Physical Education and Health Physical Activity and Exercise

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Physical Education and Health

Physical Activity and Exercise

Module 001 Physical Activity and
 At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Illustrates the relationships of health behaviors (eating habits,

sleep and stress management) to health risks factors and
physical activity assessment performance.

2. Describe the role of physical activity assessments in

managing one’s stress.
What is Physical Activity?
 Physical Activity in its most basic definition, refers to any
form of movement of the body that makes use of its
Types of Physical Activity
One of the misconceptions about physical activity is that it is limited to
sports and exercise. While it is true that these activities consume
energy, there are other forms of physical activity, which can be
classified according to their purpose:
  Occupational
  Transport-related
  Household
  Recreational
 Sports and exercise may fall under the
Recreational physical activity. Other activities,
such as household chores can still be called as
physical activities.
What is Exercise?
 Exercise is defined as a planned program consisting of
various physical activities which will help boost one’s
physical fitness level. While this is different from
physical activity it is also designed to help improve the
physical well-being.
 Physical fitness is a broad term that refers to the
person’s capacity to effectively cope with the
demands of daily activities, as well as leisurely
With exercise, we can help boost the following
physical components of physical fitness:

 1. Aerobic capacity. This is  2. Muscular strength. This is

the ability of the heart, lungs the capability of the human
and blood vessels to supply muscle to generate force.
oxygen and nutrients Improving one’s muscle
throughout the body, strength will protect the body
particularly to the working from severe injuries caused by
muscles to sustain rhythmical accidents such as falling.
 3. Muscular endurance. This is  4. Flexibility. This is the
the muscle’s capability to ability to painlessly move a
withstand fatigue. Having great joint over its entire range of
muscle endurance allows a motion. Certain physical
person to do multiple physical activities promote this
activities without tiring. component of physical fitness.
 5. Body composition. This is the total make-up of the
body. It is composed of two factors: the lean body mass
and the body fat. Body composition also refers to the ratio
of these two factors.
The Importance of having an Active Lifestyle

Numerous experts and institutions such as DOH and WHO have been promoting the
benefits of having an active lifestyle. One of the most relevant benefits of an active
lifestyle is that it can help avoid the development of non-communicable diseases.
These include the following:
  hypertension
  type 2 diabetes
  heart disease
  some forms of cancer
Another important benefit of having an active lifestyle is that it can help manage one’s
stress. Physical activities and exercise boost not just the body but the mind as well.
Experts have proven the psychological benefits of exercise. It can improve the mood
of an individual and ease his/her anxiety.
 Exercise is also used in coping with stress and depression.
Some scientists have claimed that it helps release feel-
good chemicals known as endorphins. Moreover, exercise
boost one’s self-esteem and even helps people socialize
with others.
Word Bank!!!

 Exercise: a special type of physical activity performed

during leisure to improve fitness.
 Non-communicable diseases: these are medical
conditions/diseases that are noninfectious or non-
 Physical Activity: All forms of movement that result to
energy expenditure
 1. How can you illustrates the relationships of
health behaviors like eating habits, sleep and stress
management to health risks factors and physical
activity assessment performance.

1._____________is a broad term that refers to the person’s capacity to effectively cope with
the demands of daily activities, as well as leisurely ones
2._____________ refers to any form of movement of the body that makes use of its energy.
3._____________ This is the capability of the human muscle to generate force.
4._____________a special type of physical activity performed during leisure to improve
5._____________These are medical conditions/diseases that are noninfectious or non-

 Do a video presentation of yourself on how

you make you body physically fit.
 Wear jogging pants and white t-shirt.
 Must compost of at least 2 mins. and 30 sec.
 Deadline: 0ct. 15, 2021

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