When A Colleague's Mistakes Affect You
When A Colleague's Mistakes Affect You
When A Colleague's Mistakes Affect You
Mistakes Affect you
In an attempt to function
in this increasingly
complex world,
organizations are
becoming increasingly
complex themselves.
They are built on
collaborative partnerships
which means more and
more of your work
depends on the work of
someone else.
When a colleague is
making mistakes, this
interconnectedness can
feel like a major pitfall.
Important Question
So what do you
do when a
colleague is not
doing his/her part
and it's affecting
your work?
What the Experts say
The type of mistakes you might
be affected by vary greatly:
A colleague may miss
not produce the work
make errors in calculations
or even provide you with
Diagnose the Issue
The first step is to
understand what's really
going on.
Try to determine if the
problem is short-term
(private issue at home,
workload, health problem)
or long-term (lack of skill,
poor cultural fit with the
Approach Your
Colleague Directly
The best approach is to go to the
source - speak with your colleague
This conversation should take
place in an informal and private
Don't accuse or blame your
colleague. Use concrete examples
to explain what you are seeing and
its impact on you.
Offer Help and
If a short-term issue is causing
the mistakes, such as a difficult
time at home or an illness in the
family, you should offer to help.
If you find that the source of
the mistakes is a longer term
issue, such as a lack of skill, you
can offer to help brainstorm
Protect Yourself
It's possible that you'll
discover your colleague is
intentionally making
mistakes to undermine you
or take credit for your work.
You can try to confront
the person directly, hoping
that may make him or her
back down.
When the Issue
Despite all your efforts and care in handling
the situation, it is possible that the mistakes will
This isn't only an inconvenience, it could
hinder your career. The experts suggest you
take a few approaches to preserving your
If possible, avoid working with that person in
the future.
Principles to
Keep in mind that
relationships matter.
Be direct and honest.
Offer help if the colleague is
struggling with a short-term
Principles to
Don't badmouth.
Don't assume your
colleague is aware of the
Don't go to your
colleague's manager
without first talking to
your colleague and your
Thank You