Data Communications and Networking: Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Data Communications and Networking: Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Data Communications and Networking: Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Chapter 10
Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Book Chapter 10.1 , 10.2, 10.5
Data and Computer Communications, 8th edition
By William Stallings
• Networks are used to interconnect many devices.
• We have checked with Local Area Networks.
• Now, wide area networks
— Since the invention of the telephone, circuit switching has
been the dominant technology for voice communications.
— Since 1970, packet switching has evolved substantially for
digital data communications. It was designed to provide a more
efficient facility than circuit switching for bursty data traffic.
• Two types of packet switching:
– Datagram (such as today’s Internet)
– Virtual circuit (such as Frame Relay, ATM)
Switched Communications Networks
• Long distance transmission between stations (called
“end devices”) is typically done over a network of
switching nodes.
• Switching nodes do not concern with content of data.
Their purpose is to provide a switching facility that will
move the data from node to node until they reach their
destination (the end device).
• A collection of nodes and connections forms a
communications network.
• In a switched communications network, data entering
the network from a station are routed to the
destination by being switched from node to node.
Switched Communications Networks
• Long distance transmission between stations (called
“end devices”) is typically done over a network of
switching nodes.
• Switching nodes do not concern with content of data.
Their purpose is to provide a switching facility that will
move the data from node to node until they reach their
destination (the end device).
• A collection of nodes and connections forms a
communications network.
• In a switched communications network, data entering
the network from a station are routed to the
destination by being switched from node to node.
Simple Switching Network
Switching Nodes
• Nodes may connect to other nodes, or to some
• Network is usually partially connected
—However, some redundant connections are desirable
for reliability
• Two different switching technologies
—Circuit switching
—Packet switching
Circuit Switching
• Circuit switching:
— There is a dedicated communication path between two stations
— The path is a connected sequence of links between network
nodes. On each physical link, a logical channel is dedicated to
the connection.
• Communication via circuit switching has three phases:
— Circuit establishment (link by link)
• Routing & resource allocation (FDM or TDM)
— Data transfer
— Circuit disconnect
• Deallocate the dedicated resources
• The switches must know how to find the route to the
destination and how to allocate bandwidth (channel) to
establish a connection.
Circuit Switching Properties
• Inefficiency
— Channel capacity is dedicated for the whole duration of a
— If no data, capacity is wasted
• Delay
— Long initial delay: circuit establishment takes time
— Low data delay: after the circuit establishment, information is
transmitted at a fixed data rate with no delay other than the
propagation delay. The delay at each node is negligible.
• Developed for voice traffic (public telephone network)
but can also applied to data traffic.
— For voice connections, the resulting circuit will enjoy a high
percentage of utilization because most of the time one party or
the other is talking.
— But how about data connections?
Public Circuit Switched
Basic Operation
• Data are transmitted in short packets
— Typically at the order of 1000 bytes
— Longer messages are split into series of packets
— Each packet contains a portion of user data plus some control
• Control info contains at least
— Routing (addressing) info, so as to be routed to the intended
— Recall the content of an IP header!
• store and forward
— On each switching node, packets are received, stored briefly
(buffered) and passed on to the next node.
Use of Packets
Advantages of Packet Switching
• Line efficiency
— Single node-to-node link can be dynamically shared by many
packets over time
— Packets are queued up and transmitted as fast as possible
• Data rate conversion
— Each station connects to the local node at its own speed
• In circuit-switching, a connection could be blocked if
there lacks free resources. On a packet-switching
network, even with heavy traffic, packets are still
accepted, by delivery delay increases.
• Priorities can be used
— On each node, packets with higher priority can be forwarded
first. They will experience less delay than lower-priority packets.
Packet Switching Technique
• A station breaks long message into packets
• Packets are sent out to the network
sequentially, one at a time
• How will the network handle this stream of
packets as it attempts to route them through
the network and deliver them to the intended
—Two approaches
• Datagram approach
• Virtual circuit approach
• Each packet is treated independently, with no
reference to packets that have gone before.
—Each node chooses the next node on a packet’s path.
• Packets can take any possible route.
• Packets may arrive at the receiver out of order.
• Packets may go missing.
• It is up to the receiver to re-order packets and
recover from missing packets.
• Example: Internet
Virtual Circuit
• In virtual circuit, a preplanned route is
established before any packets are sent, then all
packets follow the same route.
• Each packet contains a virtual circuit
identifier instead of destination address, and
each node on the preestablished route knows
where to forward such packets.
—The node need not make a routing decision for each
• Example: X.25, Frame Relay, ATM
Virtual Circuits v Datagram
• Virtual circuits
— Network can provide sequencing (packets arrive at the same
order) and error control (retransmission between two nodes).
— Packets are forwarded more quickly
• Based on the virtual circuit identifier
• No routing decisions to make
— Less reliable
• If a node fails, all virtual circuits that pass through that node fail.
• Datagram
— No call setup phase
• Good for bursty data, such as Web applications
— More flexible
• If a node fails, packets may find an alternate route
• Routing can be used to avoid congested parts of the network
Comparison of