. 1995. Sociology: Themes and
Perspectives, 4th Ed. London: Collins.
• Mann, Michael. 1986. Introduction in The Sources of Social Power Vol. I: A
History of Power from the Beginning to A.D. 1760. NY: Cambridge
University Press.