Presentation On Maglev - Magnetic Levitation Trasportation: Submitted by

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Presentation On

LEVitation Trasportation

Submitted by:
Surabhi Dubey
Mrunali Sabley
Meenakshi Gidkar
Ramsevak Lodhi
Aishwarya Bhargava
• Magnetic Levitation Transport, or maglev, is a form of transportation that
suspends guides and propels vehicles via electromagnetic force. This method can
be faster than wheeled mass transmit systems, potentially reaching velocities
comparable to turboprop and jet craft(500 to 581 km/h)
• The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev
trains do not have an engine -- at least not the kind of engine used to pull typical
train cars along steel tracks. The engine for maglev trains is rather inconspicuous.
Instead of using fossil fuels, the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the
guideway walls and the track combine to propel the train.
Original Patent
The first patent for a maglev propelled by linear motors was German patent 707032,
issued in June 1941.
A U.S. patent, dated 1October 1907, is for a linear motor propelled train in which the
moor, below the steel track, carried some but not all of the weight of the rain. The
inventor was Alfred Zehden of Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.

Tsukuba, Japan 1985

HSSST-03 wins popularity inspite of being 30km/h and a run of low speed in Tsukuba
World Exposition

Okazaki, Japan 1987

JR-Maglev took a test ride at holding Okazaki exhibition and runs.

Saitama, Japan 1988

HSSST-04-1 exhibited it at Saitama exhibition performed in Kumagaya, and runs. Best
speed per hour 30km/h.

Yokohama, Japan 1989

HSST-05 acquires a business driver’s license at Yokohama exhibition and carries out
test ride driving. Maximum speed 42 km/h.
Maximum Speed Record by a Trail Run
• 1974 – West Germany – EET-01 – 230km/h.
• 1975 – West Germany – Comet – 401.3km/h (by steam rocket propulsion.
• 1978 – Japan – HSST01 – 307.8km/h (by supporting Rockets propulsion made
in Nissan).
• 1978 – Japan – HSST02 – 110km/h.
• 1979 – Japan – ML500 – 517km/h (with no passengers).
• 1987 – Japan – MLU-001 – 400.8km/h (with passengers).
• 1988 – West Germany – TR-06 – 412.6km/h.
• 1989 – West Germany – TR-07 – 436km/h.
• 1993 – Germany – TR-07 – 450km/h.
• 1994 – Japan – MLU002N – 431km/h (with no passenger).
• 1997 – Japan – MLX01 – 550km/h (with no passenger).
• 1999 – Japan – MLX01 – 552km/h (with passenger).
• 2003 – Germany – TR-08 – 501km/h (with passenger).
• 2003 – Japan – MLX01 – 581km/h (with passenger).
Principle of magnetic levitation
The "8" figured levitation coils are installed on the sidewalls of the
guideway. When the on-board superconducting magnets pass at a high
speed about several centimeters below the center of these coils, an
electric current is induced within the coils, which then act as
electromagnets temporarily. As a result, there are forces which push the
superconducting magnet upwards and ones which pull them upwards
simultaneously, thereby levitating the Maglev vehicle.
Principle of lateral guidance
The levitation coils facing each other are connected under the
guideway, constituting a loop. When a running Maglev vehicle, that is a
superconducting magnet, displaces laterally, an electric current is
induced in the loop, resulting in a repulsive force acting on the
levitation coils of the side near the car and an attractive force acting on
the levitation coils of the side farther apart from the car. Thus, a
running car is always located at the center of the guideway.
Principle of propulsion
A repulsive force and an attractive force induced between the
magnets are used to propel the vehicle (superconducting magnet).
The propulsion coils located on the sidewalls on both sides of the
guideway are energized by a three-phase alternating current from
a substation, creating a shifting magnetic field on the guideway.
The on-board superconducting magnets are attracted and pushed
by the shifting field, propelling the Maglev vehicle.
The Maglev Track
The magnetized coil running along the track, called a guideway, repels the large
magnets on the train's undercarriage, allowing the train to levitate between 0.39 and
3.93 inches (1 to 10 cm) above the guideway. Once the train is levitated, power is
supplied to the coils within the guideway walls to create a unique system of magnetic
fields that pull and push the train along the guideway. The electric current supplied to
the coils in the guideway walls is constantly alternating to change the polarity of the
magnetized coils. This change in polarity causes the magnetic field in front of the train
to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train adds more
forward thrust.

Maglev trains float on a cushion of air, eliminating friction. This lack of friction and the
trains' aerodynamic designs allow these trains to reach unprecedented ground
transportation speeds of more than 310 mph (500 kph), or twice as fast as Amtrak's
fastest commuter train. In comparison, a Boeing-777 commercial airplane used for
long-range flights can reach a top speed of about 562 mph (905 kph). Developers say
that maglev trains will eventually link cities that are up to 1,000 miles (1,609 km)
apart. At 310 mph, you could travel from Paris to Rome in just over two hours.
The term "maglev" refers not only to the vehicles, but to the railway system as well,
specifically designed for magnetic levitation and propulsion. All operational
implementations of maglev technology have had minimal overlap with
wheeled train technology and have not been compatible with conventional rail tracks.
Because they cannot share existing infrastructure, these maglev systems must be
designed as complete transportation systems. The Applied Levitation SPM Maglev
system is inter-operable with steel rail tracks and would permit maglev vehicles and
conventional trains to operate at the same time on the same right of way.
There are three primary types of maglev technology:

•Electromagnetic suspension (EMS) uses the attractive magnetic force of a magnet

beneath a rail to lift the train up.

•Electrodynamic suspension (EDS) uses a repulsive force between two

magnetic fields to push the train away from the rail.

•Stabilized permanent magnet suspension (SPM) uses opposing arrays

of permanent magnets to levitate the train above the rail.
Another experimental technology, which was designed, proven mathematically, peer reviewed,
and patented, but is yet to be built, is the magnetodynamic suspension (MDS), which uses the
attractive magnetic force of a permanent magnet array near a steel track to lift the train and
hold it in place.
Electromagnetic suspension

In current electromagnetic suspension (EMS) systems, the train levitates

above a steel rail while electromagnets, attached to the train, are
oriented toward the rail from below. The electromagnets use feedback
control to maintain a train at a constant distance from the track, at
approximately 15 millimeters (0.6 in).
Electrodynamic suspension

In electrodynamic suspension (EDS), both the rail and the train exert a magnetic field,
and the train is levitated by the repulsive force between these magnetic fields. The
magnetic field in the train is produced by either electromagnets (as in JR-Maglev) or by
an array of permanent magnets (as in Inductrack). The repulsive force in the track is
created by an induced magnetic field in wires or other conducting strips in the track. At
slow speeds, the current induced in these coils and the resultant magnetic flux is not
large enough to support the weight of the train. For this reason the train must have
wheels or some other form of landing gear to support the train until it reaches a speed
that can sustain levitation.
Propulsion coils on the guideway are used to exert a force on the magnets in the train
and make the train move forward. The propulsion coils that exert a force on the train
are effectively a linear motor: An alternating current flowing through the coils
generates a continuously varying magnetic field that moves forward along the track.
The frequency of the alternating current is synchronized to match the speed of the train.
The offset between the field exerted by magnets on the train and the applied field create
a force moving the train forward.
Stabilized Permanent Magnet suspension

SPM maglev systems differ from EDS maglev in that they use opposing sets of
rare earth magnets (typically neodymium alloys in a Halbach array in the track
and vehicle to create permanent, passive levitation; i.e., no power is required to
maintain permanent levitation. With no current required for levitation, the system has much less
electromagnetic drag, thus requiring much less power to move a given cargo at a given speed.
Because of Earnshaw's theorem, SPM maglev systems require a mechanism to create lateral
stability (i.e., controlling the side-to-side movement of the vehicle).
One way to provide this stability is to use a set of coils along the bottom of the
magnet array on the vehicle being levitated, which centers the vehicle over the
rails by means of small amounts of current. Because the voice coils are not
needed to provide lift and there is almost no drag, this system uses less power
than other maglev systems: when the vehicle is centered over the rails, it uses
no power. As the vehicle navigates a curve, the controller moves the vehicle to
a ‘balance point’ inside the curve so that the (magnetic) centripetal pull of the
magnetic rails in the ground offset the vehicle’s (kinetic) centrifugal momentum.
This balance point varies based on the vehicle’s weight, which the controller
automatically accounts for, resulting in zero steady state power consumption.
Pros and cons of different
EMS( Magnetic fields inside The separation between
Electromagnetic suspens and the vehicle and the
ion outside the vehicle are guideway must be
) insignificant; proven, constantly monitored and
commercially available corrected by computer
technology that can attain systems to avoid
very high speeds collision due to the
(500 km/h); no wheels or unstable nature of
secondary propulsion electromagnetic
system needed attraction; due to the
system's inherent
instability and the
required constant
corrections by outside
systems, vibration issues
may occur.
Technology Pros Cons

EDS(Electrodynamic) Onboard magnets and Strong magnetic fields onboard

large margin between rail the train would make the train
and train enable highest inaccessible to passengers with 
recorded train speeds
pacemakers or magnetic data
(581 km/h) and heavy
storage media such as hard drives
load capacity; has
recently demonstrated and credit cards, necessitating the
(December 2005) use of magnetic shielding;
successful operations limitations on guideway
using  inductivity limit the maximum
high temperature superc speed of the vehicle; vehicle must
 in its onboard magnets, be wheeled for travel at low
cooled with inexpensive speeds.
liquid nitrogen
Technology Pros Cons

Inductrack System Failsafe Suspension - no Requires either wheels

(Permanent Magnet power required to or track segments that
EDS) activate magnets; move for when the
Magnetic field is vehicle is stopped. New
localized below the car; technology that is still
can generate enough under development (as
force at low speeds of 2008) and as yet has
(around 5 km/h) to no commercial version or
levitate maglev train; in full scale system
case of power failure prototype.
cars slow down on their
own safely; Halbach
arrays of permanent
magnets may prove
more cost-effective than
A MagLev is constantly kept afloat by electromagnets on the track (also called a
guideway) and on the train's underside. As we all know, the opposing polarities of
magnets are attracted to each other and the same polarities oppose each other.
So a MagLev would be levitated with the track's and the train's magnets facing
each other on the opposing sides.
There are many different MagLev systems being developed. The most
successful one so far is called the Transrapid system and it is currently being
used by the MagLev in Shanghai. This system uses electromagnetic suspension
technology (EMS) and it works on the concept that electromagnetic forces attract
to a metal or another electromagnet when they face each other with the opposing
The Transrapid system is commercially available. It's a more comfortable and safer
system in terms of regulated levitation and the magnetic field intensity inside the
passenger compartment. Its intensity is comparable to the earth's magnetic field and
far below the field intensity of a hair dryer, an electric drill or a sewing machine. Since
the Transrapid system has already been proven successful, it is the one we will learn
about in the next couple of pages.
Electrodynamic Suspension Technology:

Another system under development uses electrodynamic suspension

technology (EDS) and it works on the concept of repulsive magnetic
forces when electromagnets face each other with the same polarities.
The EDS system uses superconductors cooled with liquid helium, and
it's still in the experimental stage with many technical difficulties to be
overcome. For starters, the train can't not be levitated at speeds less
than 100 kilometres per hour and the magnetic field intensity inside the
train is about 1000 times higher than that of the Transrapid System.
Also, the super-cooled conductors are really expensive and the
unregulated levitation causes rough rides on the train.
1) The Levitation System:
Support electromagnets built into the undercarriage and along the entire length of
the train pull it up to the guideway electromagnets, which are called ferromagnetic
reaction rails. The guidance magnets placed on each side of the train keep it
centered along the track and guide the train along. All the electromagnets are
controlled electronically in a precise manner. It ensures the train is always
levitated at a distance of 8 to 10 mm from the guideway even when it isn't moving.
This levitation system is powered by onboard batteries, which are charged up by
the linear generator when the train travels. The generator consists of additional
cable windings integrated in the levitation electromagnets. The induced current of
the generator during driving uses the propulsion magnetic field's harmonic waves,
which are due to the side effects of the grooves of the long stator so the charging
up process does not consume the useful propulsion magnetic field. The train can
rely on this battery power for up to one hour without an external power source.
The levitation system is independent from the propulsion system.
2) The Propulsion System:
For propulsion and braking of a MagLev, a long electromagnetic stator is installed
underneath both sides of the guideway facing the train's support electromagnets, which
resemble a motor's rotor. The construction of this system looks like the stator of a
rotating motor was cut open and stretched along the guideway undersides and the rotor
part is built into the undercarriage of a train.
The three-phase winded stator generates an electromagnetic travelling field and moves
the train when it is supplied with an alternating current. The electronmagnetic field from
the support electromagnets (rotor) pulls it along. The magnetic field direction and speed
of the stator and the rotor are synchronized. The MagLev's speed can vary from
standstill to full operating speed by simply adjusting the frequency of the alternating
current. To bring the train to a full stop, the direction of the travelling field is reversed.
Even during braking, there isn't any mechanical contact between the stator and the rotor.
Instead of consuming energy, the Transrapid system acts as a generator, converting the
breaking energy into electricity, which can be used elsewhere.
Advantages of MAGLEV
Well it sounds high-tech, a floating train, they do offer certain benefits over
conventional steel rail on steel wheel railways.
The primary advantage is maintenance. Because the train floats along there is no
contact with the ground and therefore no need for any moving parts. As a results
there are no components that would wear out. This means in theory train and track
would need no maintenance at all.
•As maglev trains floats, there is no friction.
•Produces less noise, because there are no wheels running along there is no wheel
•The final advantage is its speed.

Disadvantages of MAGLEV
There are several disadvantages with maglev trains.
•Maglev guide paths are bound to be more costly than conventional steel railways.
•Lacking with existing infrastructure.

Provided maglev can be proved to be commercially viable (which has not yet been done)
it should be a success. Most people have their eyes on Germany, where the first maglev
will run in commercial service. This may decide whether or not maglev will be used
across the world. Maglev may become the preferred path for new high speed railway
lines although it would depend whether or not services were needed to stretch beyond a
high speed line. For example, if you have 300km of conventional track between two
cities cleared for over 200 km/h but there was a 60 km long section only cleared for 80
km/h then it would make sense to build a new high speed (300 km/h) line for the 60 km
distance. If a maglev train were to be used a track 300km long would have to be built.
However if there is no existing rail network (only the case in the USA) then it makes
sense to build a maglev line. Whether or not new railway lines stopped being built in
favor of maglev , one thing is certain, there is 31932km of track in the UK, 34449km in
France and 40726km Germany , no one is going to convert all of this into maglev track,
conventional trains are here to stay for a long time.

Therefore, the future of Maglev holds an undisputed demand level at the global level.

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