Computer Virus and Antivirus Technology: Created By: Raunak Nayan Nikhil Bohra
Computer Virus and Antivirus Technology: Created By: Raunak Nayan Nikhil Bohra
Computer Virus and Antivirus Technology: Created By: Raunak Nayan Nikhil Bohra
Antivirus Technology
• Computer Virus Concept
• Analyze three common computer viruses
• Antivirus Technologies
Computer Virus Concept
• What is Computer Virus?
• Computer Virus Time Line(History)
• Types of Computer Virus
• Virus Hoax
• How does computer virus works?
Computer Virus Concept
Virus Hoax
• An untrue virus-related warning/alert started by malicious individuals. A Hoax
message, often in the form of electronic mail, can spread away as people pass on
via Internet.
•Hoax message does not have direct harms on computers. Hoax message cause
confusion to the recipients in their attending real virus alerts and waste people' s
time in reading them.
•How to identify a hoax
•Hoaxes use complex technical descriptions and
•Hoaxes request recipients to pass on the message.
•Examples: Work Virus Hoax (keyword: a virus called "work"), Phantom Menace Virus
Hoax (keyword: Virus Alert, Phantom Menace)
Computer Virus Concept
Virus Characteristics
•Memory Resident:
Loads much like a TSR staying in memory where it can easily replicate itself into programs
of boot sectors. Most common.
Does not stay in memory after the host program is closed, thus can only infect while the
program is open. Not as common.
The ability to hide from detection and repair in two ways.
- Virus redirects disk reads to avoid detection.
- Disk directory data is altered to hide the additional bytes of the virus.
Computer Virus Concept
Virus Characteristics
Technique of hiding by transformation. Virus code converts itself into cryptic symbols.
However, in order to launch (execute) and spread the virus must decrypt and can then be
Ability to change code segments to look different from one infection to another. This type of
virus is a challenge for ant-virus detection methods.
•Triggered Event:
An action built into a virus that is triggered by the date, a particular keyboard action or DOS
function. It could be as simple as a message printed to the screen or serious as in
reformatting the hard drive or deleting files.
•In the Wild:
A virus is referred to as "in the wild" if is has been verified by groups that track virus infections
to have caused an infection outside a laboratory situation. A virus that has never been seen in
a real world situation is not in the wild, and sometimes referred to as "in the zoo".
Computer Virus Concept
• Type: Resident, EXE-files
• Origin: Taiwan
• History: The CIH virus was first located in Taiwan in early June 1998. After
that, it has been confirmed to be in the wild worldwide. It has been among the ten
most common viruses for several months.
• Infects
Windows 95 and 98 EXE files, but it does not work under
Windows NT.
• After an infected EXE is executed, the virus will stay in memory
and will infect other programs as they are accessed.
Analyze three common computer viruses
CIH - Continue
• BIOS Attack !!!
•Attempts to overwrite the BIOS on Pentium PCs that have flashable BIOS
•If the PC is infected, it will be unbootable (even from diskette) after this
attack and the BIOS chip will need to be replaced or reprogrammed from the
vendor or an outside source .
•The PC can't be booted even after reflash (reprogram) the chip normally.
Because the virus overwrites the first 2048 sectors of your hard disk, further
making your PC unbootable (this works on almost all PCs). But the disk can
be made bootable and restored from a backup.
• Four variants
• CIH v1.2 (CIH.1003): Activates on April 26th.
• CIH v1.3 (CIH.1010.A and CIH.1010.B): Activates on June 26th.
• CIH v1.4 (CIH.1019): Activates on 26th of every month.
Analyze three common computer viruses
CIH - Continue
• How to prevent?
If your PC has a flash BIOS write protect jumper on the motherboard, you
can put it in the write-protect position to prevent CIH from overwriting
your BIOS.
Analyze three common computer viruses
Macro Virus
•What is Macro virus
• A type of computer virus that is encoded as a macro embedded in a document.
• According to some estimates, 35% of all viruses today are macro viruses.
• Once a macro virus gets onto your machine, it can embed itself in all future
documents you create with the application.
• In many cases macro viruses cause no damage to data; but in some cases
malicious macros have been written that can damage your work.
• The first macro virus was discovered in the summer of 1995. Since that time,
other macro viruses have appeared.
Analyze three common computer viruses
Macro Virus
•How does it spread?
• When you share the file with another user, the attached macro or script goes with
the file. Most macro viruses are designed to run, or attack, when you first open the file.
If the file is opened into its related application, the macro virus is executed and infect
other documents.
• The infection process of the macro virus can be triggered by opening a Microsoft
Office document or even Office Application itself, like Word, Excel. The virus can
attempt to avoid detection by changing or disabling the built-in macro warnings, or by
removing menu commands
• For Word, after a macro virus triggers, it usually copies itself to,
which is the template that Word loads with every file. from there, it can copy itself to
every file that you open or create.
Analyze three common computer viruses
Macro Virus
• How to prevent?
In your Office programs, make sure that you have macro virus protection turned on.
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. On the General tab, select the Macro virus protection check box.
3. If you have turned on macro virus protection, each time you want to open a document
with macros, the Macro Virus Protection dialog box appears and gives you three
• Disable Macros
• Enable Macros
• Do Not Open
Analyze three common computer viruses
• VBS/LoveLetter is a VBScript worm. It spreads through e-mail as a chain
•The latest is VBS.LoveLetter.CN. Virus definitions dated May 31, 2001.
• 82 variants of this worm.
•This worm sends itself to email addresses in the Microsoft Outlook address
book and also spreads to Internet chatrooms.
• This worm overwrites files on local and remote drives, including files with
the extensions .vbs, .vbe, .js, .jse, .css, .wsh, .sct, .hta, .jpg, .jpeg, .wav,
.txt, .gif, .doc, .htm, .html, .xls, .ini, .bat, .com, .avi, .qt, .mpg, .mpeg, .cpp,
.c, .h, .swd, .psd, .wri, .mp3, and .mp2.
• The contents of most of these files are replaced with the source code of
the worm, destroying the original contents. The worm also appends the .vbs
extension to each of these files. For example, image.jpg becomes
Analyze three common computer viruses
• Damage
•Large scale e-mailing:
Sends itself to all addresses in the Microsoft Outlook Address Book
•Modifies files:
Overwrites files with the following extensions: .vbs, .vbe, .js, .jse, .css, .wsh,
.sct, .hta, .jpg, .jpeg, .wav, .txt, .gif, .doc, .htm, .html, .xls, .ini, .bat, .com, .mp3,
and .mp2. Files with extensions of .mp2 and .mp3 will be hidden from the user
by setting the hidden directory attribute. Variant G also overwrites .bat and .com
•Degrades performance:
Might create a lot of traffic to the email server
Analyze three common computer viruses
• Distribution
• How to prevent?
• Do not launch attachments in emails from unknown
• Uninstalling the Windows Script Host.
Check for more
Antivirus Technologies
•How to detect virus?
•How to clean virus?
•Best Practices
Antivirus Technologies
MBR - Master Boot Record: the first Absolute sector (track 0, head 0, sector 1) on
a PC hard disk, that usually contains the partition table.
RAM - Random Access Memory: the place programs are loaded into in order to
TOM - Top Of Memory: the end of conventional memory, an architectural design
limit at the 640K mark on most PCs. Checking this value for changes can help
detect a virus.
TSR - Terminate but Stay Resident: these are PC programs that stay in memory
while you continue to use the computer for other purposes; they include pop-up
utilities, network driver, and a great number of viruses.
Antivirus Technologies
•Best Practices
•Regular Backup
Backup your programs and data regularly. Recover from backup is the most
secure way to restore the files after a virus attack.
• Antivirus Software
• McAfee Virus Scan
• F-Secure
• Symantec
• Trend Micro
• Shareware,
• Free Virus Tool,
Company Policy Issues
• Education
Educate users to consider e-mail attachments and downloads potentially
dangerous and to treat them very carefully. Open only expected attachments and
download files from trusted sources.
• Updating
Update the virus definition data for the users and the network at least once a
• Warning
Provide computer virus alerts to users as soon as the infection is detected.
• Technical Support
Provide technical support to help users detect and remove virus.
• Reporting
Provide a communication and reporting channel to encourage users to report virus