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Marketing Mix - MCQs

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Multiple Choice

Questions in Marketing
580 Frequently asked
questions are
Book by
Maxwell Ranasinghe
M.A( Interdisciplinary Studies) York, CPM ( Marketing) New Haven,
BSc.( Business Administration) USJP, Attorney at Law.
I have taught marketing for last 20 years in number of
universities and professional institutes. Further I have
conducted various marketing and management related
workshops to the corporate sector.

MCQs are now a very important part of marketing

examinations all over the world. As such, I wrote this book on
Multiple Questions to help students in passing exams.
I gathered question papers on MCQs of many universities, and
professional institutes
I analyzed more than 1600 questions and found that there are
a set of questions that are frequently asked. It came to around
580 questions, and I answered all these questions in my e-
• The questions and answers discussed in the book cover a
standard syllabus of marketing in Diploma, Undergraduate
and Graduate level courses
• I have discussed MCQs by categorizing it to 12 categories
namely - Introduction to Marketing, Marketing
Environment, Marketing Mix, Marketing Research,
Consumer Behavior, Segmentation, Targeting and
Positioning, Product , Price, Distribution, Promotion ,
Marketing Planning and Information and Communication
Technology for Marketing. As such there are 12 chapters to
the book.
• I decided to select 20 MCQs from each chapter and make
12 presentations
• As such, you will be able to view 12 presentations in this
series and to learn 240 MCQs out of 580 MCQs in my book
Now get ready with a piece of paper and a pen
to practice an MCQ exam

In this
presentation I
will discuss 20 Introduction to
MCQs selected Marketing Mix
from Chapter 3
of my book
1. Marketing Mix is a set of controllable tactical
marketing tools that the firm can blend to
produce the response it needs from the market

1. Which 2. The marketing mix consists of everything the

firm can do to influence the demand for its
is correct 3. Only a above is correct

4. Both 1 and 2 above are correct

1. The strategic decisions that a company takes to
sell its products

2. 2. An analysis of external and internal

Marketing environmental factors that affects selling of its


Mix covers 3. Combination of strategic elements available to

the marketer to win customers in a given market

4. How product and price be blended to beat the

competition and win customers
3. In general, 1. Product
what P is
missing in
most of the
2. Price
products and
services 3. Promotion
offered by
public sector 4. Place
4. Most
important 1. Product and Price
elements in 2. Place and Promotion
3. Product, Promotion and Place
marketing 4. Correct blend of above 1 and
mix are 2
5. 4 Ps McCarthy
mix was Kotler
developed Booms and Bitner
in 1960 by
Seth Godin
6. The McCarthy
marketing Kotler
mix 7 Ps were
developed in Booms and Bitner
1981 by
Michael Porter
7. 1. People, Place, Product and Price
y marketing 2. Physical evidence, Promotion,
People and Price
mix is
3. Product, Price, Place and
comprised Promotion
of 4 P’s. 4. Product, Place, Price and
They are Processors
8. The 2. Packaging,
product has 1. Variety,
design, brand
name, image,

its own mix.

features and

elements of 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Only 1

the product
above above

mix are
9. There are many
elements that a 1. Cost of the product
company has to
consider in 2. Profit Margin to the wholesalers
pricing a product.
Out of them what 3. Profit Margin to the retailers
is the most
4. Government Taxes
1. If the product is not attractively
10. Product packed

will not sell 2. If the price is not affordable to

the consumers
in the 3. If the product is not advertised
market in the television

place 4. If the product is sold only online

11. A marketing 1. Price
manger of a
company was
discussing about 2. Place
importance of
inventory control in
winning the market 3. Promotion
share. He is talking
about an element
belongs to 4. Product
1. About the target market well
Fundamental 2. About the different channels
available to advertise
to any
promotion 3. About how major competitors
campaign is promote their products
to know
4. above 2 and 3
1. Awareness, Interest, Decision,
13. What Agreement

does it 2. Action, Intention, Discounts,

mean by 3. Awareness, Interest, Desire,
“AIDA” in Action

marketing 4. Announcement, Inquiry,

Discipline, Attention
14. Key 1. Product, Price, Place and Promotion

characteristics 2. Physical evidence, Processors and People

of an effective
marketing Mix 3. Above 1 and 2

are 4. Matches customer needs, corporate resources,

create competitive advantage and well blended
15. If the 1. Marketer should understand the
customers needs
marketing 2. Marketer should understand the
mix to behavior of customer in the market place

match the 3. Above 1 is correct

customers 4. Above 1 and 2 are correct

16. Elements of
marketing mix are

and a change in

one element may

affect the total
mix. That is why
the marketers
17. What 1. People, Presentation, Processors
are the
additional 2. People, Physical evidence,
P’s added to
the 3. People, Programs, Promotion

marketing 4. Preparation, Process,

mix Procurement,
1. Services could not be addressed
18. Why through the traditional marketing mix

three 2. Services differ from physical goods

P’s were 3. Above 1 and 2 are correct

introduced 4. Only above 1 is correct

to the 4 p’s
1. They are Variable, Intangible,
19. Services Inseparable and perishable
differ from 2. They belong to operations of
physical marketing

goods 3. They are done by people

because 4. They are more difficult than
producing a physical good
1. It is a part of people and
20. Marketing processors in marketing

Manager was 2. it is a part of promotion in

discussing the marketing

importance of 3. It is a part of administration in

complaint marketing

handling 4. It has nothing to do with

• If you are interested in viewing the whole book, which has
580 Questions and Answers, please Log on to
Amazon.com and search
• “Marketing MCQs by Maxwell Ranasinghe”
• You can read the digital version free or download it by just
paying USD4.99
• I strongly believe it is a very good investment for you and I
also consider it as an appreciation of my work towards
the student community
• Next slide has the answers to the questions in this
• 1-4 11-2
• 2-3 12-1
• 3-3 13-3
• 4-4 14-4
• 5-1 15-4
• 6-3 16-2
• 7-3 17-2
• 8-3 18-3
• 9-1 19-1
• 10-2 20-1

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