THE Nano World: Group 7

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Group 7
•Scientfic researchers have developed new technological
tools that greatly improve different aspects of our lives.
The use of nanoscale is our important interdisciplinary area
generate by advancement in science and technology.
Scientst and engineers were able to build materials with
innovatve propertes as they manipulate nanomaterials.
Indeed, research and applicaton of knowledge on
nanomaterials will contnue to bring widespread
implicatons in various areas of society, especially health
care, environment , energy, food, water and agriculture.
•Nanotechnology refers to the
science, engineering, and
technology conducted at the
nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100
nanometers. Nanoscience and
nanotechnology employs the study
and applicaton of exceptonally
small things in other areas of
science including materials science,
engineering, physics, biology, and
• The concepts of nanotechnology and nanoscience started in December 29, 1959
when Physicist Richard Feynman discussed a method in which scientsts can direct
and control individual atoms and molecules in his talk “There’s Plenty of Room at
the Botom” during the American Physical Society meetng at California Insttute of
Technology. The term “nanotechnology” was coined by Professor Norio Taniguchi a
decade afer the dawn of the use of ultraprecision machining
How small is an nanoscale?
A nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or 10-9 of a meter.
•Manipulaton of nanomaterials
needs an adept understanding of
their types and dimensions. The
various type of nanomaterials are
classified according to their
individual shapes and sizes. They
may be partcles, tube, wire, films,
flakes, or shells that have one or
more nanometer-sized
dimensions. One should be able
to view and manipulate them so
that we can take advantage of
their exceptonal characteristcs.
How to View
•Scientsts use special types of
microscopes to view minute
nanomaterial. During the early
1930s, scientsts used electron
microscopes and field
microscope to look at the
nanoscale. The scanning
tunneling microscope and atomic
force microscope are just among
the modern and remarkable
advancements in microscopy.
Electron Microscope
•German engineers Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll
built the first electron microscope during the
1930s. This type of microscope utlizes a partcle
beam of electrons to light up a specimen and
develop a well magnified image Electron
microscope produce higher and beter
resoluton than older light microscopes because
they can magnify objects up to a million tmes
while conventonal light microscopes can
magnify objects up to 1,500 tmes only
Atomic force
• It was first developed
by Gerd Binig, Calvin
Quate, and Christoph
Gerber in 1986. It
makes use of a
mechanical probe
that gathers
informaton from the
surface of material.
• This special type of microscope enables
Scanning Tunneli scientsts to view and manipulate nanoscale
Microscope partcles, atoms, and small molecules. In 1986,
Gerd Binig and Heinrich Rohrer won the Noble
Prize in Physics because of this inventon.
• It refers to scaled up, reliable, and cost-effectve
manufacturing of nanoscale materials, structures,
devices, and systems. It also involves research,
improvement, and incorporaton of processes for the
constructon of materials. Therefor, nanomanufacturing
leads to the development of new products and
improved materials. There are two fundamental
approaches to nanomanufacturing, either botom-up or

Botom-up fabricaton Top-down fabricaton

It manufactures products by building It trims down large pieces of
them up from atomic- and molecular-
scale components. However, this method materials into nanoscale. This
can be tme-consuming. Scientst and process needs larger amounts
engineers are stll in search for effectve
ways of putng up together molecular of material and discards
components that self-assemble and from excess raw materials.
the botom-up to organized structures.
•There are new approaches to the assembly of nanomaterials
based form the applicaton of principles in top-down and
botom-up fabricaton.
Dip pen Chemical vapor Nanoimprint
lithography depositon lithography

It is a method It depicts an
in which the approach It is
It is a method
tp of an wherein a set procedure
of generatng
atomic force components wherein
microscope is join together chemicals act
atributes by
dipped into a to mold an in response to
“stamping or
chemical fluid organized form very
and then structure in pure, high-
them onto a
utlized to the absence performance
“write” on a of an outside films
surface. directon
Roll-to-roll Atomic layer
processing epitaxy
It is a high-
It is one practce for It is a means
manner for constructng for laying
depositng nanoscale down one-
extremel devices on a atom-thick
y roll of layers on a
controlled ultrathin surface
thin films plastc or
Distinct Features of
Nanotechnology involves operatng at a very small
dimension and it allows scientsts to make use of the
exceptonal optcal, chemical, physical, mechanical, and
biological qualites of materials of that small scale.
Scale at which much
biology occurs
•Various actvites of the cells
take place at the nanoscale.
The deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) serves as the genetc
material of the cell and is
only about 2 nanometers in
diameter. Furthermore, the
hemoglobin that transports
oxygen to the tssues
throughout the body is 5.5.
nanometers in diameter.
Scale at which quantum
effects dominate
properties of materials

• Partcles with dimensions of 1-100

nanometers have propertes that are
significant discrete from partcles of
bigger dimensions. Quantum effects
direct the behavior and propertes of
partcles in this size scale. Among the
essental propertes of nanoscale that
change as a functon of size include
chemical reactvity, fluorescence,
magnetc permeability, meltng point,
and electrical conductvity.
Nanoscale materials have far • A we increase the surface area per
larger surface areas than mass of a partcular material, a
similar masses of larger-scale
materials greater amount of the materials
comes in contact with another
material and can affect its reactvity.
for Nanotechnology
in Different Countries
U.S. Natonal Nanotechnology Initatve ($1.4-1.5 billion)

European Commission

Japan (Nanotechnology Research Insttute

Taiwan (Taiwan Natonal Science and Technology


India (Nanotechnology Research and Educaton Foundaton

China (Natonal Center for Nanoscience and Technology

Israel (Israel Natonal Nanotechnology Initatve)

Australia (Australian Office of Nanotechnology)

Canada (Natonal Insttute for Nanotechnology or NINT)

South Korea (Korea Natonal Nanotechnology Initatve)

Thailand (Natonal Nanotechnology Center or NANOTEC)

Malaysia (Natonal Nanotechnology Initatves or NNI

Possible Application of
Nanotechnology in the Philippines

1. ICT and semiconductors

2. Health and Medicine
3. Energy
4. Food and Agriculture
5. Environment
1. ICT and
2. Health and
3. Energy
4. Environment
5. Agriculture and food
6. Health and
environment risk
7. Nano-metrology
Nanotech Roadmap for 8. Educaton and public
the awareness
Philippines (PCAS-TRD-DOST)
Benefits and Concerns of Using
1. Nanotechnology is not a single technology; it may become
2. Nanotechnology seeks to develop new materials with specific
3. Nanotechnology may introduce new efficiencies and paradigm
which may make some natural resources and current practces
uncompettve or obsolete
4. It may be complicated to detect its presence unless one has the
specialist tools of nanotechnology
Examples of Areas Affected by Possible Benefits Concerns
Improved detecton and High reactvity and toxicity
Environment removal of contaminants Pervasive distributon in the
Development of benign environment
industrial processes and No nano-specific EPA regulaton
Ability to cross cell membranes
Health Improved medicine and translocate in the body
No FDA approval needed for
cosmetcs or supplements
Economy Beter products Redistributon of wealth
New jobs Potental cost of cleanups
Accessibility to all income levels
Social and Ethical
Considerations in Conducting
Research on Nanotechnology
1. Who will benefit from it?
2. For whom and what are objectves for developing your product?
3. How will it affect social, economic, and politcal relatonships?
4. What problems is your “product” trying to solve?
5. Who will have access to it?
6. Are there dangers involved with its development?
7. Who will own it?
Think About These Questions
1. What are nanomaterials and how are they made?
2. What are the factors that need to be considered before
manufacturing materials through nanotechnology?
3. What are the contributons of nanotechnology for the
improvement and sustainability of our environment?

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