The document discusses Philippine folk dances, including their aims, definitions, benefits, types, objectives, characteristics, classifications, factors that affect them, reminders, and principles of arm movements. The key points are: folk dances cultivate nationalism, are traditional dances showing cultural characteristics, have physiological, cultural and social benefits, and can be national, regional or character dances. The dances aim to foster patriotism and preserve indigenous music and dances. They are characterized by salutations, open formations with little contact, and hand movements playing an important role.
The document discusses Philippine folk dances, including their aims, definitions, benefits, types, objectives, characteristics, classifications, factors that affect them, reminders, and principles of arm movements. The key points are: folk dances cultivate nationalism, are traditional dances showing cultural characteristics, have physiological, cultural and social benefits, and can be national, regional or character dances. The dances aim to foster patriotism and preserve indigenous music and dances. They are characterized by salutations, open formations with little contact, and hand movements playing an important role.
The document discusses Philippine folk dances, including their aims, definitions, benefits, types, objectives, characteristics, classifications, factors that affect them, reminders, and principles of arm movements. The key points are: folk dances cultivate nationalism, are traditional dances showing cultural characteristics, have physiological, cultural and social benefits, and can be national, regional or character dances. The dances aim to foster patriotism and preserve indigenous music and dances. They are characterized by salutations, open formations with little contact, and hand movements playing an important role.
The document discusses Philippine folk dances, including their aims, definitions, benefits, types, objectives, characteristics, classifications, factors that affect them, reminders, and principles of arm movements. The key points are: folk dances cultivate nationalism, are traditional dances showing cultural characteristics, have physiological, cultural and social benefits, and can be national, regional or character dances. The dances aim to foster patriotism and preserve indigenous music and dances. They are characterized by salutations, open formations with little contact, and hand movements playing an important role.
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UNIT II: Folk Dance
Exploring Philippine Masterpieces
Aim: To cultivate nationalism through the study of folk dances. Definition • Traditional recreational dances of an indigenous society showing the cultural characteristics of a specific people at a given time and place. • Traditional, social expression through movements with rhythmic accompaniment which are characteristics of a community life of the people of different nationalities. • The vivid intimate bond of customs, ideals, and traditions of the past through which a multitude of national characteristics in music, steps, and costumes are preserved. • A dance developed spontaneously and naturally by specific folk, usually handed down from generation to generation and following a fixed basic pattern. Benefits of Dancing: 1. Physiological and neuro-muscular development of the organize system of the body. 2. Cultural - depicting the culture of the people. 3. Social and Recreational Types of Folk Dances 1. National - those that are widely danced throughout a country. 2. Regional - those popular only in a certain part of the country. 3. Character - created by individual or group. Objectives Exploring Philippine Masterpieces General: 1. To foster patriotism and nationalism through the study of Philippine dances. 2. To arouse the interest and better appreciation of Philippine music and folk dances. 3. To provide through dancing/dances, a healthful form of relaxation and recreation. 4. To develop a graceful and rhythmic coordination of body movement that will improve posture. General: 5. To arouse and instil the interest of our children in taking part and enjoying our own dances. 6. To preserve for posterity, folk dances and music indigenous to the different regions of the Philippines. 7. To demonstrate the growth of the Filipino culture through the evolution of Philippine dances. Specific: • To know the value of rhtyhm. • To increase the student’s knowledge about fundamental rhythm and know how to use them effectively. • To interpret dances correctly. • To develop timing and coordination. • To develop social and physical poise and balance. • To learn to make new friends through dances. • To understand etiquette at the dance floor. • To enjoy self-expression which comes from participants in rhythmic activities. The Philippine folk dances are characterized by the following: • Most dances begin and end with a “saludo”, bow or curtsy. • In general, dancers stand apart from each other at about 6 ft. or 8 ft. • There is little, if any, bodily contact although holding hands is common. • Most of dances are done in pairs or couples. • Hand movements play an important part or role. The Philippine folk dances are characterized by the following: • Most dances are done in long open formation. • Dances from lowlands have more foreign elements than those found in the uplands. • War dances are found among non-Christian tribes. • Dances are performed by the young and olds. Classification of Philippine Dances I. General A. Geographical extent of origin: • National dances - found throughout the island with little or no modification.-traditional dances throughout the Philippines with the common basic movement or pattern. Examples: Rigodon, Carinosa, Jota, Balitaw, Pandanggo, Surtido I. General • Local dances - Regional dances; found in certain locality or regions only. Examples 1. Tinikling - Leyte 2. Maglalatik - Binan, Laguna 3. Esperanza - Balua, Camarines Sur 4. Subli - Batangas 5. Binigan-bigat - Abra 6. Pabirik - Bicol; panning of gold 7. Alcamfor - Leyte I. General B. Nature • Occupational - depicting action of certain occupation, industry or labor. Examples: Planting, Harvesting, Pounding, Winnowing,Pabirik, Mananguete, etc. • Religious or Ceremonial - performed in connection with religious vows, practices and ceremonies, and to drive the devil away. Examples: Dugsu, Sua-sua, Putong, Sta. Clarang Pinung-pino, etc. I. General • Comic dances - depicting funny movements for entertainment. Examples: Kimbo-Kimbo, Makonggo, Kinoton • Game dances - with play elements (dance mixers) - for recreational purposes. Examples: Lubi-lubi, pavo, etc. • Wedding dances - performed during wedding feast; to be performed by newly-wed couples, friends, parents, of both sides. Example: Panasahan I. General • Courtship Dance - depicting love-making; dances with love teams. Examples: Hele-hele, Bagoquire, Maramion, Tadek, Carinosa, Daling-daling, Rogelia, Dalulay, etc. • Festival dances - suitable for specific occasion or any social gathering; dances in connection with harvest, barrio fiestas, and some fortunes. Examples: Pandanggo, Habanera, Jota, Surtido, etc. • War dances - showing imaginary combat or duel; with the use of bolos or swords. Examples: Sagayan, Palu-palo, etc. I. General C. Movement • Active - with fast energetic movements. Ex. Tinikling, Maglalatik, Sakuting, Polkabal, etc. • Moderate Ex. Carinosa, Tagala, Habanera, Purpuri, etc. • Slow Ex. Pasakat, Ambrosa, Tiliday, Kundiman, etc. • Slow and Fast Ex. Putritos, Ba-Ingles, Habanera Botolena, Alcamfor, etc. I. General D. Formation • Square or Quadrille Ex. Rigodon, Los Bailes de Ayer, etc. • Long Formation (two or more parallel lines) Ex. Lulay, Sakuting, etc. • Set - Consisting of two or more pairs as a unit, partners facing each other or standing side by side. Ex. Binadyong, haplik, Tiklos, Kakaoati, etc. II. Special Classification - Group dances having special distinctive features. 1. Dance with songs - Abaroray, Manang Biday, Lulay, Rogelia, etc. 2. Old Ballroom Dances - Polka, Mazurka, Chotis, Valse, etc. 3. Dances with Implements - Maglalatik, Sakuting, Jota Mocadena, Tinikling, Salakot, etc. 4. Dances of combined rhythm - Surtido,Pantomina, Los Bailes de Ayer, etc. Factors Affecting Folk Dances: 1. Geographical Location - refers to a particular location where a certain dance is performed. Dance steps are dependent on the origin of the dance. For example, dances from lowlands - steps are performed with variety of steps and long and open formation while dances from upland - are performed with tiny steps and most are monotonous. 2. Economic Conditions - refers to the resources needed for a particular dance. Upland costumes for example depend only on the available resources in the locality. Recycled materials are utilized and maximized due to limited budget. Factors Affecting Folk Dances: 3. Climate Conditions - this factor can also affect dances especially if the dances are naturally performed outdoors like in river banks or open fields. Unforeseen weather conditions (heavy rain or hot temperature) may affect the performance of the dancers. 4. Customs and Traditions - Beliefs and practices of the people from the upland and lowland areas very from each other. Rituals or ceremonial dances are common among upland settlers while in the lowlands, festival dances are common and with western influences like the wide use of props and other implements. Dance steps and costumes are also elaborated. Some Reminders in Folk Dancing 1. Dance in a natural, simple, and direct manner. 2. Dance with ease and smoothness. 3. Use proper costume for the dance. 4. Follow direction and instructions as closely as possible. 5. Dance with feelings and expressions. Some Reminders in Folk Dancing 6. Do not exaggerate the dance steps. 7. Do not make the dance too dainty and graceful like ballet. 8. Do not make entrance and exit long. 9. Do not make steps too eleborated and complicated. 10. Do not call a folk dance unless steps come from traditional dances. Fundamental Principles of Arm Movements in Dancing 1. The arm position follows the “Rule of Opposition.” When one foot is in front of the other, the arm of the rear foot is raised. 2. The arms move from the shoulders. 3. The arms make a round soft curve. 4. The elbow must not sag but must be lifted high and out of sight so to avoid sharp angles. 5. Coordinate the head with the movements of the arms. The head turns and the eyes look at the hand that moves. When both hands move at the same time, the head turns toward the hand which is near the object. 6. In overhead positions, the arms must be slightly in front of the head so that they are visible when the eyes glance upward.