Science &technology (S&T) and Nation Building: Learning Objectives

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Science Learning Objectives

(S&T) and Nation  To identify actual S&T
Building policies/agenda of the
 To evaluate government
policies pertaining to S&T
in terms of their
contributions to nation
Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022

 Prepared by DOST after consultation with government

and private R&D institutions, the academe, industry,
and other concerned agencies
 Ensures that results of S&T endeavours are geared
towards and are utilized in areas of maximum
economic and social benefit for the people

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022

 Aligned with AmBisyon natin 2040:matatag,

maginhawa, at panatag na buhay para sa lahat
 Has 3 pillars:
1. Malasakit (enhancing the social fabric)
2. Pagbabago (reducing inequality)
3. Kaunlaran (increasing potential growth)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022

 Organized into 5 sectors:

1. Basic research
2. Agriculture Aquatic and Natural Resources
3. Health
4. Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology
5. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
1st Sector: National Integrated Basic Research Agenda (NIBRA)

National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) is mandated to

promote and support fundamental and basic research in the country
1. Water security- TUBIG program
(Tubig ay Buhayin at Ingatan
2. Food and Nutrition Security – SAPAT program
(Saganang Pagkain para sa lahat)
3. Health Sufficiency – LIKAS program
(Likas Yaman sa Kalusugan)
4. Clean Energy – ALERT program
(Alternative Energy Research Trends)
5. Sustainable community – SAKLAW program
(Saklolo sa Lawa)
6. Inclusive Nation-Building – ATIN program (Ang Tinig Natin)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Water security
 Water shed studies
1. Biological, chemical, and physical characterization
2. Water supply stress index
3. Population growth impacts on water resource availability
 Water quality, accessibility, and availability
1. Pollutants/contaminants (surface and ground waters)
2. Analysis of historical flows, sediment and toxicity loads of
lakes and rivers
3. Weather modification for increasing water supplies in
special localized areas

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
2. Food and nutrition security
Biodiversity studies
1. Biological pollution
2. Biology and population dynamics of pests, diseases, and
natural enemies
3. Taxonomy of flora and fauna
4. Environmental scanning of physical marine and terrestrial
resources (taxonomy, systematics, ecology)
5. Genetic analysis (biochemical, cytogenetics, molecular)
6. Taxonomy of eco-friendly species for Integrated Pest
7. Exploring allelopathic potentials of indigenous botanicals

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

2. Food and nutrition security
 Food safety
1. Safety analysis of food supplements and cosmeceuticals in the
2. Livestock and poultry diseases (epidemiological studies, re-
emerging and emerging diseases)
3. Diseases and pathogens of important crops
4. Identification and characterization of food/feed contaminants
5. Epidemiology of food- and feed-borne contaminants

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
3. Health sufficiency
 Fundamental studies on potential sources of natural
1. Bioprospecting
(e.g. marine organisms for biomedical use)
2. Bioinformatics
3. Characterization and structure elucidation of plants or
foods/food components
4. Pharmacogenomics and toxicogenomics

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Health sufficiency
 Basic veterinary studies
1. Economically important animal diseases and those
transmitted to humans
2. Characterization, isolation and bioassay of novel
antimicrobial compounds from indigenous sources and
plant species
3. Herbal veterinary pharmacopeia
4. Identification and characterization of zoonotic diseases

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Health sufficiency
 Social Dimensions on Health
1. Filipino perceptions and concepts on health
2. Herbal and folkloric medicine
3. Models for good governance in health management

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
4. Clean Energy
 Alternative Energy
1. Identification and characterization of alternative sources
of energy
(wind, solar, biofuels, hydro)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
5. Sustainable Communities
 Vulnerable Ecosystems
1. Lakes, rivers, and wetlands
2. Oceans and marine studies
3. Soil science
4. Carrying capacity models of ecosystems
5. Environmental scanning of physical marine and terrestrial resources
6. Endangered species
7. Economic valuation of ecosystems, natural capital, and cost-benefit
8. Evaluation of adaptive socio-ecological systems in a changing environment
9. Assessment studies on the resource sustainability of various ecosystems
10. Models and frameworks for enhancing adaptive capacities of vulnerable

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

5. Sustainable Communities
 Data Analytics of Natural Phenomena
1. Database of pollutants present in abandoned mined out
areas (terrestrial and aquatic)
2. Computational and numerical modelling and
simulations for ecological processes
3. Simulations for applications in physical and life
sciences, and in complex systems
4. Regional climate modelling and sensitivity analysis

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

5. Sustainable Communities
 Environment and Anthropogenic Activities
1. Geogenic health hazards
2. Processes in heavy metals sequestration from mine tailings,
agriculture, farms, etc.
3. Impact studies of anthropogenic activities on the environment
(e.g. mining and resource extractive industries)
4. All-systems risk modelling for DRR/CCA
5. Human dimensions research on climate change (drivers,
impact, responses, adaptive capacities)
6. Risk assessment of mining wastes and effluents
7. Bioremediation studies

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
6. Inclusive Nation-building
 Data Collection and Analysis of Social Phenomena
1. Computational and numerical modelling and
simulations for social processes
2. Indigenous knowledge systems and practices on DRR
and CCA
3. Gender in nation-building and DRR/CCA

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Inclusive Nation-building
 Documentation of Indigenous Knowledge
1. Documentation of traditional health practices in the
2. Extant cultural heritage of ethnolinguistic groups
3. Dictionary of cultural metaphors
4. Retrieval and documentation of indigenous technology
in Filipino expressive culture
5. Documentation of indigenous sustainable farming,
fishing, and aquaculture practices
6. Early human life and civilization in the Philippines

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Inclusive Nation-building
 Education
1. Pedagogies in Philippine educational system
2. Mathematics, language, music in indigenous Filipino
expressive culture
3. K12 studies

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Inclusive Nation-building
 National Security and Sovereignty
1. Peace studies and conflict resolution
2. Sovereignty issues
3. Human security (community, political, health,
economic, environmental, personal)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Inclusive Nation-building
 Arts, History and Culture
1. Extant cultural heritage of ethnolinguistic groups
2. Filipinnovation in music, theatre, dance, literature,
performing arts
3. Codification of endangered Philippine languages

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
2nd Sector: Health
 Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) is
mandated as the national coordinating body for health research in the
1. Diagnostics
2. Drug discovery and development
3. Functional foods
4. Hospital equipment and biomedical devices
5. Information and communication technology for health
6. Dengue
7. Nutrition and food quality and safety
8. Disaster risk reduction
9. Climate Change Adaptation
10. Molecular technologies for health (Platform technology across research priorities)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Diagnostics
 Development of diagnostics for early detection and/or
prediction of disease and mortality, utilizing existing
technologies and/or novel technology
 Priority diseases:

1. Communicable diseases
• Neglected Tropical diseases
• Emerging infectious diseases
• Organisms associated with Multi Drug Resistance
• Gastro urinary tract (GUT), Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and
• Respiratory diseases
• Tuberculosis, all forms
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
1. Diagnostics
 Priority diseases:
2. Non-communicable diseases
• Malignant neoplasms, all sites
• Neurodegenerative and mental health disorders
• Metabolic Diseases, diabetes & other endocrine-related
• Autoimmune/immunologic diseases or deficiencies
• Cerebrovascular disease
• Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Diagnostics
 Specific topics:
1. Point of care
• Diagnostic test done at the time and place of patient care
2. Screening / confirmatory / prognostic
• Screening to detect early disease or risk factors for disease
• Confirming the presence or absence of disease
• Prognosticating and predicting the likely outcome of disease,
susceptibility and chances of recovery

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Diagnostics
 Specific topics:
3. Technologies
• Latex agglutination
• Lateral flow assay/Dipstick
• Isothermal technology
• Biosensors/Chemical sensors
• Nucleic Acid Testing
• Immunochemistry
• Lab-on-a-chip (Microfluidics, paper technology,
Nanotechnology, Aptamers or a combination)
• Immunoassay
• Radio-labelled assays

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

2. Drug discovery and development

 Development of standardized herbal drugs and discovery

of new drugs from local sources for development up to the
pre-clinical stage.
1. Infectious diseases
• Bacterial infections (M. tuberculosis, Enterococcus faecium, S.
aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii)
• Viral diseases (e.g. dengue, influenza)
• Fungal infections

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

2. Drug discovery and development

 Drugs will be developed for:

2. Non-communicable diseases
• Lifestyle-related diseases (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases (CVDs), etc.)
• Cancer (colon, breast, lung)
• Respiratory diseases
• Neurodegenerative diseases

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Functional Foods
 Food or food components that provide health benefits
beyond basic nutrient function
 Determination of health benefits and safety
assessment of food or food components in reducing
risk for disease occurrence, specifically lifestyle related
diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Functional Foods
 Priority Foods
1. Local Fruits (guyabano, tiesa, mangosteen)
2. Local Vegetables (malunggay, okra, saluyot)
3. Rootcrops, tubers and starchy food (yacon, sago, sweet potato
varieties, purple yam)
4. Rice (pigmented)
5. Local berries (duhat, lipote, aratiles, bignay)
6. Herbs and spices (tanglad, pandan, ginger e.g. turmeric)
7. Nuts (pili)
8. Seaweeds (lato, red seaweeds)
9. Edible mushrooms

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Functional Foods
 Specific topics
1. Characterization of food and food components
2. Safety assessment
3. Establishment of health benefits
4. Product development

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

4. Hospital Equipment and Biomedical
 Design and development of affordable, safe, and reliable
hospital equipment and biomedical devices
1. Respiratory failure support
2. Artificial body part replacement (prosthesis)
3. Rehabilitation medicine
4. Minimally invasive surgical procedures
5. Eye health. Hemodialysis (consumables)
6. Orthopedic surgery. Post-operative care
7. Spinal disorders, Wound care
8. Primary health care
9. Persons with disabilities (PWD) assistive devices
10. Hospital waste management
11. Personal protective equipment
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
5. Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) for Health
 User-friendly ICT solutions to accelerate the gathering
and processing of health and related information for
policymaking and delivery of quality health care services
1. Public health surveillance
2. Health intelligence system
3. ICT-enabled medical devices and services
4. Software and applications
5. Monitoring proximity to predict possible epidemics
6. Verbal autopsy system
7. Applications development for online nutrition services
8. Automatic body mass index (BMI) assessment
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
6. Dengue
 Dengue R and D intends to reduce transmission of
dengue and development of an early warning system for
the prediction of dengue outbreak.
1. Vector biology
2. Vector surveillance and integrated vector management
3. Dengue case management
4. Dengue outbreak management

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

7. Nutrition and food quality and safety
 Nutrition researches seek to address the nutrition problems in the
country i.e., micronutrient and macronutrient deficiencies,
overnutrition, and nutrition related diseases, and to explore
avenues and other opportunities that can be tapped, in order to
lessen if not stop these problems.
 Food quality and safety refers to the assurance that food will not
cause harm to the consumer when prepared or eaten according to
its intended use.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

7. Nutrition and food quality and safety
Specific topics
1. Food fortification
2. Fortified multi-nutrient growth mix products
3. Rice extrudate
4. Development/revision of nutrition tools and standards
5. Nutritional guidelines
6. Food exchange list
7. Body composition assessment
8. Nutritional assessment and monitoring
9. In-depth and correlation studies (dietary risk factors to non-communicable diseases)
10. Nutrition surveys
11. Designing nutrition intervention programs
12. Nutrition delivery system for complementary feeding promotion
13. Food quality and safety
14. Enhancement of food composition database for dietary exposure assessment
15. Exposure assessment of selected nutrients, food contaminants, and food additives in
commonly consumed foods

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

8. Disaster Risk Reduction
 Innovations which will reduce risks to health
1. Innovations for emergency medical care services,
water, sanitation, hygiene and nutrition
• technology development for search and rescue, triage
and emergency health
• ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF)
• food for emergencies
• environmental health (water quality; waste disposal)
• psychosocial adaptation capacity of communities

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

9. Health and Climate Change Adaptation
 Covers cross-cutting researches on climate change
adaptation, which have direct implications on public health
1. Researches relating to human health with
hydrologic/meteorological information
2. Climate change sensitive diseases
3. Resilience studies at institutional, community and individual
4. Implementation science regarding existing tools and
interventions on health and climate change
5. Green health facilities

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

10. Molecular Technologies for Health
 Utilize molecular technology platforms in developing
local technologies for the development of personalized
medicines, diagnostics, therapeutics as support to health and
clinical practice guidelines and policies
1. Priority diseases based on the top causes of mortality and morbidity
(e.g. CVD) malignant neoplasms, pneumonia and other chronic
respiratory diseases
2. Prevalent emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
3. Neurological/ Neurodegenerative/ mental health conditions
4. Disease conditions of special interest in the Philippines, e.g. X-
linked dystonia-parkinsonism syndrome (XDP)
5. Other applications / topics of national interest or significance
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
 A product of multi-sectoral consultations initiated by the
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural
Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD)
1. Crops
2. Livestock
3. Aquatic
4. Forestry
5. Natural Resources and Environment
6. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
7. Technology Transfer
8. Socio-Economics and Policy Research

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Crops
 Germplasm evaluation, conservation, utilization and
 Varietal improvement and selection
 Production of good quality seeds and planting materials
1. Development/optimization of seed production protocols
2. Establishment of sustainable seed system

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Crops
 Cultural Management Practices
1. Soil health, nutrient and water management
2. Development of biofertilizers and soil fertility
3. Development of eco-friendly pest and disease
management and control strategies
4. Development of crop disease diagnostic
kits/techniques and disease management protocols
5. Organic Agriculture

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Crops

 Crop production systems research

1. Smart farming approaches
2. Off-season production and cultivation
3. Development of climate-resilient technologies
4. Decision support systems
 Postharvest, processing and product development

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

2. Livestock

 Breed development and genetic improvement (for meat,

dairy and draft)
 Reproductive biotechniques for priority livestock species
 Nutrition, feeds and feeding system
 Conservation and improvement of native animals
 Vaccine, biologics and diagnostics development
 Detection of chemical residues and anti-microbial resistance
 Production and management decision

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Aquatic
 Application of genomics in the study of diseases of aquatic species, improving
fish resistance to climate change; molecular phylogenetics; population
 New cultivable species for culture
 Development/Refinement of culture systems
(broodstock management, hatchery, nursery, grow-out)
 Fish health, disease diagnostics and disease management
 Nutrition, feeds and feeding systems
 Postharvest handling, processing and new product development
 Mechanization and automated systems for feeding, water and culture
management and post production
 Fishkill warning and mitigation systems and environmental management for
sustainable aquaculture
 Management of fisheries

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

4. Forestry
 The following agenda are in support of the government’s
Enhanced National Greening Program (ENGP):
1. Development and sustainable management practices
2. Development of high yielding varieties (HYVs) of
priority timber species with superior traits
3. Production protocols for the propagation of quality
timber and non-timber forest planting materials
4. Development of sustainable harvesting and postharvest
techniques/technologies and marketing strategies for
timber and non-timber forest species/products

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

5. Natural Resources and Environment
 Sustainable utilization, conservation and management of biodiversity in
terrestrial, forestry and marine ecosystems
 Sustainable watershed management and utilization
 Management and rehabilitation of problem, degraded and polluted agricultural
soils through remediation
 Development of high value products from agricultural and forest wastes
 Strategies/decision management tools for climate change resilient environment
 Resource and ecosystems assessment and monitoring
 Habitat management for fishery and ecosystem sustainability
 Marine environmental management (to include Harmful Algal Blooms, coastal
integrity/erosion, fish kills and eutrophication)
 Innovative management systems for unique landscapes and ecosystems

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster
Risk Reduction
 Mitigation and adaptation studies (including protected
agriculture, vertical agriculture)
 Development of smart farming approaches (including organic
agriculture, integrated farming, ICT application) and other
climate-resilient agricultural production technologies
 Development of strategies/decision management tools for climate
change resilient environment (e.g. farm diversification)
 Enhancing sustainable development through lifescape-landscape

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

7. Technology Transfer
 Development of innovative and improvement of
traditional extension modalities for the efficient transfer
of technologies to end-users
 Upscaling of agricultural technology transfer and

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

8. Socio-Economics and Policy Research
 Continuing review of existing policies affecting the AANR sectors
 Policy research on natural resources/environment-related issues,
agricultural trade, supply chain/value chain related issues and R&D
governance, compliance to standards across the value chain
 Impact assessment of technologies, AANR programs and projects
 Socio-economic studies on production and marketing efficiencies,
role of social institutions in technology adoption, labor migration,
development of social enterprise models, gender and development
 Agriculture and resource economic studies including market research,
agrarian/asset reform, environmental valuation, economies of
scale/collective farming
 Policy studies on global competitiveness of Philippines AANR sector

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

 The responsibility of Philippine Council for Industry,
Energy and Emerging Technology Research and
Development (PCIEERD)
1. Food and Nutrition Security
2. Countryside Development
3. Competitive Industry
4. Delivery of Social Services
5. Intelligent Transportation Solutions
6. Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Solutions
7. Human Security

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

1. Food and nutrition security
 Food Safety and Quality
1. Affordable Tests for Food Contaminants
• Rapid test kits, electronic sensors for common food contaminants
(Microbiological contaminants, Histamine)
• Migration test kit for various food packaging materials (paper and
2. Development of Food Safety Rating and Grading System for
Food Service Establishments
3. Safe and Regulatory-Compliant Food Products and Processes
4. Improvement of Food Shelf-life
5. Innovative Food Products

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

2. Countryside Development
 Agro-Processing, Utilization and Value-Adding
 Natural Products Development
 Improvement of Textile Processing
 Halal Processing Technologies for Food and Non-Food
 Metrology and Testing Methods for Laboratory Analysis
 Shop Floor R&D and Innovations
 Regional Consortia R&D

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Competitive Industries
 ICT, Electronics and Semiconductor
1. Big Data Analytics
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Internet of Things
4. Advanced Electronics and Communications (e.g.
photonics & opto-electronics devices, semiconductor
materials, etc.)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Competitive Industries
 Mining and Minerals - technologies and processes for
small and large scale mining in support to responsible
1. Green Mining Technology
2. Clean Metallurgical Processes

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Competitive Industries
 Metals and Engineering
1. Advanced Machine-Based or Machine Aided
Metalworking and Testing Procedures
2. Technologies for Disposal, Recycling, and Treatment of
Metal Wastes

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

3. Competitive Industries
 Packaging

1. Smart and Green Packaging Technology

2. Appropriate Packaging System for Various Products
 Industrial Application of Nuclear Technology
1. Food and Non-Food Processing
2. Non-Destructive Testing
3. Product Development
4. Environment Monitoring

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

4. Delivery of Social Services
 Environment and Pollution Control
1. Wastewater Management
2. Air Pollution Control and Management
3. Solid Waste Management
 Space Technology Application (STA)
1. Development of micro-satellites and space technologies
2. Use of STA for resource mapping
3. Application of global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
4. Airborne and UAV systems for high resolution mapping and
other applications

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

5. Intelligent Transport Solutions
 Alternative Mass Transport Systems and Components
1. Land Transport - Develop a sustainable integrated,
responsive, effective, efficient and safe land transport
2. Sea/Water Transport - Develop a safer, cleaner and
efficient maritime transport systems and services
 Traffic/Mobility

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
 Energy Efficiency/Alternative Fuels and Conservation
1. Energy-efficient technologies for industry and buildings
2. Standards development

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
 Renewable Energy (RE) Systems & Bioenergy Technologies
- increase the adaptation and adoption of renewable energy
1. Cost-effective RE technologies and business models
integration for sustainable off-grid power supply
2. Efficient micro-hydro and hydrokinetic turbines
3. Bioenergy technologies
4. Wind energy
5. Solar power concentrators (SCP)
6. Solar heating and cooling (SHC)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

6. Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
 Functional materials for alternative energy sources
and energy conversion and storage - systems and
processes for surface modification of various materials
1. Superconducting wires, liquid electrode material
systems, superconducting transformers
2. Cost competitive solar cells
3. Platinum - and palladium - based anode catalyst for
direct ethanol fuel cell
4. Direct ethanol fuel cell-powered LED emergency light

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

7. Human security
 Food Defense
 Biosecurity
 Cybersecurity

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

 Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
and Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA) are in-charge
1. Observation and Monitoring Networks
2. Technology Development and Application for Monitoring
3. Modelling and Simulation for Improvement of Monitoring and
4. Hazards, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
5. Warning and Risk Communication
6. Technology Development and Application for Climate Change
Mitigation and Adaptation
7. Technology Development and Application for Disaster Risk Management
8. Policy Research
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
1. Observation and Monitoring Networks
 Development of state-of-the art observation and
monitoring systems for weather, climate, geologic and
oceanographic processes.
1. Weather/Climate Observation Systems
2. Hydro-meteorological systems
3. Ocean observation systems (including storm surges, waves)
4. Volcano (seismic, geodetic, geochemical)
5. Earthquake (seismic, intensity meter, accelerometers)
6. Tsunami
7. Landslide
8. Sensor networks
9. Space Systems and Facilities
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
2. Technology Development and
Application for Monitoring
 Development of instruments and data processing and
analysis systems, application of technologies for improved
monitoring of weather, climate, geologic and
oceanographic processes.
1. Hydro-meteorological and oceanographic Instruments
2. Volcano, earthquake, tsunami and landslide monitoring
3. Instrument test bed facilities
4. Radar data processing technologies
5. LiDAR data processing technologies
6. Remote sensing (airborne, space) technologies
7. Data Assimilation System for in-situ and remotely-sensed data
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
3. Modelling and Simulation for Improvement of
Monitoring and Forecasting
 Modelling and simulation for improved forecasting and simulation
of disaster and climate scenarios.
1. Numerical Weather, Sub-seasonal and Seasonal Climate Prediction, Climate
Change Projection
2. Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) using Numerical Weather Prediction
3. High-Impact Weather (HIW) Forecasting and Warning
4. Projecting future 1.0°C and 1.5°C Philippine climate using Regional Climate
Models and their impacts to different sectors (Health, Food security, Water
resources, etc.)
5. Data analytics and predictive modelling for flood monitoring and management
6. Geophysical, Geochemical, Geodetic, and related modelling and simulation for
geological hazards monitoring and warning
7. Potential for large-scale eruptions, earthquake, tsunami and landslide generation
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
4. Hazards, Vulnerability and Risk
 Assessment of hazards, development and update of exposure data
base, assessment of vulnerabilities of exposed elements such as
communities and specific sectors, structures, livelihood and
economy, and potential impacts and losses due to natural disasters
and climate change; development of appropriate tools for hazard,
vulnerability and risk assessment.
1. Hazards Assessment (Geological, Hydro-meteorological, Climate-
related, etc.)
2. Exposure Information, Database and Tools
3. Vulnerability, Capacity and Risk Assessment
4. Climate Risk (by sector)

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

5. Warning and Communication of
 Development and use of warning and information systems and
protocols, determination of stakeholder information needs, for
improved warning and communication of information of impending
hazardous events and impacts for appropriate preparedness and
1. Warning Communication (Geological, Hydro-meteorological, Climate-related
hazards, and Impacts)
2. Impact-based/risk-based modelling and forecasting
3. Philippine Unified Meteo-Hydrological Information System
4. Web-based and Mobile phone-based warning and information
5. Geological Disaster Information Portal
6. Risk communication
7. Community traditional media systems
8. Communicating uncertainties of climate change projections for DRR/ CCA
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
6. Technology Development and Application for
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Development and application of instruments, tools, systems, protocols to
mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to
adapt to climate change in all sectors, including food, water, health,
environment, businesses, infrastructure and settlement towards a climate
change resilient society.
1. Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Emissions
2. Bio-Fuel from Forest Residues
3. Energy-efficient products, Non-fossil fuels
4. Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Waste Management and Alternative Energy
5. Resource efficient and cleaner production for industries
6. Advanced Transport
7. Food, Water, Health Security
8. Decision management tools for climate change-resilient environment
Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.
7. Technology Development and Application for
Disaster Risk Management
Assessment of people’s hazards, climate change and disaster risk perception,
gaps and needs and development and application of appropriate options for risk
management, development and application of instruments, tools, protocols, and
products in all the phases of risk management, from preparedness, mitigation,
response and recovery.
1. Stakeholders-needs and disaster-information gap assessment and bridging for disaster
2. Hazards and risk perception or behavior
3. Institutional or social preparedness and response
4. Projections and impact scenarios for preparedness to respond and recover
5. Interactive and dynamic platform for products and services
6. Tools (including software) for mainstreaming DRR-CCA into contingency planning and local development and
planning process
7. Technologies and products for disaster mitigation (disaster-prone) and recovery(disaster-stricken) of communities
8. Technologies for addressing drought (i.e. cloud seeding)
9. Climate and disaster resilient infrastructure
10. Climate and disaster resilient livelihood / business (business continuity)
11. Gender equality and integration in science and technology for DRR and CCA partnership

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

8. Policy Research
 Development of policies for climate mitigation and
adaptation and disaster risk management
1. Policy research for Climate Change Mitigation and
2. Policy research for Disaster Risk Management

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

agenda\Compendium ST Statistics as of December 2015.pdf

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

 Make a position paper
• 250-350 words
 Do you agree with the current S&T
policies/thrusts/agenda of the government?
Why or why not?
 Choose one policy and assess/evaluate its possible
impact to nation building.

Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda 2017-2022.

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