Lapjag Abses Jemmy FINAL Edit
Lapjag Abses Jemmy FINAL Edit
Lapjag Abses Jemmy FINAL Edit
Doctors on Duty:
Yesi, MD/ Habib, MD/ Devy, MD – Marta,
Consultant on Duty:
Elvie Zulka, MD, ORL-HNS, PhD
CASUALTY Larynx Pharynx Consultant on Duty :
REPORT Arie Cahyono, MD, ORL-HNS
Identity & Chief Complaint
Chief Complaint:
Spontaneous bleeding from
sublingual region since 3 hours prior
to admission
Medical History
1 day
4 days - Fever
- Hard to open
- Swollen on right mouth
gum extended to - Hot potato voice
left neck
Admission day
2 day - Spontaneous bleeding from
- Worsening of the sublingual
swollen neck, pain - Brought to nearest clinic
VAS 5 Referred to CMGH due to
lack of facility
Medical History
No difficulty of breathing.
Only able to swallow porridge since 1 day, no cough &
choking while eating.
No other ENT complaint.
Vital sign:
• BP: 140/70mmHg
• RR: 24x/min
• T: 37 C
• HR: 120x/min
• O2 Sat: 98% on room air
ENT Examination
ENT Examination
Right & Left:
EAR Right & Left: Trismus (+) 3 cm,
active bleeding (-),
Wide ear canal, no Wide nasal cavity, minimal clotting
discharge, no inferior turbinate formation in
cerumen, intact eutrophy, no septum sublingual
tympanic membrane deviation (+),elevated tongue
(+) pharyngeal arch
was symmetric and
not hyperemic, uvula
in the middle, other
structure were hard to
ENT Examination
Colli Region:
• Visible edema from submental to submandible region of neck 15x5x3cm, angle of mandible not
palpated, hyperemic, hard consistency, fluctuation (-), tenderness (+).
• Aspiration: blood (+), pus (-)
Flexible Laryngoscope
- No radiological
abnormality of heart and
- Soft tissue swelling on
bilateral colli region
Cervical Soft Tissue X-Ray CMER (Jan 17th, 2021)
- Abscess in bilateral sublingual region, with extention to bilateral sublingual space mainly on left side, parapharyngeal space,
adjacent to bilateral digastric muscle, with sublingual to left perirtonsiller region inflammation which mildly narrowed the
oropharyngeal lumen
- Multiple enlarged lymph node in bilateral colli region, the biggest in level II left colli region, short axis was 1.6 cm
Larynx Pharynx Division Follow Up
(Jan 18th, 2020)
S: A:
Pain on the swollen neck (VAS 3), hard to open mouth - Sublingual abscess extended to parapharyngeal space
due to periodontitis 48, 35
O: - Diabetic ketosis dd/ acute reactive hyperglycemia
Conscious, dyspneu(-), retraction(-), stridor (-) - Hyponatremia with hypoosmolarity
BP: 140/100, HR: 137, RR: 24, T: 36,5, O2 sat: 98% on
nasal canule 3 lpm P:
- Sublingual aspiration pus found
Trismus (+) + 3cm - IV Ceftriaxone 1x2000 mg
Submandible & submental: - IV Metronidazole 3x500mg
Oedema, hyperemic, tenderness, fluctuative (-), elevated - IV Ranitidine 2x50 mg
tongue (+) - Paracetamol 3x1000 mg / NGT
- DKA protocol management
- Minosep gargle 2x10ml
Sublingual Aspiration
(Jan 18th, 2020)
S: A:
Adequate contact, pain on swollen neck (VAS 3) - Sublingual abscess extended to parapharyngeal space due to
periodontitis 48, 35
Conscious, dyspneu(-), retraction(-), stridor (-) - Diabetic ketosis (improved)
BP: 120/80, HR: 92, RR: 20, T: 36,5, O2 sat: 98% on - Hyponatremia resolved
nasal canule 3 lpm
Trismus (+) + 3cm
- Planned for abscess incision & exploration today
Submandible & submental:
Oedema, hyperemic, tenderness, fluctuative in -- IV Meropenem 3x1000 mg
submental region - IV Ranitidin 2x50 mg
- Paracetamol 3x1000 mg / NGT
- DKA protocol management
- Minosep gargle 2x10ml
Abscess Incision & Exploration
(Jan 20th, 2020)
S: A:
Adequate contact, pain after surgery (VAS 2) - Post exploration of sublingual et submental abcess
with parapharyngeal infiltrate day-1 due to
periodontitis 35, 38, 48
Conscious, dyspneu(-), retraction(-), stridor (-)
BP: 122/89, HR: 81, RR: 18, T: 36,5, O2 sat: - Diabetic ketoacidosis (improved)
100% on nasal canule 3 lpm - Hyponatremia resolved
Trismus (-) P:
Submandible & submental:
Wound care
penrose drain (+), pus (-), active bleeding (-)
IV Meropenem 3x1000 mg iv
IV Tranexamic acid 3x500 mg
IV Ranitidin 2x50 mg
IV Paracetamol 3x1000 mg