Review 1

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Wonder - Bot

Team – 1
Alarm Clock Warriors
Guide-: Dr. Swagat kumar Samantaray
Team Members

Mimansa Bhargava Prachi Jain

20BHI10041 20BHI10049

Khushi Ojha Ashfiya Khan

20BHI10053 20BHI10057

• Chatbots potentially address deficits in availability of the traditional health

workforce and could help to stem concerning rates of youth mental health issues
including high suicide rates.

• While chatbots have shown some positive results in helping people cope with
mental health issues, there are yet deep concerns regarding such chatbots in terms
of their ability to identify emergency situations and act accordingly.

• Risk of suicide/self-harm is one such concern which we have addressed in this

project. A chatbot decides its response based on the text input from the user and
must correctly recognize the significance of a given input. We have designed a
self-harm classifier which could use the user's response to the chatbot and predict
Whether the response indicates intent for self-harm.
Continuation with zeroth review PPT-:

• First of all we have introduced our project that is related to chatbot designing

• This chatbot is designed to help the students who are depressed and sad due to their low scores in
the competitive exams like CAT, NEET, JEE. In this current situation, when everyone searches for just
one person to interact with them for the sake of sharing their thoughts and emotions we are here with
a device which will interact and will also help to reduce stress. It will motivate them to move forward
and live their life happily as low marks doesn’t mean that this is the end of your life.

• We are designing this by using some python libraries. They are:

 Datetime
 Web browser
 Pyttsx3
 Wikipedia
 Pygame
 Speech recognisation
 And we have made this project on Pycharm i.e it is our IDE.
• The only limitation of this project is that it needs to be connected to the internet for any kind of feedback or

• The speciality of our project is that we have made it in such a way that will remove stress of the person by just
talking to him/her. It will make them feel that they are having a friend with them to talk and to share there thoughts
with. Without judging them it will provide a feasible and favourable solution for the problem that they are facing in
that current situation.

• According to real time usage of chatbots, “A bot’s mission is to make human life better, to provide a helping hand,
and to do so proficiently and courteously.”

• Methodology: these are the other bots which are used by different organisations for the purpose of providing
quality education to the students.They interact with the pupils and after understanding there problems they suggest
them various solutions too.

•   • Mongoose Harmony by Drift

• Amazon’s QnABot
• IBM’s Watson
• HubBot by HubSpot
Literature Review:-

This unit is the front end of the system. It is responsible for

collecting the user queries from the user which are the input to
the system. It is also responsible for displaying the system
generated results to the user. Therefore, it can be said that the
chat interface is the face of the system through which the
entire communication takes place. It is the mediator of
conversation between the system and the user.
Module Description:-
A "module" in ]project-open[ is a high-level description of a
functional area, consisting of a group of processes describing
the functionality of the module and a group of packages
 implementing the functionality.

Module Work flow explanation:

We have designed a simple GUI using the Python Tk inter module using which we will
create a text box and button to submit user intent and on the action, we will build a
function where we will match the user intent and respond to him on his intent.
First we have created a blank window, After that, we created a text field using the entry
method and a Button widget which on triggering calls the function send, and in return, it
gets the chatbot response. We have used a basic If-else control statement to build a
simple rule-based chatbot. And you can interact with the chatbot by running the application
from the interface and you can see the output as below figure.
Chat – Chat is a class that contains
Chat – Chat
complete logic is a class that contains
for processing the text
data which the chatbot receives the
complete logic for processing andtext
find which
useful the chatbot
information outreceives
of it. and
find useful information out of it.

reflections – Another import we have done is

reflections – Another
which import we
is a dictionary have done
containing is input
and which outputs. 
corresponding is a dictionary containing basic input
and corresponding outputs. 

After importing the libraries, First, we have created rules.

After creating pairs of rules, we have defined a function to initiate the chat process. The
function is very simple which first greets the user, and asks for any help. 
Demo video -
Implementation and coding :-

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