Teaching Methodology For Literature

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By: Miss Sundus Shakeel


• The literature component in English is aimed at enhancing students’ language

proficiency, and it is also geared for the purpose of generating the aesthetic part
of the language that is personal response from students.
• The English language Curriculum Specifications stated that the aim of
literature is not only meant to address the interpersonal, informational aesthetic
value of learning but also the learning of the English language in general.

• To enable students to improve their proficiency through reading, respond to

text, draw lessons and insights from slices of life, understand and appreciate
other culture, relate to events, characters and own life as well as expose
students to models of good writing.
• Literature in Education is aimed at developing the potential of students in a
holistic, balanced and integrated manner encompassing the intellectual,
spiritual, emotional and physical aspects in order to create a balanced and
harmonious human being with high social standards.

• Hence, the implementation of children’s literature would help children to

expand their imagination and to acquire literacy in their learning.
• Literature is meant to be enjoyed, as literature can be employed as a tool to
promote literacy and proficiency in the language. It assists students to deal with
problem of social, cultural, racial or problem that deals with life in the real

• In literature teachers role is very important and more than just a guider.
• The teachers should read the story thoroughly with students and highlights the
storyline, characters, message, or moral of the story.
• Teachers are required to perform activity and encouraged to develop
worksheet for students, as well as plan activities that students can be placed in
their portfolio.
• Teachers are recommended to discuss new vocabulary in order to help students
to understand the poem, and to use the text to teach aspects of language in the

• Teachers are advised to keep portfolio that has the components of:
• (1) Table of Contents
• (2) Pupil’s Work
• (3) Dates
• (4) Drafts and Final Pieces
• (5) Reflections
• Students are encouraged to carry out self assessment to reflect on their own

• Carter, R. and Long (1991) stated that there are three models in the teaching of
• (1) The Cultural Model which view literature as a teacher-centered and source of
facts where teacher delegates knowledge and information to students
• (2) The Language Model which allows teacher to employ strategies used in
language teaching to deconstruct literary texts in order to serve specific linguistic
• (3) The Personal Growth Model where the focus is on a particular use of language
in a text and in a specific cultural context. These models have been incorporated in
various approaches in the teaching of literature.

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