Mag Lala Tik
Mag Lala Tik
Mag Lala Tik
The maglalatik originally -Comes from the word "latik", a
came from Binan, Laguna. It residue of coconut milk.
is demonstrated like a mock -Also known as Magbabao, where
war dance symbolizing a "bao" means a coconut shell.
fight between the Moros and - All dancers are males
the Christians over the prized -This is perform by hitting a single
latik or coconut meat during coconut shell with another coconut
the Spanish rule. The shells fastened on their backs,
Palipasan and the Balistasan chests, thighs as well as hips, of
are the first two parts of the the dancers.
dance showing the heated -Music is created by the tapping of
the coconut shells against each
encounter between the two
other along with the sound of fast
groups and the Paseo and
drum beats.
Sayaw Escaramusa are the - It is intended to impress the
last two parts showing their viewer with the great skill of the
reconciliation. This dance dancer, as well as some Filipino
style is also known to be Martial Arts, for there are hidden
performed mainly by men tapping and boxing method in the
during festivals and religious dance
Coconut Shells
Folk Dance How to dance (steps)