Marketing Mix - MCQs
Marketing Mix - MCQs
Marketing Mix - MCQs
Questions in Marketing
580 Frequently asked
questions are
Book by
Maxwell Ranasinghe
M.A( Interdisciplinary Studies) York, CPM ( Marketing) New Haven,
BSc.( Business Administration) USJP, Attorney at Law.
I have taught marketing for last 20 years in number of
universities and professional institutes. Further I have
conducted various marketing and management related
workshops to the corporate sector.
In this
presentation I
will discuss 20 Introduction to
MCQs selected Marketing Mix
from Chapter 3
of my book
1. Marketing Mix is a set of controllable tactical
marketing tools that the firm can blend to
produce the response it needs from the market
elements of 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Only 1
the product
above above
mix are
9. There are many
elements that a 1. Cost of the product
company has to
consider in 2. Profit Margin to the wholesalers
pricing a product.
Out of them what 3. Profit Margin to the retailers
is the most
4. Government Taxes
1. If the product is not attractively
10. Product packed
of an effective
marketing Mix 3. Above 1 and 2
and a change in