Elegant Architecture Portfolio by Slidesgo

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Parts of the Computer and its


Mark Ivan G. Abriza – ABE Cubao

CSS2121 – 1
01 02
 Central Processing Unit (CPU) 
Definition and Its Components Definition and its Components

03 04
SSD Hard Drive
Definition and Its Components Definition and its Components
Graphics Card
Central Processing Unit. Also known as
a microprocessor, a CPU is the brains of
a computer. And the components of the
● The CU provide several

● It fetches, decodes, and

executes instructions

● It issues control signal

1 Control hardware

unit (CU) ● It moves data arount the

● It performs arithmetic and
logical operations (decisions).
The ALU is where calculations
are done and where decisions are

●It acts as a gateway between

primary memory and secondary
storage . Data transferred
2. arithmetic between them passes through the
logic unit
● Registers are small amounts of
high-speed memory contained
within the CPU. They are used by
the processor to store small
amounts of data that are needed
during processing, such as:

●the address of the next

instruction to be executed
●the current instruction being
3. Registers ●the results of calculations
●Cache is a small amount of high-
speed random access memory
(RAM) built directly within the
processor. It is used to temporarily
hold data and instructions that the
processor is likely to reuse. This
allows for faster processing as the
processor does not have to wait for
the data and instructions to be fetched
from the RAM.

4. Cache
● A bus is a high-speed internal
connection. Buses are used to send
control signals and data between the
processor and other components.
● Three types of bus are used:
● Address bus - carries memory
addresses from the processor to other
components such as primary memory
and input/output devices.
● Data bus - carries the actual data
between the processor and other
● Control bus - carries control signals
from the processor to other

5. Buses components. The control bus also

carries the clock's pulses.
● The CPU contains a clock which is used to
coordinate all of the computer's components.
The clock sends out a regular electrical pulse
which synchronises (keeps in time) all the
● The frequency of the pulses is known as
the clock speed. Clock speed is measured
in hertz. The higher the frequency, the more
instructions can be performed in any given
moment of time.
● In the 1980s, processors commonly ran at a
rate of between 3 megahertz (MHz) to 5 MHz,
which is 3 million to 5 million pulses or cycles
per second. Today, processors commonly run
at a rate of 3 gigahertz (GHz) to 5 GHz, which

6. Clock is 3 billion to 5 billion pulses or cycles per

The motherboard is defined as a circuit board for the
computer system, also called logic board or mainboard.
In the computer system, the biggest component is the
motherboard that controls all the components of the
computer system and establishes a link between all
Pictures of the
Keyboard Connectors are two 1. Mouse &  USB is the General-purpose
types basically. All PCs have
a Key board port connected Keyboard connection for PC. You can
find USB versions of many
directly to the motherboard. different devices, such as
The oldest, but still quite mice, keyboards, scanners,
common type, is a special cameras, and even printers.
DIN, and most PCs until a USB connector's distinctive
recently retained this style rectangular shape makes it
connector. The AT-style easily recognizable. 
keyboard connector is quickly
disappearing, being replaced
by the smaller mini DIN PS/2-
2. USB (Universal USB has a number of
features that makes it
style keyboard connector.
serial bus) particularly popular on PCs.
First, USB devices are hot
swappable. You can insert or
remove them without
restarting your system.
Most printers use a
3. Parallel The central processing unit,
special connector called a
parallel port. Parallel port
Port also called the
Mircoprocessor performs all
the calculations that take
carry data on more than place inside a pc. CPUs
one wire, as opposed to come in Variety of shapes
the serial port, which uses and sizes.
only one wire. Parallel Modern CPUs generate a lot
ports use a 25-pin female of heat and thus require a
DB connector. Parallel cooling fan or heat sink. The
ports are directly Cooling device (such as a
supported by the 4. CPU Chip cooling fan) is removable,
although some CPU
motherboard through a manufarctures sell the CPU
direct connection with a fan permanently
or through a dangle. attached.
It stores programs and
data currently being used
5. Ram Slots It connects to the computer
via a 34-pin ribbon cable,
which in turn connects to the
by the CPU. Ram is
motherboard. A floppy
measured in units called controller is one that is used
bytes. RAM has bee to control the floppy drive.
packaged in many different
ways. The most current
Package is called a 168-
pin DIMM (Dual Inline
Memory Module) 6. Floppy
Industry standards define two 7. IDE Inter introduced the
common types of hard drives:
EIDE and SCSI. Controller Peripheral component
interconnect bus protocol.
The PCI bus is used to
Majority of the PCs use EIDE connect I/O devices (such
drives. SCSI drives show up in as NIC or RAID controllers)
high end PCs such as network to the main logic of the
servers or graphical computer. PCI bus has
workstations. replaced the ISA bus.

THE EIDE drive connects to the

hard drive via a 2-inch-wide, 40
pin cable, which in turn
8. PCI slot
connects to the motherboard.
IDE controller is responsible for
controlling the hard drive.
Industry Standard Architecture
It is the standard architecture 9. ISA slot To provide CMOS with the
power when the computer is
of the Expansion bus. turned off all the
motherboards comes with a
Motherboard may contain a battery. These batteries
some slots to connect ISA mount on the motherboard
compatible cards. in one of three ways: the
obsolete external battery,
the most common onboard
battery, and built-in battery.
10. CMOS
If you have a modern
motherboard, you will almost 11. AGP Slot To Install the CPU, Just slide
it straight down into the slot.
certainly notice a single Special notches in the slot
connector that looks like a PCI make it impossible to install
slot, but is slightly shorter and them incorrectly. So
usually brown. remember if it does not go
easily, it is probably not
You will almost certainly notice correct. Be sure to plug in
a single connector that looks the CPU fan’s power.
like PCI slot, but Slightly shorter
and usually brown.

You also probably have a video

12. CPU Slot
card inserted into this slot.

This is an Advanced Graphics

Port (AGP) slot.
13. Power Supply
Plug In

The Power supply, as its name implies,

provides the necessary electrical power to
make the pc operate. The power supply
takes standard 110-V AC power and
converts into 12-Volt, and 3.3-Volt DC
Solid State
Drive (SSD)
Solid state drive
What is an SSD?
An SSD, or solid-state drive, is a type of
storage device used in computers. This non Durability and reliability
volatile storage media stores persistent data of an SSD.
on solid-state flash memory. SSDs replace
traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) in SSDs are faster than hard
computers and perform the same basic drives.
functions as a hard drive. But SSDs are
significantly faster in comparison. With an Power and energy
SSD, the device’s operating system will boot efficient
up more rapidly, programs will load quicker
and files can be saved faster.
More practictal
Sizes/Form factors
Components and Definition
SSD Flash
An SSD controller, also referred to as a
a processor, inclues the electronics that
bridge the Flash memory components to
the SSD input/ouput interfaces.

The Controller is an embedded processor

that executes firmware-level software.
NAND Flash

Is a type of non-volatile storage technology that

does not require power to retain data. An
everyday example would be a mobile phone, with
the NAND Flash (or the memory chip as it’s
sometime called) being where data files such as
photos, videos and music are stored on a micro
SD card
Hard Drive
A Hard drive is a piece of hardware
used to store digital content and data
on computers. Every computer has an
internal hard drive, but you can also get
external hard drives that can be used to
expand the storage of a computer.
The platters are the On larger hard
circular discs inside drives, several
the hard drive where platters are used to
the 1s and 0s that increase the overall
make up your files capacity of the
are stored. drive.

Platters are made Data is stored on

out of aluminum, the platters in
glass or ceramic tracks, sectors and
and have a cylinders to keep it
magnetic surface organized and
in order to easier to find.
permanently store
The Spindle
The Spindle keeps A typical internal
the platters in desktop drive runs
position and rotates at 7,200 RPM,
them as required. though faster and
slower speeds are
The revolutions-per- available.
minute rating
determines how fast The Spindle Keeps
data can be written the platters at a
to and read from the fixed distance apart
hard drive. from each other to
enable the
read/write arm to
gain access.
The Read/Write Arm
The arm makes
sure the heads are
The Read/write arm in the right position
controls the base on the data
movement of the that needs to be
read/write heads, accessed or
which do the actual written; It’s also
reading and writing known as the head
on the desk platters arm or actuator
by converting the arm.
magnetic surface
into an electric There is typically
current. one read/write
head for every
platter side which
floats 3 to 20
millionths of an inch
above the platter
The Actuator or head It’s responsible for
actuator is a small ensuring the
motor that takes read/write heads
instruction from the are in exactly the
drive’s circuit board right place at all
to control the times.
movement of the
read/write arm and
supervise the
transfer of data to
and from the platters.
Other Components
As well as the casing No matter what the
on the outside of the type of drive, it has
hard disk that holds one port for a
all of the power supply and
components one port for
together, the front transferring data
end circuit board and instructions to
controls input and and from the rest of
output signals in the system
tandem with the
ports at the end of
the drive.
Graphic Cards

A Graphic card tends to increase the system
performance to a greater extent

The main purpose of graphics card is to
allow playing graphically demanding
What Does a Graphics Card Do in a

The graphics processing unit (GPU), also called graphics card or video
card, is a specialized electronic circuit that accelerates the creation and
rendering of images, video, and animations. It performs fast math
calculations while freeing the CPU to perform other task.
Components of the Graphic Card
● Video Memory
● Video BIOS
● RAMDAC (RAM digital to
analog converter)
● Motherboard interface
● Output interfaces
Video Memory capacity varies from 2 GB to 32 GB
and even larger in modern times.

Since the video memory needs to be accessed by the

display circuitry and the GPU, it usually make use of
Video Memory high-speed or multi-port memory like VRAM (video
RAM), WRAM (Windows RAM) and SGRAM
(synchronous graphic RAM).
Video BIOS contains a minimal program for the
initial setup as well as control of the graphics card.

It might also contain info on the operating speeds,

memory timing voltages of the RAM (random
Video BIOS access memory), Graphics processor and other
information which can be changed.
RAMDAC (RAM digital-to-analog converter)

The RAMDAC is a kind of RAM chip which

regulates the functioning of the graphics card.

It converts digital signals to analog signals for

computer displays which analog inputs like CRT
RAMDAC (Cathode ray tube) Displays.

Since digital computer displays become more and

more popular, the RAMDACs are beginning to
disappear from video cards.

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