Review 1
Review 1
Review 1
Team – 1
Alarm Clock Warriors
Guide-: Dr. Swagat kumar Samantaray
Team Members
• While chatbots have shown some positive results in helping people cope with
mental health issues, there are yet deep concerns regarding such chatbots in terms
of their ability to identify emergency situations and act accordingly.
• First of all we have introduced our project that is related to chatbot designing
• This chatbot is designed to help the students who are depressed and sad due to their low scores in
the competitive exams like CAT, NEET, JEE. In this current situation, when everyone searches for just
one person to interact with them for the sake of sharing their thoughts and emotions we are here with
a device which will interact and will also help to reduce stress. It will motivate them to move forward
and live their life happily as low marks doesn’t mean that this is the end of your life.
• The speciality of our project is that we have made it in such a way that will remove stress of the person by just
talking to him/her. It will make them feel that they are having a friend with them to talk and to share there thoughts
with. Without judging them it will provide a feasible and favourable solution for the problem that they are facing in
that current situation.
• According to real time usage of chatbots, “A bot’s mission is to make human life better, to provide a helping hand,
and to do so proficiently and courteously.”
• Methodology: these are the other bots which are used by different organisations for the purpose of providing
quality education to the students.They interact with the pupils and after understanding there problems they suggest
them various solutions too.
Implementation and coding :-